MCP Terminal Server

/** * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Action, defineAction, GenkitError, getStreamingCallback, runWithStreamingCallback, stripUndefinedProps, z, } from '@genkit-ai/core'; import { logger } from '@genkit-ai/core/logging'; import { Registry } from '@genkit-ai/core/registry'; import { runInNewSpan, SPAN_TYPE_ATTR } from '@genkit-ai/core/tracing'; import { injectInstructions, resolveFormat, resolveInstructions, } from '../formats/index.js'; import { Formatter } from '../formats/types.js'; import { GenerateResponse, GenerateResponseChunk, GenerationResponseError, tagAsPreamble, } from '../generate.js'; import { GenerateActionOptions, GenerateActionOptionsSchema, GenerateActionOutputConfig, GenerateRequest, GenerateRequestSchema, GenerateResponseChunkData, GenerateResponseChunkSchema, GenerateResponseData, GenerateResponseSchema, ModelAction, ModelInfo, ModelMiddleware, ModelRequest, Part, resolveModel, Role, } from '../model.js'; import { resolveTools, ToolAction, toToolDefinition } from '../tool.js'; import { assertValidToolNames, resolveResumeOption, resolveToolRequests, } from './resolve-tool-requests.js'; export type GenerateAction = Action< typeof GenerateActionOptionsSchema, typeof GenerateResponseSchema, typeof GenerateResponseChunkSchema >; /** Defines (registers) a utilty generate action. */ export function defineGenerateAction(registry: Registry): GenerateAction { return defineAction( registry, { actionType: 'util', name: 'generate', inputSchema: GenerateActionOptionsSchema, outputSchema: GenerateResponseSchema, streamSchema: GenerateResponseChunkSchema, }, async (request, { sendChunk }) => { const generateFn = () => generate(registry, { rawRequest: request, currentTurn: 0, messageIndex: 0, // Generate util action does not support middleware. Maybe when we add named/registered middleware.... middleware: [], }); return sendChunk ? runWithStreamingCallback( registry, (c: GenerateResponseChunk) => sendChunk(c.toJSON ? c.toJSON() : c), generateFn ) : generateFn(); } ); } /** * Encapsulates all generate logic. This is similar to `generateAction` except not an action and can take middleware. */ export async function generateHelper( registry: Registry, options: { rawRequest: GenerateActionOptions; middleware?: ModelMiddleware[]; currentTurn?: number; messageIndex?: number; } ): Promise<GenerateResponseData> { let currentTurn = options.currentTurn ?? 0; let messageIndex = options.messageIndex ?? 0; // do tracing return await runInNewSpan( registry, { metadata: { name: 'generate', }, labels: { [SPAN_TYPE_ATTR]: 'util', }, }, async (metadata) => { = 'generate'; metadata.input = options.rawRequest; const output = await generate(registry, { rawRequest: options.rawRequest, middleware: options.middleware, currentTurn, messageIndex, }); metadata.output = JSON.stringify(output); return output; } ); } /** Take the raw request and resolve tools, model, and format into their registry action counterparts. */ async function resolveParameters( registry: Registry, request: GenerateActionOptions ) { const [model, tools, format] = await Promise.all([ resolveModel(registry, request.model, { warnDeprecated: true }).then( (r) => r.modelAction ), resolveTools(registry,, resolveFormat(registry, request.output), ]); return { model, tools, format }; } /** Given a raw request and a formatter, apply the formatter's logic and instructions to the request. */ function applyFormat( rawRequest: GenerateActionOptions, resolvedFormat?: Formatter ) { const outRequest = { ...rawRequest }; // If is schema is set but format is not explicitly set, default to `json` format. if (rawRequest.output?.jsonSchema && !rawRequest.output?.format) { outRequest.output = { ...rawRequest.output, format: 'json' }; } const instructions = resolveInstructions( resolvedFormat, outRequest.output?.jsonSchema, outRequest?.output?.instructions ); if (resolvedFormat) { if ( shouldInjectFormatInstructions(resolvedFormat.config, rawRequest?.output) ) { outRequest.messages = injectInstructions( outRequest.messages, instructions ); } outRequest.output = { // use output config from the format ...resolvedFormat.config, // if anything is set explicitly, use that ...outRequest.output, }; } return outRequest; } export function shouldInjectFormatInstructions( formatConfig?: Formatter['config'], rawRequestConfig?: z.infer<typeof GenerateActionOutputConfig> ) { return ( formatConfig?.defaultInstructions !== false || rawRequestConfig?.instructions ); } function applyTransferPreamble( rawRequest: GenerateActionOptions, transferPreamble?: GenerateActionOptions ): GenerateActionOptions { if (!transferPreamble) { return rawRequest; } return stripUndefinedProps({ ...rawRequest, messages: [ ...tagAsPreamble(transferPreamble.messages!)