MCP File Context Server
by bsmi021
- src
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js';
import { StdioServerTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js';
import {
} from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import { createReadStream, ReadStream } from 'fs';
import { createGzip, Gzip } from 'zlib';
import { pipeline, Transform } from 'stream';
import { glob as globAsync } from 'glob';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as mime from 'mime-types';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import {
} from './types.js';
import { FileWatcherService } from './services/FileWatcherService.js';
import { ProfileService } from './services/ProfileService.js';
import { TemplateService } from './services/TemplateService.js';
import { CodeAnalysisService } from './services/CodeAnalysisService.js';
import { LRUCache } from 'lru-cache';
interface StreamConfig {
chunkSize: number;
useCompression: boolean;
compressionLevel?: number;
interface ChunkInfo {
totalChunks: number;
chunkSize: number;
lastChunkSize: number;
totalSize: number;
interface FileInfo {
path: string;
content: string;
hash: string;
size: number;
lastModified: number;
interface FilesInfo {
[path: string]: FileInfo;
// Version Control
// Python
// JavaScript/Node.js
// IDE/Editor
const DEFAULT_CONFIG: StreamConfig = {
chunkSize: 64 * 1024, // 64KB chunks
useCompression: false,
compressionLevel: 6
class FileContextServer {
private server: Server;
private fileWatcherService: FileWatcherService;
private profileService: ProfileService;
private templateService: TemplateService;
private config: StreamConfig;
private fileContentCache: LRUCache<string, { content: string; lastModified: number }>;
private codeAnalysisService: CodeAnalysisService;
* Create standardized file content object
private async createFileContent(content: string, metadata: FileMetadata, filePath: string, encoding: string = 'utf8'): Promise<FileContent> {
return {
truncated: false,
totalLines: content.split('\n').length,
path: filePath
* Create standardized JSON response
private createJsonResponse(data: any): { content: { type: string; text: string }[] } {
return {
content: [{
type: 'text',
text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
* Handle file operation errors consistently
private handleFileOperationError(error: unknown, context: string, path: string): never {
if (error instanceof FileOperationError) throw error;
throw new FileOperationError(
`Failed to ${context}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
* Process file content using streaming when appropriate
private async processFile(filePath: string, metadata: FileMetadata, encoding: string = 'utf8'): Promise<FileContent> {
try {
const { content } = await this.readFileWithEncoding(filePath, encoding);
return {
truncated: false,
totalLines: content.split('\n').length,
path: filePath
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
`Failed to process file ${filePath}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
* Creates a readable stream for file with optional compression
private createFileStream(filePath: string, useCompression: boolean = false): ReadStream | Gzip {
const fileStream = createReadStream(filePath, {
highWaterMark: this.config.chunkSize
if (useCompression) {
const gzip = createGzip({
level: this.config.compressionLevel
return fileStream.pipe(gzip);
return fileStream;
* Memory-efficient search implementation using streams
private async streamSearch(
filePath: string,
searchPattern: string,
options: {
useCompression?: boolean;
context?: number;
} = {}
): Promise<SearchResult['matches']> {
const {
useCompression = this.config.useCompression,
context = 2
} = options;
const matches: SearchResult['matches'] = [];
const contextLines: string[] = [];
let lineNumber = 0;
const processLine = (line: string) => {
if (contextLines.length > context * 2 + 1) {
const regex = new RegExp(searchPattern);
if (regex.test(line)) {
path: filePath,
line: lineNumber,
content: line,
context: {
before: contextLines.slice(0, -1),
after: []
await this.processFileStream(
async (chunk) => {
const lines = chunk.toString().split(/\r?\n/);
return matches;
constructor(config: Partial<StreamConfig> = {}) {
this.fileWatcherService = new FileWatcherService();
this.profileService = new ProfileService(process.cwd());
this.templateService = new TemplateService(process.cwd());
this.config = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...config };
this.fileContentCache = new LRUCache<string, { content: string; lastModified: number }>({
max: 500, // Maximum number of items to store
ttl: 1000 * 60 * 5 // Time to live: 5 minutes
this.codeAnalysisService = new CodeAnalysisService();
this.server = new Server(
name: 'file-context-server',
version: '1.0.0',
capabilities: {
tools: {
read_context: {
