MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { CachedContent, StartChatParams } from '@google/generative-ai'; import assert from 'assert'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import { GenerateRequest, GenkitError } from 'genkit'; import { describe, it } from 'node:test'; import { CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS, DEFAULT_TTL, INVALID_ARGUMENT_MESSAGES, } from '../../src/context-caching/constants.js'; import { CacheConfigDetails } from '../../src/context-caching/types.js'; import { calculateTTL, extractCacheConfig, findLastIndex, generateCacheKey, getContentForCache, lookupContextCache, validateContextCacheRequest, } from '../../src/context-caching/utils'; describe('generateCacheKey', () => { it('should generate a SHA-256 hash for a given request object', () => { const request: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'Hello world' }], }, ], }; const expectedHash = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(request)) .digest('hex'); const result = generateCacheKey(request); assert.strictEqual( result, expectedHash, 'Generated hash does not match expected hash' ); }); it('should handle an empty `contents` array as input', () => { const request: CachedContent = { contents: [], }; const expectedHash = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(request)) .digest('hex'); const result = generateCacheKey(request); assert.strictEqual( result, expectedHash, 'Generated hash does not match expected hash for empty `contents` array' ); }); it('should generate different hashes for different objects', () => { const request1: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'First message' }], }, ], }; const request2: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'Second message' }], }, ], }; const hash1 = generateCacheKey(request1); const hash2 = generateCacheKey(request2); assert.notStrictEqual( hash1, hash2, 'Hashes for different objects should not match' ); }); it('should be consistent for the same input', () => { const request: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'Consistent message' }], }, ], }; const hash1 = generateCacheKey(request); const hash2 = generateCacheKey(request); assert.strictEqual(hash1, hash2, 'Hashes for the same object should match'); }); it('should handle nested parts correctly', () => { const request: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'user', parts: [ { text: 'Outer part', inlineData: undefined }, { text: 'Nested part', functionCall: undefined, }, ], }, ], }; const expectedHash = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(request)) .digest('hex'); const result = generateCacheKey(request); assert.strictEqual( result, expectedHash, 'Generated hash does not match expected hash for nested parts' ); }); it('should include optional properties if provided', () => { const request: CachedContent = { contents: [ { role: 'assistant', parts: [{ text: 'Hello from the assistant' }], }, ], model: 'gpt-4', displayName: 'test-cache', }; const expectedHash = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(JSON.stringify(request)) .digest('hex'); const result = generateCacheKey(request); assert.strictEqual( result, expectedHash, 'Generated hash does not match expected hash with optional properties' ); }); it('should handle malformed input gracefully', () => { const request: any = {}; // Malformed input const result = generateCacheKey(request); assert.ok(result, 'Should return a valid hash even for malformed input'); }); }); describe('getContentForCache', () => { it('should correctly retrieve cached content and updated chat request', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [ { role: 'system', content: [{ text: 'System message' }] }, { role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }, { role: 'model', content: [{ text: 'Response' }] }, // Added an assistant response ], }; const chatRequest: StartChatParams = { history: [ { role: 'system', parts: [{ text: 'System message' }] }, { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'User message' }] }, ], }; const modelVersion = 'gpt-4'; const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { endOfCachedContents: 0, cacheConfig: { ttlSeconds: 300 }, }; const result = getContentForCache( request, chatRequest, modelVersion, cacheConfigDetails ); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.cachedContent, { model: modelVersion, contents: [{ role: 'system', parts: [{ text: 'System message' }] }], }); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.chatRequest.history, [ { role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'User message' }] }, ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.cacheConfig, { ttlSeconds: 300 }); }); it('should work correctly with no cacheConfigDetails', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [ { role: 'system', content: [{ text: 'System message' }] }, { role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }, ], }; const chatRequest: StartChatParams = { history: [{ role: 'system', parts: [{ text: 'System message' }] }], }; const modelVersion = 'gpt-4'; const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { endOfCachedContents: 0, cacheConfig: true, }; const result = getContentForCache( request, chatRequest, modelVersion, cacheConfigDetails ); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.cachedContent, { model: modelVersion, contents: [{ role: 'system', parts: [{ text: 'System message' }] }], }); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.chatRequest.history, []); assert.strictEqual(result.cacheConfig, true); }); it('should throw an error if modelVersion is missing', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [{ role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }], }; const chatRequest: StartChatParams = { history: [{ role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }], }; const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { endOfCachedContents: 0, cacheConfig: true, }; assert.throws( () => { getContentForCache(request, chatRequest, '', cacheConfigDetails); }, (error: any) => error instanceof Error && error.message === 'No model version provided for context caching', 'Expected an error about missing model version' ); }); it('should throw an error if endOfCachedContents exceeds