# Connect with us
We'd love to hear about your excperience with Genkit. Here's how you can get in
touch with us:
**Join the community:** Stay updated, ask questions, and share your work with
other Genkit users on the [Genkit Discord server](https://discord.gg/qXt5zzQKpc).
**Provide feedback:** Report issues with Genkit or the docs, or suggest new
features using our [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/firebase/genkit/issues).
**We're interested in learning things like:**
- Was it straightforward to set up and make your first `generate` call? If not,
how could we make it better?
- Were you able to build what you wanted? If not, what could we do to help?
- Is there any specific feature, documentation, or resource that's missing?
- Is there anything that's working particularly well for you?
Anything that isn't?
- Anything else that you'd like to share with us about your experience!