description: 'Read and analyze code files with advanced filtering and chunking. The server automatically ignores common artifact directories and files:\n- Version Control: .git/\n- Python: .venv/, __pycache__/, *.pyc, etc.\n- JavaScript/Node.js: node_modules/, bower_components/, .next/, dist/, etc.\n- IDE/Editor: .idea/, .vscode/, .env, etc.\n\nFor large files or directories, use get_chunk_count first to determine total chunks, then request specific chunks using chunkNumber parameter.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to file or directory to read'
maxSize: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Maximum file size in bytes. Files larger than this will be chunked.',
default: 1048576
encoding: {
type: 'string',
description: 'File encoding (e.g., utf8, ascii, latin1)',
default: 'utf8'
recursive: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to read directories recursively (includes subdirectories)',
default: true
fileTypes: {
type: ['array', 'string'],
items: { type: 'string' },
description: 'File extension(s) to include WITHOUT dots (e.g. ["ts", "js", "py"] or just "ts"). Empty/undefined means all files.',
default: []
chunkNumber: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Which chunk to return (0-based). Use with get_chunk_count to handle large files/directories.',
default: 0
required: ['path']
search_context: {
description: 'Search for patterns in files with context',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
pattern: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Search pattern (regex supported)'
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Directory to search in'
options: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
recursive: {
type: 'boolean',
default: true
includeHidden: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false
fileTypes: {
type: 'array',
items: { type: 'string' }
required: ['pattern', 'path']
get_chunk_count: {
description: 'Get the total number of chunks that will be returned for a read_context request.\nUse this tool FIRST before reading content to determine how many chunks you need to request.\nThe parameters should match what you\'ll use in read_context.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to file or directory'
encoding: {
type: 'string',
description: 'File encoding (e.g., utf8, ascii, latin1)',
default: 'utf8'
maxSize: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Maximum file size in bytes. Files larger than this will be chunked.',
default: 1048576
recursive: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to read directories recursively (includes subdirectories)',
default: true
fileTypes: {
type: ['array', 'string'],
items: { type: 'string' },
description: 'File extension(s) to include WITHOUT dots (e.g. ["ts", "js", "py"] or just "ts"). Empty/undefined means all files.',
default: []
required: ['path']
set_profile: {
description: 'Set the active profile for context generation. Available profiles: code (default), code-prompt (includes LLM instructions), code-file (saves to file)',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
profile_name: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Name of the profile to activate'
required: ['profile_name']
get_profile_context: {
description: 'Get repository context based on current profile settings. Includes directory structure, file contents, and code outlines based on profile configuration.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
refresh: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to refresh file selection before generating context',
default: false
generate_outline: {
description: 'Generate a code outline for a file, showing its structure (classes, functions, imports, etc). Supports TypeScript/JavaScript and Python files.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to the file to analyze'
required: ['path']
// Error handling
this.server.onerror = (error) => console.error('[MCP Error]', error);
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await this.cleanup();
// Setup file watcher event handlers
this.fileWatcherService.on('fileChanged', async (filePath) => {
try {
const stat = await fs.stat(filePath);
const content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8');
this.fileContentCache.set(filePath, {
lastModified: stat.mtimeMs
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing file change for ${filePath}:`, error);
* Cleanup resources before shutdown
private async cleanup(): Promise<void> {
await this.fileWatcherService.close();
await this.server.close();
* Validate file access permissions and resolve path
private async validateAccess(filePath: string): Promise<string> {
const resolvedPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), filePath);
try {
await fs.access(resolvedPath);
return resolvedPath;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Access validation failed for path: ${resolvedPath}`, error);
