MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { devLocalIndexerRef, devLocalRetrieverRef, } from '@genkit-ai/dev-local-vectorstore'; import fileTypeChecker from 'file-type-checker'; import fs from 'fs'; import { Document, z } from 'genkit'; import { chunk } from 'llm-chunk'; import path from 'path'; import { PDFDocument, PDFRawStream } from 'pdf-lib'; import pdf from 'pdf-parse'; import { ai } from './genkit.js'; import { augmentedMultimodalPrompt } from './prompt.js'; //import { ExecutablePrompt } from '@genkit-ai/ai'; export const pdfMultimodalRetriever = devLocalRetrieverRef('multiModalIndex'); export const pdfMultimodalIndexer = devLocalIndexerRef('multiModalIndex'); // Define a multimodal PDF QA flow // (Index a PDF first) export const multimodalPdfQAFlow = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'multimodalPdfQuestions', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string(), }, async (query: string, { sendChunk }) => { const docs = (await ai.retrieve({ retriever: pdfMultimodalRetriever, query, options: { k: 3 }, })) as Document[]; return augmentedMultimodalPrompt( { question: query, text: docs.filter((d) => d.text?.length).map((d) => d.text), media: docs .filter( (d) =>[0]?.url?.length &&[0]?.contentType?.length ) .map((d) => { if ([0].url?.startsWith('gs://') ||[0].url?.startsWith('http') ) { return { gcsUrl:[0]?.url, contentType:[0]?.contentType, }; } return { dataUrl: makeDataUrl([0]), }; }), }, { onChunk: (c) => sendChunk(c.text), } ).then((r) => r.text); } ); function isObject(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> { return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null; } function makeDataUrl(media: unknown) { if (isObject(media)) { if ( typeof media.contentType === 'string' && media.contentType.length > 0 && typeof media.url === 'string' && media.url.length > 0 ) { return `data:${media.contentType};base64,${media.url}`; } else { throw new Error( 'Failed to make data URL. Invalid or missing contentType or url' ); } } throw new Error( 'Failed to make data URL. Unexpected media type: ' + typeof media ); } const chunkingConfig = { minLength: 800, // number of minimum characters into chunk maxLength: 1000, // number of maximum characters into chunk splitter: 'sentence', // paragraph | sentence overlap: 100, // number of overlap chracters delimiters: '', // regex for base split method } as any; // Define a flow to index documents into the "vector store" // genkit flow:run indexMultimodalPdf '"./docs/BirthdayPets.pdf"' export const indexMultimodalPdf = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'indexMultimodalPdf', inputSchema: z.string().describe('PDF file path'), }, async (filePath: string) => { let documents: Document[] = []; if (filePath.startsWith('gs://') || filePath.startsWith('http')) { // non local file, use url for pdf file // e.g gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/pdf/2403.05530.pdf documents = [Document.fromMedia(filePath, 'application/pdf')]; } else { // local file (e.g. ./docs/BirthdayPets.pdf) // use data URLs for images filePath = path.resolve(filePath); const pdfTxt = await'extract-text', () => extractText(filePath)); const chunks = await'chunk-it', async () => chunk(pdfTxt, chunkingConfig) ); const imageDocs = await'extract-images', () => extractImages(filePath) ); const textDocs: Document[] = string) => { return Document.fromText(text, { filePath }); }); documents = imageDocs.concat(textDocs); } await ai.index({ indexer: pdfMultimodalIndexer, documents, }); } ); async function extractImages(filePath: string): Promise<Document[]> { const imgDocs: Document[] = []; const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(fs.readFileSync(filePath)); const indirectObjects = pdfDoc.context.enumerateIndirectObjects(); for (const [ref, obj] of indirectObjects) { if (obj instanceof PDFRawStream) { const detectedFileInfo = fileTypeChecker.detectFile(obj.contents); if ( detectedFileInfo?.mimeType && detectedFileInfo?.mimeType.startsWith('image/') ) { const base64 = Buffer.from(obj.contents).toString('base64'); imgDocs.push(Document.fromMedia(base64, detectedFileInfo.mimeType)); } } } return imgDocs; } async function extractText(filePath: string) { const dataBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const data = await pdf(dataBuffer); return data.text; }