
by lamemind
import {z} from "zod"; function convertPropertyToZod(propSchema: any, isRequired: boolean = true): z.ZodType { let schema: z.ZodType; switch (propSchema.type) { case 'string': let stringSchema = z.string(); if (propSchema.pattern) stringSchema = stringSchema.regex(new RegExp(propSchema.pattern)); if (propSchema.minLength) stringSchema = stringSchema.min(propSchema.minLength); if (propSchema.maxLength) stringSchema = stringSchema.max(propSchema.maxLength); schema = stringSchema; break; case 'number': case 'integer': let numberSchema = propSchema.type === 'integer' ? z.number().int() : z.number(); if (propSchema.minimum !== undefined) numberSchema = numberSchema.min(propSchema.minimum); if (propSchema.maximum !== undefined) numberSchema = numberSchema.max(propSchema.maximum); schema = numberSchema; break; case 'boolean': schema = z.boolean(); break; case 'array': const itemSchema = propSchema.items ? convertPropertyToZod(propSchema.items) : z.any(); schema = z.array(itemSchema); break; case 'object': schema = z.object(jsonPropsToZodShape(, propSchema.required || [])); break; default: schema = z.any(); } return isRequired ? schema : schema.optional(); } function jsonPropsToZodShape(properties: Record<string, any>, required: string[] = []): z.ZodRawShape { const shape: z.ZodRawShape = {}; for (const [key, propSchema] of Object.entries(properties)) { const isRequired = required.includes(key); shape[key] = convertPropertyToZod(propSchema, isRequired); } return shape; } function convertJsonSchemaToZodShape(schema: any): z.ZodRawShape { if (schema.type !== 'object' || ! { throw new Error('Schema must be an object type with properties'); } return jsonPropsToZodShape(, schema.required || []); } export {convertJsonSchemaToZodShape};