throw new FileOperationError(
`Path does not exist or is not accessible: ${resolvedPath}`,
* Read file with encoding detection and streaming support
private async readFileWithEncoding(
filePath: string,
encoding: string = 'utf8',
options: {
useStreaming?: boolean;
useCompression?: boolean;
} = {}
): Promise<{ content: string, encoding: string }> {
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
const useStreaming = options.useStreaming ?? (stats.size > 10 * 1024 * 1024);
if (useStreaming) {
let content = '';
await this.processFileStream(
async (chunk) => {
content += chunk.toString(encoding as BufferEncoding);
return { content, encoding };
// For smaller files, use regular file reading
const buffer = await fs.readFile(filePath);
// Try to detect UTF-16 BOM
if (buffer.length >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) {
return {
content: buffer.toString('utf16le'),
encoding: 'utf16le'
return {
content: buffer.toString(encoding as BufferEncoding),
private async getFileMetadata(filePath: string): Promise<FileMetadata> {
try {
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
const ext = path.extname(filePath).slice(1);
const language = this.getLanguageFromExtension(ext);
let analysis = null;
if (language) {
const content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8');
analysis = await this.codeAnalysisService.analyzeCode(content, language);
return {
size: stats.size,
mimeType: mime.lookup(filePath) || 'application/octet-stream',
modifiedTime: stats.mtime.toISOString(),
createdTime: stats.birthtime.toISOString(),
isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(),
lastAnalyzed: new Date().toISOString(),
...(analysis && {
metrics: {
linesOfCode: analysis.complexity_metrics.linesOfCode,
numberOfFunctions: analysis.complexity_metrics.numberOfFunctions,
cyclomaticComplexity: analysis.complexity_metrics.cyclomaticComplexity,
maintainabilityIndex: analysis.complexity_metrics.maintainabilityIndex
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
`Failed to get metadata for ${filePath}`,
private async globPromise(pattern: string, options: any): Promise<string[]> {
try {
// Convert to absolute path first
const absolutePath = path.resolve(pattern);
// Convert to posix path for glob (always use forward slashes)
const globPattern = absolutePath.split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);
console.error(`Glob pattern: ${globPattern}`);
// Add .meta to ignore list if not already present
const ignore = [...(options.ignore || [])];
if (!ignore.includes('**/*.meta')) {
const result = await globAsync(globPattern, {
withFileTypes: false,
windowsPathsNoEscape: true,
absolute: true
const paths = Array.isArray(result) ? result : [result];
console.error(`Glob found ${paths.length} paths`);
// Convert paths back to OS-specific format
return => path.normalize(entry.toString()));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Glob error:', error);
throw new FileOperationError(
`Glob operation failed: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
private async handleListFiles(args: any) {
const { path: dirPath, recursive = false, includeHidden = false } = args;
try {
await this.validateAccess(dirPath);
const entries: FileEntry[] = [];
const normalizedDirPath = path.normalize(dirPath);
const pattern = recursive ? '**/*' : '*';
const globPattern = path.join(normalizedDirPath, pattern);
console.error(`Directory path: ${normalizedDirPath}`);
console.error(`Glob pattern: ${globPattern}`);
const files = await this.globPromise(globPattern, {
ignore: includeHidden ? [] : ['.*', '**/.*'],
nodir: false,
dot: includeHidden
console.error(`Found files: ${files.length}`);
for (const file of files) {
try {
const fullPath = path.join(dirPath, file);
const metadata = await this.getFileMetadata(fullPath);
await this.processFile(fullPath, metadata, 'utf8');
path: fullPath,
name: path.basename(fullPath),
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error getting metadata for ${file}: ${error}`);
return this.createJsonResponse({
metadata: {
totalFiles: entries.length,
searchPath: dirPath,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
} catch (error) {
throw this.handleFileOperationError(error, 'list files', dirPath);
* Calculate chunk information for a file
private async calculateChunkInfo(filePath: string, chunkSize: number): Promise<ChunkInfo> {
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
const totalSize = stats.size;
const totalFullChunks = Math.floor(totalSize / chunkSize);
const lastChunkSize = totalSize % chunkSize;
const totalChunks = lastChunkSize > 0 ? totalFullChunks + 1 : totalFullChunks;
return {
lastChunkSize: lastChunkSize || chunkSize,
* Read a specific chunk from a file
private async readFileChunk(filePath: string, chunkNumber: number, chunkSize: number): Promise<Buffer> {
