MCP File Context Server

import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Profile, ProfileConfig, ProfileState, ContextSpec } from '../types.js'; import { glob } from 'glob'; import { promisify } from 'util'; const globAsync = promisify(glob); const DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS = [ '.git/', 'node_modules/', 'dist/', 'build/', '.env', '.env.*', '*.min.*', '*.bundle.*', ]; const INCLUDE_ALL = ['**/*']; export class ProfileService { private config: ProfileConfig; private state: ProfileState; private projectRoot: string; private activeProfile: Profile | null; private readonly configPath: string; constructor(projectRoot: string) { console.error('[ProfileService] Initializing with root:', projectRoot); this.projectRoot = projectRoot; this.configPath = path.join(projectRoot, '.llm-context', 'config.toml'); this.config = this.createDefaultConfig(); this.state = { profile_name: 'code', full_files: [], outline_files: [], excluded_files: [], timestamp: }; this.activeProfile = null; } private createDefaultConfig(): ProfileConfig { console.error('[ProfileService] Creating default config'); const defaultProfile = this.createDefaultProfile(); return { profiles: { code: defaultProfile, 'code-prompt': { ...defaultProfile, name: 'code-prompt', prompt: '' } }, default_profile: 'code' }; } private createDefaultProfile(): Profile { return { name: 'code', gitignores: { full_files: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS, outline_files: DEFAULT_IGNORE_PATTERNS }, only_includes: { full_files: INCLUDE_ALL, outline_files: INCLUDE_ALL }, settings: { no_media: true, with_user_notes: false } }; } public async initialize(): Promise<void> { console.error('[ProfileService] Starting initialization'); await this.loadConfig(); await this.loadState(); } private async loadConfig(): Promise<void> { const configPath = path.join(this.projectRoot, '.llm-context'); try { await fs.mkdir(configPath, { recursive: true }); console.error('[ProfileService] Created config directory:', configPath); // Create default config if it doesn't exist const configFile = path.join(configPath, 'config.json'); if (!await this.fileExists(configFile)) { console.error('[ProfileService] Creating default config file'); const defaultConfig = this.createDefaultConfig(); await fs.writeFile(configFile, JSON.stringify(defaultConfig, null, 2)); this.config = defaultConfig; } else { console.error('[ProfileService] Loading existing config file'); const content = await fs.readFile(configFile, 'utf8'); this.config = JSON.parse(content); } // Log available profiles console.error('[ProfileService] Available profiles:', Object.keys(this.config.profiles)); console.error('[ProfileService] Current profile:', this.state.profile_name); } catch (error) { console.error('[ProfileService] Failed to initialize:', error); throw error; } } private async loadState(): Promise<void> { const statePath = path.join(this.projectRoot, '.llm-context', 'state.json'); if (!await this.fileExists(statePath)) { console.error('[ProfileService] Creating default state file'); await fs.writeFile(statePath, JSON.stringify(this.state, null, 2)); } else { console.error('[ProfileService] Loading existing state file'); const content = await fs.readFile(statePath, 'utf8'); this.state = JSON.parse(content); } } private async fileExists(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { await fs.access(filePath); return true; } catch { return false; } } public async setProfile(profileName: string): Promise<void> { console.error(`[ProfileService] Attempting to set profile: ${profileName}`); console.error('[ProfileService] Available profiles:', Object.keys(this.config.profiles)); if (!this.config.profiles[profileName]) { throw new Error(`Profile '${profileName}' does not exist. Available profiles: ${Object.keys(this.config.profiles).join(', ')}`); } this.state = { ...this.state, profile_name: profileName, timestamp: }; await this.saveState(); console.error(`[ProfileService] Successfully set profile to: ${profileName}`); } public getContextSpec(): ContextSpec { const profile = this.resolveProfile(this.state.profile_name); return { profile, state: this.state }; } private resolveProfile(profileName: string): Profile { const profile = this.config.profiles[profileName]; if (!profile) { console.error(`[ProfileService] Profile ${profileName} not found, using default`); return this.config.profiles[this.config.default_profile]; } return profile; } private async saveState(): Promise<void> { const statePath = path.join(this.projectRoot, '.llm-context', 'state.json'); await fs.writeFile(statePath, JSON.stringify(this.state, null, 2)); console.error('[ProfileService] Saved state:', this.state); } public async updateFileSelection(fullFiles: string[], outlineFiles: string[]): Promise<void> { this.state = { ...this.state, full_files: fullFiles, outline_files: outlineFiles, timestamp: }; await this.saveState(); } public getProfile(): Profile { return this.resolveProfile(this.state.profile_name); } public getState(): ProfileState { return this.state; } public async getActiveProfile(): Promise<{ profile: Profile }> { if (!this.activeProfile) { throw new Error('No active profile'); } return { profile: this.activeProfile }; } public async selectFiles(): Promise<void> { if (!this.activeProfile) { throw new Error('No active profile'); } const fullFiles = await this.getFilteredFiles( this.activeProfile.gitignores.full_files, this.activeProfile.only_includes.full_files ); const outlineFiles = await this.getFilteredFiles( this.activeProfile.gitignores.outline_files, this.activeProfile.only_includes.outline_files ); this.state = { ...this.state, full_files: fullFiles, outline_files: outlineFiles, timestamp: }; await this.saveState(); } private async getFilteredFiles(ignorePatterns: string[], includePatterns: string[]): Promise<string[]> { const allFiles: string[] = []; for (const pattern of includePatterns) { const files = await globAsync(pattern, { ignore: ignorePatterns, nodir: true, dot: true }) as string[]; allFiles.push(...files); } return [ Set(allFiles)]; } }