MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { genkit, z } from 'genkit'; const ai = genkit({}); /** * To run this flow; * genkit flow:run basic "\"hello\"" */ export const basic = ai.defineFlow('basic', async (subject) => { const foo = await'call-llm', async () => { return `subject: ${subject}`; }); return await'call-llm1', async () => { return `foo: ${foo}`; }); }); export const parent = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'parent', outputSchema: z.string() }, async () => { return JSON.stringify(await basic('foo')); } ); export const withInputSchema = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'withInputSchema', inputSchema: z.object({ subject: z.string() }) }, async (input) => { const foo = await'call-llm', async () => { return `subject: ${input.subject}`; }); return await'call-llm1', async () => { return `foo: ${foo}`; }); } ); export const withContext = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'withContext', inputSchema: z.object({ subject: z.string() }), }, async (input, { context }) => { return `subject: ${input.subject}, context: ${JSON.stringify(context)}`; } ); // genkit flow:run streamy 5 -s export const streamy = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'streamy', inputSchema: z.number(), outputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.object({ count: z.number() }), }, async (count, { sendChunk }) => { let i = 0; for (; i < count; i++) { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); sendChunk({ count: i }); } return `done: ${count}, streamed: ${i} times`; } ); // genkit flow:run streamy 5 -s export const streamyThrowy = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'streamyThrowy', inputSchema: z.number(), outputSchema: z.string(), streamSchema: z.object({ count: z.number() }), }, async (count, { sendChunk }) => { let i = 0; for (; i < count; i++) { if (i == 3) { throw new Error('whoops'); } await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); sendChunk({ count: i }); } return `done: ${count}, streamed: ${i} times`; } ); /** * To run this flow; * genkit flow:run throwy "\"hello\"" */ export const throwy = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'throwy', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string() }, async (subject) => { const foo = await'call-llm', async () => { return `subject: ${subject}`; }); if (subject) { throw new Error(subject); } return await'call-llm', async () => { return `foo: ${foo}`; }); } ); /** * To run this flow; * genkit flow:run throwy2 "\"hello\"" */ export const throwy2 = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'throwy2', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.string() }, async (subject) => { const foo = await'call-llm', async () => { if (subject) { throw new Error(subject); } return `subject: ${subject}`; }); return await'call-llm', async () => { return `foo: ${foo}`; }); } ); export const flowMultiStepCaughtError = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'flowMultiStepCaughtError' }, async (input) => { let i = 1; const result1 = await'step1', async () => { return `${input} ${i++},`; }); let result2 = ''; try { result2 = await'step2', async () => { if (result1) { throw new Error('Got an error!'); } return `${result1} ${i++},`; }); } catch (e) {} return await'step3', async () => { return `${result2} ${i++}`; }); } ); export const multiSteps = ai.defineFlow( { name: 'multiSteps', inputSchema: z.string(), outputSchema: z.number() }, async (input) => { const out1 = await'step1', async () => { return `Hello, ${input}! step 1`; }); await'step1', async () => { return `Hello2222, ${input}! step 1`; }); const out2 = await'step2', out1, async () => { return out1 + ' Faf '; }); const out3 = await'step3-array', async () => { return [out2, out2]; }); const out4 = await'step4-num', async () => { return out3.join('-()-'); }); return 42; } ); export const largeSteps = ai.defineFlow({ name: 'largeSteps' }, async () => { await'large-step1', async () => { return generateString(100_000); }); await'large-step2', async () => { return generateString(800_000); }); await'large-step3', async () => { return generateString(900_000); }); await'large-step4', async () => { return generateString(999_000); }); return 'something...'; }); const loremIpsum = [ 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit', ]; function generateString(length: number) { let str = ''; while (str.length < length) { str += loremIpsum[Math.floor(Math.random() * loremIpsum.length)] + ' '; } return str.substring(0, length); }