const { totalChunks, lastChunkSize } = await this.calculateChunkInfo(filePath, chunkSize);
if (chunkNumber >= totalChunks) {
throw new FileOperationError(
`Invalid chunk number ${chunkNumber}. Total chunks: ${totalChunks}`,
const start = chunkNumber * chunkSize;
const size = chunkNumber === totalChunks - 1 ? lastChunkSize : chunkSize;
const fileHandle = await, 'r');
try {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(size);
await, 0, size, start);
return buffer;
} finally {
await fileHandle.close();
private async handleReadFile(args: any) {
const {
path: filePath,
encoding = 'utf8',
recursive = true,
chunkNumber = 0
} = args;
try {
const filesInfo = await this.readContent(filePath, encoding as BufferEncoding, maxSize, recursive, fileTypes);
const { content, hasMore } = this.getContentChunk(filesInfo, chunkNumber * this.config.chunkSize);
return this.createJsonResponse({
nextChunk: hasMore ? chunkNumber + 1 : null
} catch (error) {
throw this.handleFileOperationError(error, 'read file', filePath);
private async handleGetChunkCount(args: any) {
const {
path: filePath,
encoding = 'utf8',
recursive = true,
} = args;
try {
const filesInfo = await this.readContent(filePath, encoding as BufferEncoding, maxSize, recursive, fileTypes);
const totalChunks = this.getTotalChunks(filesInfo);
return this.createJsonResponse({
chunkSize: this.config.chunkSize
} catch (error) {
throw this.handleFileOperationError(error, 'get chunk count', filePath);
* Read content from files with filtering
private async readContent(
filePath: string,
encoding: BufferEncoding = 'utf8',
maxSize?: number,
recursive: boolean = true,
fileTypes?: string[] | string
): Promise<FilesInfo> {
const filesInfo: FilesInfo = {};
const absolutePath = path.resolve(filePath);
const cleanFileTypes = Array.isArray(fileTypes)
? => ext.toLowerCase().replace(/^\./, ''))
: fileTypes
? [fileTypes.toLowerCase().replace(/^\./, '')]
: undefined;
console.error('[FileContextServer] Reading content with fileTypes:', cleanFileTypes);
// Handle single file
if ((await fs.stat(absolutePath)).isFile()) {
if (cleanFileTypes && !cleanFileTypes.some(ext => absolutePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(`.${ext}`))) {
return filesInfo;
const stat = await fs.stat(absolutePath);
if (maxSize && stat.size > maxSize) {
throw new FileOperationError(
`File ${absolutePath} exceeds maximum size limit of ${maxSize} bytes`,
// Check cache first
const cached = this.fileContentCache.get(absolutePath);
let content: string;
if (cached && cached.lastModified === stat.mtimeMs) {
content = cached.content;
} else {
content = await fs.readFile(absolutePath, encoding);
this.fileContentCache.set(absolutePath, {
lastModified: stat.mtimeMs
const hash = createHash('md5').update(content).digest('hex');
filesInfo[absolutePath] = {
path: absolutePath,
size: stat.size,
lastModified: stat.mtimeMs
return filesInfo;
// Handle directory
const pattern = recursive ? '**/*' : '*';
const globPattern = path.join(absolutePath, pattern);
const files = await this.globPromise(globPattern, {
nodir: true,
dot: false,
cache: true,
follow: false
await Promise.all( (file) => {
if (cleanFileTypes && !cleanFileTypes.some(ext => file.toLowerCase().endsWith(`.${ext}`))) {
try {
const stat = await fs.stat(file);
if (maxSize && stat.size > maxSize) {
// Check cache first
const cached = this.fileContentCache.get(file);
let content: string;
if (cached && cached.lastModified === stat.mtimeMs) {
content = cached.content;
} else {
content = await fs.readFile(file, encoding);
this.fileContentCache.set(file, {
lastModified: stat.mtimeMs
const hash = createHash('md5').update(content).digest('hex');
filesInfo[file] = {
path: file,
size: stat.size,
lastModified: stat.mtimeMs
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error reading ${file}:`, error);
return filesInfo;
* Get content chunk from files info
private getContentChunk(filesInfo: FilesInfo, startChunk: number = 0): { content: string; hasMore: boolean } {
const allContent: string[] = [];
for (const fileInfo of Object.values(filesInfo)) {
allContent.push(`File: ${fileInfo.path}\n${fileInfo.content}\n`);
const combinedContent = allContent.join('');
const chunk = combinedContent.slice(startChunk, startChunk + this.config.chunkSize);
const hasMore = combinedContent.length > startChunk + this.config.chunkSize;
return { content: chunk, hasMore };
* Calculate total chunks for files
private getTotalChunks(filesInfo: FilesInfo): number {
let totalContentLength = 0;
for (const fileInfo of Object.values(filesInfo)) {
totalContentLength += `File: ${fileInfo.path}\n${fileInfo.content}\n`.length;
return Math.ceil(totalContentLength / this.config.chunkSize);
private async processFileStream(
filePath: string,
processChunk: (chunk: Buffer) => Promise<void>,
useCompression: boolean = false
): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fileStream = this.createFileStream(filePath, useCompression);
const processStream = new Transform({
transform: async function (chunk: Buffer, encoding: string, callback) {
try {
await processChunk(chunk);
} catch (error) {
callback(error as Error);
pipeline(fileStream, processStream, (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
private async handleSearchFiles(request: any) {
const { pattern: searchPattern, path: searchPath, options = {} } = request.params.arguments;
const { recursive = true, includeHidden = false, fileTypes = [] } = options;
try {
await this.validateAccess(searchPath);
const matches: SearchResult['matches'] = [];
let totalMatches = 0;
const pattern = recursive ? '**/*' : '*';
const globPattern = path.join(searchPath, pattern);
const files = await this.globPromise(globPattern, {
ignore: includeHidden ? [] : ['.*', '**/.*'],
nodir: true,
dot: includeHidden
for (const file of files) {
if (fileTypes.length > 0) {
const ext = path.extname(file).slice(1);
if (!fileTypes.includes(ext)) continue;
const fileMatches = await this.streamSearch(file, searchPattern, {
useCompression: this.config.useCompression,
context: 2
totalMatches += fileMatches.length;
return this.createJsonResponse({
metadata: {
pattern: searchPattern,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
} catch (error) {
throw this.handleFileOperationError(error, 'search files', searchPath);
private async handleSetProfile(args: any) {
const { profile_name } = args;
console.error(`[FileContextServer] Setting profile: ${profile_name}`);
try {
await this.profileService.setProfile(profile_name);
const response = {
message: `Successfully switched to profile: ${profile_name}`,
console.error('[FileContextServer] Profile set successfully:', response);
return this.createJsonResponse(response);
} catch (error) {
console.error('[FileContextServer] Failed to set profile:', error);
throw new McpError(
`Failed to set profile: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`
private async handleGetProfileContext(args: any) {
try {
const { refresh = false } = args;
const spec = await this.profileService.getActiveProfile();
const state = this.profileService.getState();
if (refresh || !state.full_files) {
await this.profileService.selectFiles();
// Read full content files
const files = await Promise.all( (path) => {
try {
const metadata = await this.getFileMetadata(path);
const content = await this.processFile(path, metadata);
const analysis = await this.codeAnalysisService.analyzeCode(content.content, path);
return {
analysis: {
metrics: analysis.metrics,
complexity: analysis.complexity_metrics.cyclomaticComplexity,
maintainability: analysis.complexity_metrics.maintainabilityIndex,
quality_issues: analysis.metrics.quality.longLines + analysis.metrics.quality.duplicateLines + analysis.metrics.quality.complexFunctions
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing file ${path}:`, error);
return null;
})).then(results => results.filter((f): f is NonNullable<typeof f> => f !== null));
// Generate outlines for selected files
const outlines = await Promise.all( (path) => {
try {
const metadata = await this.getFileMetadata(path);
const content = await this.processFile(path, metadata);
const analysis = await this.codeAnalysisService.analyzeCode(content.content, path);
return {
outline: analysis.outline,
analysis: {
metrics: analysis.metrics,
complexity: analysis.complexity_metrics.cyclomaticComplexity,
maintainability: analysis.complexity_metrics.maintainabilityIndex
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error generating outline for ${path}:`, error);
return null;
})).then(results => results.filter((o): o is NonNullable<typeof o> => o !== null));
const structure = await this.generateStructure(spec.profile.settings.no_media);
// Get prompt if profile specifies it
let prompt = '';
if (spec.profile.prompt) {
prompt = await this.templateService.getPrompt();
// Enhanced context with LLM-friendly metadata
const context = {
project_name: path.basename(process.cwd()),
project_root: process.cwd(),
timestamp: new Date(state.timestamp).toISOString(),
profile: {
description: spec.profile.description || 'Default profile settings',
settings: spec.profile.settings
stats: {
total_files: files.length + outlines.length,
full_content_files: files.length,
outline_files: outlines.length,
excluded_files: state.excluded_files?.length || 0,
code_metrics: {
total_lines: files.reduce((sum, f) => sum +, 0),
code_lines: files.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.analysis.metrics.lineCount.code, 0),
comment_lines: files.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.analysis.metrics.lineCount.comment, 0),
average_complexity: files.length > 0 ? files.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.analysis.complexity, 0) / files.length : 0,
