Firebase MCP
by gannonh
# Firebase MCP Server

## Overview
The [Model Context Protocol (MCP)]( is an open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools. This MCP server provides a standardized interface to interact with Firebase services including:
- **Authentication**: User management and verification
- **Firestore**: Document database operations
- **Storage**: File storage and retrieval
The server exposes Firebase services through MCP tools, making them accessible to LLM clients including [Claude Desktop](, [Cursor](, [Roo Code](, and [Cline](, while handling authentication and connection management.
## Setup
> The easiest way to install the Firebase MCP server is to simply feed your LLM client (like Cline) the [](./ file.
### 1. Firebase Configuration
- Go to [Firebase Console](
- Navigate to Project Settings > Service Accounts
- Click "Generate new private key"
- Save the JSON file securely
### 2. Environment Variables
The server requires the following environment variables:
- `SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH`: Path to your Firebase service account key JSON file (required)
- `FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET`: Bucket name for Firebase Storage (optional)
- If not provided, defaults to `[projectId]`
### 3. Install MCP Server
Add the server configuration to your MCP settings file:
- Claude Desktop: `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
- Cursor: `[project root]/.cursor/mcp.json`
- Roo Code (VS Code Extension): (`~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/rooveterinaryinc.roo-cline/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json`)
- Cline (VS Code Extension): `~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json`
MCP Servers can be installed manually or at runtime via npx (recommended). How you install determines your configuration:
#### Configure for npx
"firebase-mcp": {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
"env": {
"SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH": "/absolute/path/to/serviceAccountKey.json",
#### Configure for local installation
"firebase-mcp": {
"command": "node",
"args": [
"env": {
"SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH": "/absolute/path/to/serviceAccountKey.json",
#### Manual Installation
##### Install Dependencies
git clone
cd firebase-mcp
npm install
##### Build the Project
npm run build
### Test your Installation
To make sure everything is working, simply prompt your client: `Please run through and test all of your Firebase MCP tools.`
## Features
### Authentication Tools
- `auth_get_user`: Get user details by ID or email
identifier: string // User ID or email address
### Firestore Tools
- `firestore_add_document`: Add a document to a collection
collection: string,
data: object
- `firestore_list_collections`: List available collections
documentPath?: string, // Optional parent document path
limit?: number, // Default: 20
pageToken?: string // For pagination
- `firestore_list_documents`: List documents with optional filtering
collection: string,
filters?: Array<{
field: string,
operator: string,
value: any
limit?: number,
pageToken?: string
- `firestore_get_document`: Get a specific document
collection: string,
id: string
- `firestore_update_document`: Update an existing document
collection: string,
id: string,
data: object
- `firestore_delete_document`: Delete a document
collection: string,
id: string
### Storage Tools
- `storage_list_files`: List files in a directory
directoryPath?: string, // Optional path, defaults to root
pageSize?: number, // Number of items per page, defaults to 10
pageToken?: string // Token for pagination
- `storage_get_file_info`: Get file metadata and download URL
filePath: string // Path to the file in storage
## Development
### Building
npm run build
### Testing
The project uses Jest for testing. Tests can be run against Firebase emulators to avoid affecting production data.
1. **Install Firebase Emulators**
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init emulators
2. **Start Emulators**
firebase emulators:start
3. **Run Tests**
npm run test:emulator
### Architecture
The server is structured into three main components:
├── index.ts # Server entry point
└── lib/
└── firebase/
├── authClient.ts # Authentication operations
├── firebaseConfig.ts # Firebase configuration
├── firestoreClient.ts # Firestore operations
└── storageClient.ts # Storage operations
Each client module implements specific Firebase service operations and exposes them as MCP tools.
## Contributing
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch
3. Implement changes with tests
4. Submit a pull request
## License
MIT License - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details
## Related Resources
- [Model Context Protocol](
- [Firebase Documentation](
- [Firebase Admin SDK](
## Troubleshooting
### Common Issues
#### "The specified bucket does not exist" Error
If you encounter this error when trying to access Firebase Storage:
1. Check that your Firebase project has Storage enabled
- Go to the Firebase Console
- Navigate to Storage
- Complete the initial setup if you haven't already
2. Verify the correct bucket name
- The default bucket name is usually `[projectId]`
- Some projects use `[projectId]` instead
- You can find your bucket name in the Firebase Console under Storage
3. Set the `FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET` environment variable
- Add the correct bucket name to your MCP configuration
#### "Firebase is not initialized" Error
If you see this error:
1. Verify your service account key path
- Make sure the path in `SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH` is correct and absolute
- Check that the file exists and is readable
2. Check service account permissions
- Ensure the service account has the necessary permissions for the Firebase services you're using
- For Storage, the service account needs the Storage Admin role
#### JSON Parsing Errors
If you see errors about invalid JSON:
1. Make sure there are no `console.log` statements in the code
- All logging should use `console.error` to avoid interfering with the JSON communication
- The MCP protocol uses stdout for JSON communication
2. Check for syntax errors in your requests
- Verify that all parameters are correctly formatted
- Check for typos in field names