history length', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [{ role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }], }; const chatRequest: StartChatParams = { history: [{ role: 'user', parts: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }], }; const modelVersion = 'gpt-4'; const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { endOfCachedContents: 5, // Exceeds history length cacheConfig: true, }; assert.throws( () => { getContentForCache( request, chatRequest, modelVersion, cacheConfigDetails ); }, (error: any) => error instanceof Error && error.message === 'INTERNAL: Genkit request history and Gemini chat request history length do not match', 'Expected error for out-of-bounds endOfCachedContents' ); }); }); describe('findLastIndex', () => { it('should return the index of the last element that satisfies the callback', () => { const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element % 2 === 0); assert.strictEqual(result, 5, 'Last even number is at index 5'); }); it('should return -1 if no elements satisfy the callback', () => { const array = [1, 3, 5, 7]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element % 2 === 0); assert.strictEqual(result, -1, 'No even numbers, so result is -1'); }); it('should handle an empty array and return -1', () => { const array: number[] = []; const result = findLastIndex(array, () => true); assert.strictEqual(result, -1, 'Empty array should return -1'); }); it('should return the index of the last element matching a complex condition', () => { const array = [ { id: 1, value: 10 }, { id: 2, value: 15 }, { id: 3, value: 10 }, { id: 4, value: 20 }, ]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element.value === 10); assert.strictEqual(result, 2, 'Last object with value 10 is at index 2'); }); it('should return the index of the last element when multiple match', () => { const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element > 2); assert.strictEqual(result, 5, 'Last element greater than 2 is at index 5'); }); it('should pass the correct arguments to the callback', () => { const array = [1, 2, 3]; const indices: number[] = []; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element, index) => { indices.push(index); // Collect indices in reverse order return false; // Ensure all elements are checked }); assert.deepStrictEqual( indices, [2, 1, 0], 'Callback should check indices in reverse order' ); assert.strictEqual(result, -1, 'No matching element, result should be -1'); }); it('should handle an array with one element', () => { const array = [42]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element === 42); assert.strictEqual( result, 0, 'Single matching element should return index 0' ); }); it('should handle an array with all elements matching the condition', () => { const array = [5, 5, 5, 5]; const result = findLastIndex(array, (element) => element === 5); assert.strictEqual( result, 3, 'Last element matching condition is at index 3' ); }); }); describe('lookupContextCache', () => { it('should return the cached content if found on the first page', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => ({ cachedContents: [ { displayName: 'key1', data: 'value1' }, { displayName: 'key2', data: 'value2' }, ], nextPageToken: undefined, }), }; const result = await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key1'); assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { displayName: 'key1', data: 'value1' }); }); it('should return the cached content if found on subsequent pages', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => { if (!pageToken) { return { cachedContents: [{ displayName: 'key1', data: 'value1' }], nextPageToken: 'page2', }; } if (pageToken === 'page2') { return { cachedContents: [{ displayName: 'key2', data: 'value2' }], nextPageToken: undefined, }; } return { cachedContents: [], nextPageToken: undefined }; }, }; const result = await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key2'); assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { displayName: 'key2', data: 'value2' }); }); it('should return null if the cached content is not found', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => ({ cachedContents: [ { displayName: 'key1', data: 'value1' }, { displayName: 'key3', data: 'value3' }, ], nextPageToken: undefined, }), }; const result = await lookupContextCache( mockCacheManager as any, 'nonexistent-key' ); assert.strictEqual(result, null); }); it('should respect the maxPages limit and return null if not found', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => ({ cachedContents: [{ displayName: `key${pageToken}` }], nextPageToken: pageToken === 'page99' ? undefined : `page${parseInt(pageToken || '1') + 1}`, }), }; const result = await lookupContextCache( mockCacheManager as any, 'key100', 50 ); // Limit to 50 pages assert.strictEqual(result, null); }); it('should handle an empty response gracefully', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => ({ cachedContents: [], nextPageToken: undefined, }), }; const result = await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key1'); assert.strictEqual(result, null); }); it('should stop searching if no nextPageToken is provided', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async ({ pageSize, pageToken, }: { pageSize: number; pageToken?: string; }) => ({ cachedContents: [{ displayName: 'key1', data: 'value1' }], nextPageToken: undefined, }), }; const result = await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key2'); assert.strictEqual(result, null); }); it('should throw a GenkitError with the correct status and message on a network error', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async () => { throw new Error('Network Error'); }, }; try { await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key1');'Expected lookupContextCache to throw a GenkitError'); } catch (error) { assert.ok( error instanceof GenkitError, 'Error should be an instance of GenkitError' ); assert.strictEqual( error.status, 'INTERNAL', 'Error status should be "INTERNAL"' ); assert.strictEqual( error.message, 'INTERNAL: Error looking up context cache: Network Error', 'Error message should contain the network error details' ); } }); it('should throw a GenkitError with "Unknown Network