quality_issues: files.reduce((sum, f) => sum + f.analysis.quality_issues, 0)
files: => ({
language: path.extname(f.path).slice(1) || 'text',
metadata: {
relative_path: path.relative(process.cwd(), f.path),
file_type: this.getFileType(f.path),
last_modified_relative: this.getRelativeTime(new Date(f.metadata.modifiedTime)),
analysis: f.analysis
highlights: => ({
metadata: {
relative_path: path.relative(process.cwd(), o.path),
file_type: this.getFileType(o.path),
last_modified_relative: this.getRelativeTime(new Date(o.metadata.modifiedTime)),
analysis: o.analysis
folder_structure_diagram: structure,
tools: {
file_access: {
name: 'lc-get-files',
description: 'Retrieve specific file contents',
example: { path: process.cwd(), files: ['example/path/file.ts'] }
search: {
name: 'search_context',
description: 'Search for patterns in files',
example: { pattern: 'searchTerm', path: process.cwd() }
changes: {
name: 'lc-list-modified-files',
description: 'Track file changes since context generation',
example: { timestamp: state.timestamp }
return this.createJsonResponse(context);
} catch (error) {
throw new McpError(
`Failed to get profile context: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`
private getFileType(filePath: string): string {
const ext = path.extname(filePath).toLowerCase();
const filename = path.basename(filePath).toLowerCase();
// Common file type mappings
const typeMap: Record<string, string> = {
'.ts': 'TypeScript',
'.js': 'JavaScript',
'.py': 'Python',
'.json': 'JSON',
'.md': 'Markdown',
'.txt': 'Text',
'.html': 'HTML',
'.css': 'CSS',
'.scss': 'SCSS',
'.less': 'LESS',
'.xml': 'XML',
'.yaml': 'YAML',
'.yml': 'YAML',
'.sh': 'Shell',
'.bash': 'Shell',
'.zsh': 'Shell',
'.fish': 'Shell',
'.sql': 'SQL',
'.env': 'Environment',
'dockerfile': 'Docker',
'.dockerignore': 'Docker',
'.gitignore': 'Git',
'package.json': 'NPM',
'tsconfig.json': 'TypeScript Config',
'.eslintrc': 'ESLint Config',
'.prettierrc': 'Prettier Config'
// Check for exact filename matches first
if (typeMap[filename]) {
return typeMap[filename];
// Then check extensions
return typeMap[ext] || 'Unknown';
private getRelativeTime(date: Date): string {
const now = new Date();
const diffMs = now.getTime() - date.getTime();
const diffSecs = Math.round(diffMs / 1000);
const diffMins = Math.round(diffSecs / 60);
const diffHours = Math.round(diffMins / 60);
const diffDays = Math.round(diffHours / 24);
if (diffSecs < 60) return `${diffSecs} seconds ago`;
if (diffMins < 60) return `${diffMins} minutes ago`;
if (diffHours < 24) return `${diffHours} hours ago`;
if (diffDays < 30) return `${diffDays} days ago`;
return date.toLocaleDateString();
private async getFilteredFiles(ignorePatterns: string[], includePatterns: string[]): Promise<string[]> {
const allFiles: string[] = [];
for (const pattern of includePatterns) {
const files = await globAsync(pattern, {
ignore: ignorePatterns,
nodir: true,
dot: true
return [ Set(allFiles)];
private async readFiles(paths: string[]): Promise<FileContent[]> {
const files: FileContent[] = [];
for (const path of paths) {
try {
const metadata = await this.getFileMetadata(path);
const content = await this.processFile(path, metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error reading file ${path}:`, error);
return files;
private async generateOutlines(paths: string[]): Promise<FileOutline[]> {
const outlines: FileOutline[] = [];
for (const path of paths) {
try {
const metadata = await this.getFileMetadata(path);
const content = await this.processFile(path, metadata);
const analysis = await this.codeAnalysisService.analyzeCode(content.content, path);
outline: this.formatAnalysisOutline(path, analysis),
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error generating outline for ${path}:`, error);
return outlines;
private formatAnalysisOutline(filePath: string, analysis: any): string {
const parts: string[] = [];
parts.push(`File: ${path.basename(filePath)}`);
if (analysis.imports?.length) {
parts.push( string) => ` - ${imp}`).join('\n'));
if (analysis.definitions?.length) {
parts.push( string) => ` - ${def}`).join('\n'));
if (analysis.complexity) {
parts.push(`\nComplexity: ${analysis.complexity}`);
return parts.join('\n');
private getLanguageFromExtension(ext: string): string | null {
const extensionMap: Record<string, string> = {
'py': 'python',
'ts': 'typescript',
'tsx': 'typescript',
'js': 'javascript',
'jsx': 'javascript',
'cs': 'csharp',
'go': 'go',
'sh': 'bash',
'bash': 'bash'
return extensionMap[ext] || null;
private async generateStructure(noMedia: boolean = false): Promise<string> {
const state = this.profileService.getState();
const files = [ Set([...state.full_files, ...state.outline_files])];
// Use noMedia parameter to filter out media files if needed
const filteredFiles = noMedia
? files.filter(file => !this.isMediaFile(file))
: files;
