by jacepark12
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Use uv run test_server.py to run this script
Simple test script to verify that the TickTick MCP server is configured correctly.
This will attempt to initialize the TickTick client and verify the credentials.
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from ticktick_mcp.src.ticktick_client import TickTickClient
from ticktick_mcp.authenticate import main as auth_main
def test_ticktick_connection():
"""Test the connection to TickTick API."""
print("Testing TickTick MCP server configuration...")
# Load environment variables
# Check environment variables
access_token = os.getenv("TICKTICK_ACCESS_TOKEN")
client_id = os.getenv("TICKTICK_CLIENT_ID")
client_secret = os.getenv("TICKTICK_CLIENT_SECRET")
if not client_id or not client_secret:
print("❌ ERROR: TICKTICK_CLIENT_ID or TICKTICK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables are not set.")
print("Please register your application at https://developer.ticktick.com/manage")
print("Then run 'uv run -m ticktick_mcp.cli auth' to set up your credentials.")
return False
if not access_token:
print("❌ ERROR: TICKTICK_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable is not set.")
print("Would you like to authenticate with TickTick now? (y/n): ", end="")
choice = input().lower().strip()
if choice == 'y':
# Run the auth flow
auth_result = auth_main()
if auth_result != 0:
# Auth failed
return False
# Reload the environment after authentication
print("Please run 'uv run -m ticktick_mcp.cli auth' to authenticate with TickTick.")
return False
# Initialize TickTick client
client = TickTickClient()
print("✅ Successfully initialized TickTick client.")
# Test API connectivity
projects = client.get_projects()
if 'error' in projects:
print(f"❌ ERROR: Failed to fetch projects: {projects['error']}")
print("Your access token may have expired. Try running 'uv run -m ticktick_mcp.cli auth' to refresh it.")
return False
print(f"✅ Successfully fetched {len(projects)} projects from TickTick.")
for i, project in enumerate(projects, 1):
print(f" - {project.get('name', 'Unnamed project')} (ID: {project.get('id', 'No ID')})")
print("\nThe TickTick MCP server is configured correctly!")
print("You can now run the server using 'uv run -m ticktick_mcp.cli run'")
print("Or configure Claude for Desktop to use it.")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"❌ ERROR: Failed to initialize TickTick client: {e}")
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = test_ticktick_connection()
sys.exit(0 if result else 1)