Error" if error message is missing', async () => { const mockCacheManager = { list: async () => { throw {}; // Simulate an unknown error object }, }; try { await lookupContextCache(mockCacheManager as any, 'key1');'Expected lookupContextCache to throw a GenkitError'); } catch (error) { assert.ok( error instanceof GenkitError, 'Error should be an instance of GenkitError' ); assert.strictEqual( error.status, 'INTERNAL', 'Error status should be "INTERNAL"' ); assert.strictEqual( error.message, 'INTERNAL: Error looking up context cache: Unknown Network Error', 'Error message should indicate an unknown network error' ); } }); }); describe('validateContextCacheRequest', () => { it('should throw an error for empty modelVersion', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [], config: {}, }; assert.throws( () => validateContextCacheRequest(request, ''), (error: any) => error instanceof GenkitError && error.status === 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' && error.message === 'INVALID_ARGUMENT: ' + INVALID_ARGUMENT_MESSAGES.modelVersion ); }); it('should return true for valid model and request', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [], config: {}, }; const modelVersion = 'supported-model'; CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.push(modelVersion); const result = validateContextCacheRequest(request, modelVersion); assert.strictEqual(result, true); }); it('should throw an error for unsupported model version', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [], config: {}, }; const unsupportedModelVersion = 'unsupported-model'; // Reset and populate the supported models list CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.length = 0; CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.push( 'gemini-1.5-flash-001', 'gemini-1.5-pro-001' ); assert.throws( () => validateContextCacheRequest(request, unsupportedModelVersion), (error: any) => { if (!(error instanceof GenkitError)) { console.error('Error is not an instance of GenkitError:', error); return false; } // Updated expected message with "INVALID_ARGUMENT:" prefix const expectedMessage = 'INVALID_ARGUMENT: Model version is required for context caching, supported only in gemini-1.5-flash-001,gemini-1.5-pro-001 models.'; return ( error.status === 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' && error.message === expectedMessage ); }, 'Expected GenkitError with INVALID_ARGUMENT status and correct message' ); }); it('should throw an error if tools are present in the request', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [], tools: [{ name: 'test-tool', description: 'Test tool' }], }; const modelVersion = 'supported-model'; CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.push(modelVersion); assert.throws( () => validateContextCacheRequest(request, modelVersion), (error: any) => { if (!(error instanceof GenkitError)) { console.error('Error is not an instance of GenkitError:', error); return false; } // Add "INVALID_ARGUMENT:" prefix to the expected message const expectedMessage = 'INVALID_ARGUMENT: Context caching cannot be used simultaneously with tools.'; return ( error.status === 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' && error.message === expectedMessage ); }, 'Expected GenkitError with INVALID_ARGUMENT status and correct message' ); }); it('should throw an error if code execution is enabled in the request', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [], config: { codeExecution: true }, }; const modelVersion = 'supported-model'; CONTEXT_CACHE_SUPPORTED_MODELS.push(modelVersion); assert.throws( () => validateContextCacheRequest(request, modelVersion), (error: any) => { if (!(error instanceof GenkitError)) { console.error('Error is not an instance of GenkitError:', error); return false; } // Add "INVALID_ARGUMENT:" prefix to the expected message const expectedMessage = 'INVALID_ARGUMENT: Context caching cannot be used simultaneously with code execution.'; return ( error.status === 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' && error.message === expectedMessage ); }, 'Expected GenkitError with INVALID_ARGUMENT status and correct message' ); }); }); describe('extractCacheConfig', () => { it('should return null if no metadata.cache is present', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [{ metadata: {}, role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }] }], }; const result = extractCacheConfig(request); assert.strictEqual(result, null); }); it('should correctly extract cache config when metadata.cache is present', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [ { metadata: { cache: { ttlSeconds: 300 } }, role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }], }, { metadata: {}, role: 'model', content: [{ text: 'Response' }] }, ], }; const result = extractCacheConfig(request); assert.deepStrictEqual(result, { endOfCachedContents: 0, cacheConfig: { ttlSeconds: 300 }, }); }); it('should handle invalid metadata.cache structures gracefully', () => { const request: GenerateRequest<any> = { messages: [ { metadata: { cache: 'invalid' }, role: 'user', content: [{ text: 'Hello!' }], }, ], }; assert.throws(() => extractCacheConfig(request)); }); }); describe('calculateTTL', () => { it('should return the default TTL when cacheConfig is true', () => { const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { cacheConfig: true, endOfCachedContents: 0, }; const result = calculateTTL(cacheConfigDetails); assert.strictEqual(result, DEFAULT_TTL); }); it('should return 0 when cacheConfig is false', () => { const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { cacheConfig: false, endOfCachedContents: 0, }; const result = calculateTTL(cacheConfigDetails); assert.strictEqual(result, 0); }); it('should return the specified ttlSeconds value when present', () => { const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { cacheConfig: { ttlSeconds: 500 }, endOfCachedContents: 0, }; const result = calculateTTL(cacheConfigDetails); assert.strictEqual(result, 500); }); it('should return the default TTL when ttlSeconds is missing', () => { const cacheConfigDetails: CacheConfigDetails = { cacheConfig: {}, endOfCachedContents: 0, }; const result = calculateTTL(cacheConfigDetails); assert.strictEqual(result, DEFAULT_TTL); }); });