MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ValueType } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { hrTimeDuration, hrTimeToMilliseconds } from '@opentelemetry/core'; import { ReadableSpan } from '@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base'; import { GENKIT_VERSION, GenkitError } from 'genkit'; import { logger } from 'genkit/logging'; import { PathMetadata, toDisplayPath } from 'genkit/tracing'; import { MetricCounter, MetricHistogram, Telemetry, internalMetricNamespaceWrap, } from '../metrics.js'; import { createCommonLogAttributes, extractErrorName, truncate, truncatePath, } from '../utils.js'; class FeaturesTelemetry implements Telemetry { /** * Wraps the declared metrics in a Genkit-specific, internal namespace. */ private _N = internalMetricNamespaceWrap.bind(null, 'feature'); private featureCounter = new MetricCounter(this._N('requests'), { description: 'Counts calls to genkit features.', valueType: ValueType.INT, }); private featureLatencies = new MetricHistogram(this._N('latency'), { description: 'Latencies when calling Genkit features.', valueType: ValueType.DOUBLE, unit: 'ms', }); tick( span: ReadableSpan, paths: Set<PathMetadata>, logInputAndOutput: boolean, projectId?: string ): void { const attributes = span.attributes; const name = attributes['genkit:name'] as string; const path = attributes['genkit:path'] as string; const latencyMs = hrTimeToMilliseconds( hrTimeDuration(span.startTime, span.endTime) ); const isRoot = attributes['genkit:isRoot'] as boolean; if (!isRoot) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'FAILED_PRECONDITION', message: 'FeatureTelemetry tick called with non-root span.', }); } const state = attributes['genkit:state'] as string; if (state === 'success') { this.writeFeatureSuccess(name, latencyMs); } else if (state === 'error') { const errorName = extractErrorName( || '<unknown>'; this.writeFeatureFailure(name, latencyMs, errorName); } else { logger.warn(`Unknown state; ${state}`); return; } if (logInputAndOutput) { const input = truncate(attributes['genkit:input'] as string); const output = truncate(attributes['genkit:output'] as string); const sessionId = attributes['genkit:sessionId'] as string; const threadName = attributes['genkit:threadName'] as string; if (input) { this.writeLog( span, 'Input', name, path, input, projectId, sessionId, threadName ); } if (output) { this.writeLog( span, 'Output', name, path, output, projectId, sessionId, threadName ); } } } private writeFeatureSuccess(featureName: string, latencyMs: number) { const dimensions = { name: featureName, status: 'success', source: 'ts', sourceVersion: GENKIT_VERSION, }; this.featureCounter.add(1, dimensions); this.featureLatencies.record(latencyMs, dimensions); } private writeFeatureFailure( featureName: string, latencyMs: number, errorName: string ) { const dimensions = { name: featureName, status: 'failure', source: 'ts', sourceVersion: GENKIT_VERSION, error: errorName, }; this.featureCounter.add(1, dimensions); this.featureLatencies.record(latencyMs, dimensions); } private writeLog( span: ReadableSpan, tag: string, featureName: string, qualifiedPath: string, content: string, projectId?: string, sessionId?: string, threadName?: string ) { const path = truncatePath(toDisplayPath(qualifiedPath)); const sharedMetadata = { ...createCommonLogAttributes(span, projectId), path, qualifiedPath, featureName, sessionId, threadName, }; logger.logStructured(`${tag}[${path}, ${featureName}]`, { ...sharedMetadata, content, }); } } const featuresTelemetry = new FeaturesTelemetry(); export { featuresTelemetry };