MCP Terminal Server

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2025 Google LLC # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Standalone convenience script used to massage the The `py/packages/genkit/src/genkit/core/` file is generated by datamodel-codegen. However, since the tool doesn't currently provide options to generate exactly the kind of code we need, we use this convenience script to parse the Python source code, walk the AST, modify it to include the bits we need and regenerate the code for eventual use within our codebase. Transformations applied: - We remove the model_config attribute from classes that ineherit from RootModel. - We add the `populate_by_name=True` parameter to ensure serialization uses camelCase for attributes since the JS implementation uses camelCase and Python uses snake_case. The codegen pass is configured to generate snake_case for a Pythonic API but serialize to camelCase in order to be compatible with runtimes. - We add a license header - We add a header indicating that this file has been generated by a code generator pass. - We add the ability to use forward references. - Add docstrings if missing. """ import ast import sys from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path class ModelConfigRemover(ast.NodeTransformer): """AST transformer to remove model_config from RootModel classes. This class traverses the AST and removes model_config assignments from RootModel classes while preserving them in other classes. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the ModelConfigRemover.""" self.modified = False def is_rootmodel_class(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> bool: """Check if a class definition is a RootModel class. Args: node: The AST node representing a class definition. Returns: True if the class inherits from RootModel, False otherwise. """ for base in node.bases: if isinstance(base, ast.Name) and == 'RootModel': return True elif isinstance(base, ast.Subscript): value = base.value if isinstance(value, ast.Name) and == 'RootModel': return True return False def create_model_config( self, extra_forbid: bool = True, populate_by_name: bool = True ) -> ast.Assign: """Create a model_config assignment with the specified options.""" keywords = [] if extra_forbid: keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg='extra', value=ast.Constant(value='forbid')) ) if populate_by_name: keywords.append( ast.keyword( arg='populate_by_name', value=ast.Constant(value=True) ) ) return ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='model_config')], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='ConfigDict'), args=[], keywords=keywords ), ) def has_model_config(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> bool: """Check if a class already has a model_config assignment.""" for item in node.body: if isinstance(item, ast.Assign): targets = item.targets if len(targets) == 1 and isinstance(targets[0], ast.Name): if targets[0].id == 'model_config': return True return False def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> ast.ClassDef: # noqa: N802 """Visit class definitions and handle model_config based on class type. This method removes model_config assignments from RootModel classes while preserving them in other classes. Args: node: The AST node representing a class definition. Returns: The modified class definition node. """ if self.is_rootmodel_class(node): # Filter out model_config assignments for RootModel classes node.body = [ stmt for stmt in node.body if not ( isinstance(stmt, ast.Assign) and any( isinstance(target, ast.Name) and == 'model_config' for target in stmt.targets ) ) ] self.modified = True else: # For non-RootModel classes that inherit from BaseModel if any( isinstance(base, ast.Name) and == 'BaseModel' for base in node.bases ): if not self.has_model_config(node): # Add model_config with populate_by_name=True node.body.insert(0, self.create_model_config()) self.modified = True else: # Update existing model_config to include # populate_by_name=True new_body = [] for item in node.body: if isinstance(item, ast.Assign): targets = item.targets if len(targets) == 1 and isinstance( targets[0], ast.Name ): if targets[0].id == 'model_config': new_body.append(self.create_model_config()) self.modified = True continue new_body.append(item) node.body = new_body return node class ClassTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer): """AST transformer that modifies class definitions.""" def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> ast.ClassDef: # noqa: N802 """Visit and transform a class definition node. Args: node: The ClassDef AST node to transform. Returns: The transformed ClassDef node. """ # First apply base class transformations node = super().generic_visit(node) # Check if class has a docstring has_docstring = False if node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Expr): if isinstance(node.body[0].value, ast.Str): has_docstring = True # Add docstring if missing if not has_docstring: # Generate a more descriptive docstring based on class type if any( == 'RootModel' for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, ast.Name) ): docstring = ( f'Root model for {"_", " ")}.' ) elif any( == 'BaseModel' for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, ast.Name) ): docstring = ( f'Model for {"_", " ")} data.' ) elif any( == 'Enum' for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, ast.Name) ): n ='_', ' ') docstring = f'Enumeration of {n} values.' else: docstring = f'{} data type class.' node.body.insert(0, ast.Expr(value=ast.Str(s=docstring))) # Remove model_config from RootModel classes if any( == 'RootModel' for base in node.bases if isinstance(base, ast.Name) ): node.body = [ stmt for stmt in node.body if not ( isinstance(stmt, ast.AnnAssign) and isinstance(, ast.Name) and == 'model_config' ) ] return node def add_header(content: str) -> str: """Add the generated header to the content.""" header = '''# Copyright {year} Google LLC # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # DO NOT EDIT: Generated by `generate_schema_typing` from `genkit-schemas.json`. """Schema types module defining the core data models for Genkit. This module contains Pydantic models that define the structure and validation for various data types used throughout the Genkit framework, including messages, actions, tools, and configuration options. """ from __future__ import annotations ''' return header.format( + content def process_file(filename: str) -> None: """Process a Python file to remove model_config from RootModel classes. This function reads a Python file, processes its AST to remove model_config from RootModel classes, and writes the modified code back to the file. Args: filename: Path to the Python file to process. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the input file does not exist. SyntaxError: If the input file contains invalid Python syntax. """ path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): print(f'Error: File not found: {filename}') sys.exit(1) try: with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: source = tree = ast.parse(source) model_transformer = ModelConfigRemover() modified_tree = model_transformer.visit(tree) class_transformer = ClassTransformer() modified_tree = class_transformer.visit(modified_tree) if ( hasattr(model_transformer, 'modified') and model_transformer.modified ) or ( hasattr(class_transformer, 'modified') and class_transformer.modified ): # Format the modified code ast.fix_missing_locations(modified_tree) modified_source = ast.unparse(modified_tree) src = add_header(modified_source) with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(src) print(f'Successfully processed {filename}') else: # Even if no AST modifications, still write back to add the header. path.write_text(add_header(source), encoding='utf-8') print(f'Added header to {filename}') except SyntaxError as e: print(f'Error: Invalid Python syntax in {filename}: {e}') sys.exit(1) def main() -> None: """Main entry point for the script. This function processes command line arguments and calls the appropriate functions to process the schema types file. Usage: python <filename> """ if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('Usage: python <filename>') sys.exit(1) process_file(sys.argv[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()