MCP Memory LibSQL

#!/usr/bin/env node import { DatabaseManager } from '../core.js'; import { databaseConfig } from '../../config/index.js'; import { logger } from '../../utils/logger.js'; import { EMBEDDING_DIMENSION } from '../../services/embedding-service.js'; /** * Migration script to fix the database schema to support the correct vector dimensions * This script will: * 1. Disable foreign key constraints * 2. Create backups of all tables (entities, observations, relations) * 3. Drop the existing tables in the correct order * 4. Create new tables with the updated vector dimension * 5. Restore the data from the backup tables (excluding incompatible embeddings) * 6. Re-enable foreign key constraints */ async function fixVectorDimension() {'Starting vector dimension fix...'); // Get database connection const config = databaseConfig; const dbManager = await DatabaseManager.getInstance(config); const client = dbManager.getClient(); try { // Start transaction const txn = await client.transaction('write'); try { // 1. Disable foreign key constraints'Disabling foreign key constraints...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;` }); // 2. Check if backup tables exist and drop them if they do'Checking for existing backup tables...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS entities_backup` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS observations_backup` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS relations_backup` }); // 3. Create backups of all tables'Creating backup of entities table...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `CREATE TABLE entities_backup AS SELECT * FROM entities` });'Creating backup of observations table...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `CREATE TABLE observations_backup AS SELECT * FROM observations` });'Creating backup of relations table...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `CREATE TABLE relations_backup AS SELECT * FROM relations` }); // 4. Drop existing tables in the correct order (respecting foreign key relationships)'Dropping existing tables...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS observations` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS relations` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS entities` }); // 5. Create new tables with updated vector dimension`Creating new entities table with ${EMBEDDING_DIMENSION} dimensions...`); await txn.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE entities ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, entity_type TEXT NOT NULL, embedding F32_BLOB(${EMBEDDING_DIMENSION}), -- Updated dimension created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ` });'Creating new observations table...'); await txn.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE observations ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, entity_name TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (entity_name) REFERENCES entities(name) ) ` });'Creating new relations table...'); await txn.execute({ sql: ` CREATE TABLE relations ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, source TEXT NOT NULL, target TEXT NOT NULL, relation_type TEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (source) REFERENCES entities(name), FOREIGN KEY (target) REFERENCES entities(name) ) ` }); // 6. Restore data from backups (excluding embeddings as they're incompatible)'Restoring entities data from backup (without embeddings)...'); await txn.execute({ sql: ` INSERT INTO entities (name, entity_type, created_at) SELECT name, entity_type, created_at FROM entities_backup ` });'Restoring observations data from backup...'); await txn.execute({ sql: ` INSERT INTO observations (entity_name, content, created_at) SELECT entity_name, content, created_at FROM observations_backup ` });'Restoring relations data from backup...'); await txn.execute({ sql: ` INSERT INTO relations (source, target, relation_type, created_at) SELECT source, target, relation_type, created_at FROM relations_backup ` }); // 7. Recreate indexes'Recreating indexes...'); await txn.execute({ sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_entities_name ON entities(name)' }); await txn.execute({ sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_observations_entity ON observations(entity_name)' }); await txn.execute({ sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_relations_source ON relations(source)' }); await txn.execute({ sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_relations_target ON relations(target)' }); await txn.execute({ sql: 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_entities_embedding ON entities(libsql_vector_idx(embedding))' }); // 8. Re-enable foreign key constraints'Re-enabling foreign key constraints...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;` }); // 9. Drop backup tables'Dropping backup tables...'); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE entities_backup` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE observations_backup` }); await txn.execute({ sql: `DROP TABLE relations_backup` }); // Commit transaction await txn.commit();'Vector dimension fix completed successfully!'); } catch (error) { // Rollback transaction on error await txn.rollback(); throw error; } } catch (error) { logger.error('Migration failed:', error); throw new Error(`Vector dimension fix failed: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } finally { // Close database connection await dbManager.close(); } } // Run migration fixVectorDimension() .then(() => {'Migration completed successfully'); process.exit(0); }) .catch((error) => { logger.error('Migration failed:', error); process.exit(1); });