MCP Terminal Server
by dillip285
- go
- genkit
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package genkit
import (
// conformanceTest describes a JSON format for language-independent testing
// of genkit flows ("conformance testing" for lack of a better term).
// All flows are functions from string to string.
type conformanceTest struct {
// Flow definition
Name string // name of the flow
Commands []command // a list of commands comprising the body of the flow
// Action input
// This is the input field in the body of the /api/runAction route.
// The key field is constructed from the flow name.
Input json.RawMessage
// Expected output
// These will unmarshal into untyped JSON (map[string]any, etc.), which
// facilitates comparing them in a general way. See compareJSON, below.
Result any
Trace any
// A command is one function to run as part of a flow.
type command struct {
// Append appends its value to the input.
Append *string
// Run calls [Run] with the given name and a function whose body executes the
// given command.
Run *struct {
Name string
Command *command
func (c *command) run(ctx context.Context, input string) (string, error) {
switch {
case c.Append != nil:
return input + *c.Append, nil
case c.Run != nil:
return Run(ctx, c.Run.Name, func() (string, error) {
return, input)
return "", errors.New("unknown command")
func TestFlowConformance(t *testing.T) {
testFiles, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.FromSlash("testdata/conformance/*.json"))
if err != nil {
if len(testFiles) == 0 {
t.Fatal("did not find any test files")
for _, filename := range testFiles {
t.Run(strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(filename), ".json"), func(t *testing.T) {
var test conformanceTest
if err := base.ReadJSONFile(filename, &test); err != nil {
// Each test uses its own registry to avoid interference.
r, err := registry.New()
if err != nil {
tc := tracing.NewTestOnlyTelemetryClient()
_ = defineFlow(r, test.Name, flowFunction(test.Commands))
key := fmt.Sprintf("/flow/%s", test.Name)
resp, err := runAction(context.Background(), r, key, test.Input, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
var result any
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &result); err != nil {
if diff := compareJSON(result, test.Result); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("result:\n%s", diff)
if test.Trace == nil {
gotTrace := tc.Traces[resp.Telemetry.TraceID]
var gotTraceAny map[string]any
gotTraceBytes, err := json.Marshal(gotTrace)
if err != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(gotTraceBytes, &gotTraceAny); err != nil {
renameSpans(t, gotTraceAny)
renameSpans(t, test.Trace)
if diff := compareJSON(gotTraceAny, test.Trace); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("trace:\n%s", diff)
// flowFunction returns a function that runs the list of commands.
func flowFunction(commands []command) core.Func[string, string, struct{}] {
return func(ctx context.Context, input string, cb noStream) (string, error) {
result := input
var err error
for i, cmd := range commands {
if i > 0 {
// Pause between commands to ensure the trace start times are different.
// See renameSpans for why this is necessary.
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
result, err =, result)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return result, nil
// renameSpans is given a trace, one of whose fields is a map from span ID to span.
// It changes the span map keys to s0, s1, ... in order of the span start time,
// as well as references to those IDs within the spans.
// This makes it possible to compare two span maps with different span IDs.
func renameSpans(t *testing.T, trace any) {
spans := trace.(map[string]any)["spans"].(map[string]any)
type item struct {
id string
t float64
var items []item
startTimes := map[float64]bool{}
for id, span := range spans {
m := span.(map[string]any)
startTime := m["startTime"].(float64)
if startTimes[startTime] {
t.Fatal("duplicate start times")
startTimes[startTime] = true
// Delete startTimes because we don't want to compare them.
delete(m, "startTime")
items = append(items, item{id, startTime})
slices.SortFunc(items, func(i1, i2 item) int {
return cmp.Compare(i1.t, i2.t)
oldIDToNew := map[string]string{}
for i, item := range items {
oldIDToNew[] = fmt.Sprintf("s%03d", i)
// Change old spanIDs to new.
// We cannot range over the map itself, because we change its keys in the loop.
for _, oldID := range maps.Keys(spans) {
span := spans[oldID].(map[string]any)
newID := oldIDToNew[oldID]
if newID == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing id: %q", oldID)
spans[newID] = span
delete(spans, oldID)
// A span references it own span ID and possibly its parent's.
span["spanId"] = oldIDToNew[span["spanId"].(string)]
if pid, ok := span["parentSpanId"]; ok {
span["parentSpanId"] = oldIDToNew[pid.(string)]
// compareJSON compares two unmarshaled JSON values.
// Each must be nil or of type string, float64, bool, []any or map[string]any;
// these are the types used by json.Unmarshal when there is no type information
// (that is, when unmarshaling into a value of type any).
// For maps, only keys in the "want" map are examined; any extra keys in the "got"
// map are ignored.
// If the "want" value is the string "$ANYTHING", then the corresponding "got" value can
// be any string.
// If a "want" map key is "_comment", no comparison is done.
func compareJSON(got, want any) string {
var problems []string
add := func(prefix, format string, args ...any) {
problems = append(problems, prefix+": "+fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
var compareJSON1 func(prefix string, got, want any)
compareJSON1 = func(prefix string, got, want any) {
if want == nil {
if got != nil {
add(prefix, "got %v, want nil", got)
if got == nil {
add(prefix, "got nil, want %v", want)
if gt, wt := reflect.TypeOf(got), reflect.TypeOf(want); gt != wt {
add(prefix, "got type %s, want %s", gt, wt)
switch want := want.(type) {
case string, float64, bool:
if got != want && want != "$ANYTHING" {
add(prefix, "\ngot %v\nwant %v", got, want)
case []any:
got := got.([]any)
if len(got) != len(want) {
add(prefix, "lengths differ")
for i, g := range got {
compareJSON1(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", prefix, i), g, want[i])
case map[string]any:
got := got.(map[string]any)
for k, wv := range want {
if k == "_comment" {
gv, ok := got[k]
if !ok {
add(prefix, "missing key: %q", k)
} else {
compareJSON1(prefix+"."+k, gv, wv)
add(prefix, "unknown type %T", want)
compareJSON1("", got, want)
return strings.Join(problems, "\n")