!, ...rawRequest.messages.filter((m) => !m.metadata?.preamble), ], toolChoice: transferPreamble.toolChoice || rawRequest.toolChoice, tools: ||, config: transferPreamble.config || rawRequest.config, }); } async function generate( registry: Registry, { rawRequest, middleware, currentTurn, messageIndex, }: { rawRequest: GenerateActionOptions; middleware: ModelMiddleware[] | undefined; currentTurn: number; messageIndex: number; } ): Promise<GenerateResponseData> { const { model, tools, format } = await resolveParameters( registry, rawRequest ); rawRequest = applyFormat(rawRequest, format); // check to make sure we don't have overlapping tool names *before* generation await assertValidToolNames(tools); const { revisedRequest, interruptedResponse, toolMessage: resumedToolMessage, } = await resolveResumeOption(registry, rawRequest); // NOTE: in the future we should make it possible to interrupt a restart, but // at the moment it's too complicated because it's not clear how to return a // response that amends history but doesn't generate a new message, so we throw if (interruptedResponse) { throw new GenkitError({ status: 'FAILED_PRECONDITION', message: 'One or more tools triggered an interrupt during a restarted execution.', detail: { message: interruptedResponse.message }, }); } rawRequest = revisedRequest!; const request = await actionToGenerateRequest( rawRequest, tools, format, model ); const previousChunks: GenerateResponseChunkData[] = []; let chunkRole: Role = 'model'; // convenience method to create a full chunk from role and data, append the chunk // to the previousChunks array, and increment the message index as needed const makeChunk = ( role: Role, chunk: GenerateResponseChunkData ): GenerateResponseChunk => { if (role !== chunkRole && previousChunks.length) messageIndex++; chunkRole = role; const prevToSend = [...previousChunks]; previousChunks.push(chunk); return new GenerateResponseChunk(chunk, { index: messageIndex, role, previousChunks: prevToSend, parser: format?.handler(request.output?.schema).parseChunk, }); }; const streamingCallback = getStreamingCallback(registry); // if resolving the 'resume' option above generated a tool message, stream it. if (resumedToolMessage && streamingCallback) { streamingCallback(makeChunk('tool', resumedToolMessage)); } const response = await runWithStreamingCallback( registry, streamingCallback && ((chunk: GenerateResponseChunkData) => streamingCallback(makeChunk('model', chunk))), async () => { const dispatch = async ( index: number, req: z.infer<typeof GenerateRequestSchema> ) => { if (!middleware || index === middleware.length) { // end of the chain, call the original model action return await model(req); } const currentMiddleware = middleware[index]; return currentMiddleware(req, async (modifiedReq) => dispatch(index + 1, modifiedReq || req) ); }; return new GenerateResponse(await dispatch(0, request), { request, parser: format?.handler(request.output?.schema).parseMessage, }); } ); // Throw an error if the response is not usable. response.assertValid(); const generatedMessage = response.message!; // would have thrown if no message const toolRequests = generatedMessage.content.filter( (part) => !!part.toolRequest ); if (rawRequest.returnToolRequests || toolRequests.length === 0) { if (toolRequests.length === 0) response.assertValidSchema(request); return response.toJSON(); } const maxIterations = rawRequest.maxTurns ?? 5; if (currentTurn + 1 > maxIterations) { throw new GenerationResponseError( response, `Exceeded maximum tool call iterations (${maxIterations})`, 'ABORTED', { request } ); } const { revisedModelMessage, toolMessage, transferPreamble } = await resolveToolRequests(registry, rawRequest, generatedMessage); // if an interrupt message is returned, stop the tool loop and return a response if (revisedModelMessage) { return { ...response.toJSON(), finishReason: 'interrupted', finishMessage: 'One or more tool calls resulted in interrupts.', message: revisedModelMessage, }; } // if the loop will continue, stream out the tool response message... streamingCallback?.( makeChunk('tool', { content: toolMessage!.content, }) ); let nextRequest = { ...rawRequest, messages: [...rawRequest.messages, generatedMessage.toJSON(), toolMessage!], }; nextRequest = applyTransferPreamble(nextRequest, transferPreamble); // then recursively call for another loop return await generateHelper(registry, { rawRequest: nextRequest, middleware: middleware, currentTurn: currentTurn + 1, messageIndex: messageIndex + 1, }); } async function actionToGenerateRequest( options: GenerateActionOptions, resolvedTools: ToolAction[] | undefined, resolvedFormat: Formatter | undefined, model: ModelAction ): Promise<GenerateRequest> { const modelInfo = model.__action.metadata?.model as ModelInfo; if ( ( ?? 0) > 0 && modelInfo?.supports && !modelInfo?.supports?.tools ) { logger.warn( `The model '${}' does not support tools (you set: ${} tools). ` + 'The model may not behave the way you expect.' ); } if ( options.toolChoice && modelInfo?.supports && !modelInfo?.supports?.toolChoice ) { logger.warn( `The model '${}' does not support the 'toolChoice' option (you set: ${options.toolChoice}). ` + 'The model may not behave the way you expect.' ); } const out: ModelRequest = { messages: options.messages, config: options.config, docs:, tools: resolvedTools?.map(toToolDefinition) || [], output: stripUndefinedProps({ constrained: options.output?.constrained, contentType: options.output?.contentType, format: options.output?.format, schema: options.output?.jsonSchema, }), }; if (options.toolChoice) { out.toolChoice = options.toolChoice; } if (out.output && !out.output.schema) delete out.output.schema; return out; } export function inferRoleFromParts(parts: Part[]): Role { const uniqueRoles = new Set<Role>(); for (const part of parts) { const role = getRoleFromPart(part); uniqueRoles.add(role); if (uniqueRoles.size > 1) { throw new Error('Contents contain mixed roles'); } } return Array.from(uniqueRoles)[0]; } function getRoleFromPart(part: Part): Role { if (part.toolRequest !== undefined) return 'model'; if (part.toolResponse !== undefined) return 'tool'; if (part.text !== undefined) return 'user'; if ( !== undefined) return 'user'; if ( !== undefined) return 'user'; throw new Error('No recognized fields in content'); }