Firebase MCP

by gannonh
/** * Firebase Configuration Module * * This module handles the initialization and configuration of Firebase Admin SDK. * It provides access to Firebase services like Firestore, Storage, and Authentication * through a centralized configuration. The module reads service account credentials * from the environment and initializes Firebase with appropriate settings. * * Environment variables used: * - SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH: Path to the Firebase service account key JSON file (required) * - FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET: Custom bucket name for Firebase Storage (optional) * * @module firebase-mcp/config */ import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'; import fs from 'fs'; /** * Initializes the Firebase Admin SDK with service account credentials. * This function handles the complete initialization process including: * - Checking for existing Firebase app instances * - Reading service account credentials from the specified path * - Determining the project ID and storage bucket name * - Initializing the Firebase Admin SDK with appropriate configuration * * @returns { | null} Initialized Firebase admin app instance or null if initialization fails * * @example * // Initialize Firebase * const app = initializeFirebase(); * if (app) { * console.log('Firebase initialized successfully'); * } else { * console.error('Firebase initialization failed'); * } */ function initializeFirebase(): | null { try { // Check if Firebase is already initialized to avoid duplicate initialization try { const existingApp =; if (existingApp) { return existingApp; } } catch (error) { // No existing app, continue with initialization } // Get service account path from environment variables const serviceAccountPath = process.env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH; // Validate service account path is provided if (!serviceAccountPath) { console.error('Firebase initialization skipped: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH is not set'); return null; } try { // Read and parse the service account key file const serviceAccount = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(serviceAccountPath, 'utf8')); const projectId = getProjectId(serviceAccountPath); // Validate project ID was found in the service account if (!projectId) { console.error('Firebase initialization failed: Could not determine project ID'); return null; } // Get bucket name from environment variable or use default format const storageBucket = process.env.FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET || `${projectId}`; console.error(`Initializing Firebase with bucket name: ${storageBucket}`); // Initialize Firebase Admin SDK with the service account and storage configuration return admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount as admin.ServiceAccount), storageBucket: storageBucket }); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; console.error(`Firebase initialization failed: ${errorMessage}`); return null; } } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; console.error(`Firebase initialization failed: ${errorMessage}`); return null; } } /** * Extracts the project ID from a Firebase service account key file. * This function reads the specified service account file and extracts the project_id field. * If no path is provided, it attempts to use the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH environment variable. * * @param {string} [serviceAccountPath] - Path to the service account key file * @returns {string} The Firebase project ID or an empty string if not found * * @example * // Get project ID from default service account path * const projectId = getProjectId(); * * @example * // Get project ID from a specific service account file * const projectId = getProjectId('/path/to/service-account.json'); */ function getProjectId(serviceAccountPath?: string): string { // Use provided path or fall back to environment variable if (!serviceAccountPath) { serviceAccountPath = process.env.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH; if (!serviceAccountPath) { console.error('Cannot get project ID: SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH is not set'); return ''; } } try { // Read and parse the service account file const serviceAccount = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(serviceAccountPath, 'utf8')); return serviceAccount.project_id || ''; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; console.error(`Failed to get project ID: ${errorMessage}`); return ''; } } // Initialize Firebase and get Firestore instance const adminApp = initializeFirebase(); const db = adminApp ? admin.firestore() : null; // Export the initialized services and utility functions export { db, admin, getProjectId };