return => {
const prefix = state.full_files.includes(file) ? '✓' : '○';
return `${prefix} ${file}`;
private isMediaFile(filePath: string): boolean {
const mediaExtensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.bmp', '.mp4', '.avi', '.mov'];
return mediaExtensions.some(ext => filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(ext));
private async handleGenerateOutline(args: any) {
const { path: filePath } = args;
console.error(`[FileContextServer] Generating outline for: ${filePath}`);
try {
await this.validateAccess(filePath);
const outline = `File: ${path.basename(filePath)}
Type: ${path.extname(filePath) || 'unknown'}
Path: ${filePath}`;
return this.createJsonResponse({
path: filePath,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
} catch (error) {
throw this.handleFileOperationError(error, 'generate outline', filePath);
async run() {
console.error('[FileContextServer] Starting server');
// Initialize services
await this.profileService.initialize();
await this.templateService.initialize();
console.error('[FileContextServer] Services initialized');
this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({
tools: [
name: 'read_context',
description: 'Read and analyze code files with advanced filtering and chunking. The server automatically ignores common artifact directories and files:\n- Version Control: .git/\n- Python: .venv/, __pycache__/, *.pyc, etc.\n- JavaScript/Node.js: node_modules/, bower_components/, .next/, dist/, etc.\n- IDE/Editor: .idea/, .vscode/, .env, etc.\n\nFor large files or directories, use get_chunk_count first to determine total chunks, then request specific chunks using chunkNumber parameter.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to file or directory to read'
maxSize: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Maximum file size in bytes. Files larger than this will be chunked.',
default: 1048576
encoding: {
type: 'string',
description: 'File encoding (e.g., utf8, ascii, latin1)',
default: 'utf8'
recursive: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to read directories recursively (includes subdirectories)',
default: true
fileTypes: {
type: ['array', 'string'],
items: { type: 'string' },
description: 'File extension(s) to include WITHOUT dots (e.g. ["ts", "js", "py"] or just "ts"). Empty/undefined means all files.',
default: []
chunkNumber: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Which chunk to return (0-based). Use with get_chunk_count to handle large files/directories.',
default: 0
required: ['path']
name: 'get_chunk_count',
description: 'Get the total number of chunks that will be returned for a read_context request.\nUse this tool FIRST before reading content to determine how many chunks you need to request.\nThe parameters should match what you\'ll use in read_context.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to file or directory'
encoding: {
type: 'string',
description: 'File encoding (e.g., utf8, ascii, latin1)',
default: 'utf8'
maxSize: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Maximum file size in bytes. Files larger than this will be chunked.',
default: 1048576
recursive: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to read directories recursively (includes subdirectories)',
default: true
fileTypes: {
type: ['array', 'string'],
items: { type: 'string' },
description: 'File extension(s) to include WITHOUT dots (e.g. ["ts", "js", "py"] or just "ts"). Empty/undefined means all files.',
default: []
required: ['path']
name: 'set_profile',
description: 'Set the active profile for context generation',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
profile_name: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Name of the profile to activate'
required: ['profile_name']
name: 'get_profile_context',
description: 'Get repository context based on current profile settings',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
refresh: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to refresh file selection before generating context',
default: false
name: 'generate_outline',
description: 'Generate a code outline for a file, showing its structure (classes, functions, imports, etc). Supports TypeScript/JavaScript and Python files.',
inputSchema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
path: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Path to the file to analyze'
required: ['path']
this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
try {
if (!request.params.arguments) {
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Missing arguments');
switch ( {
case 'list_context_files':
return await this.handleListFiles(request.params.arguments);
case 'read_context':
return await this.handleReadFile(request.params.arguments);
case 'search_context':
return await this.handleSearchFiles(request);
case 'get_chunk_count':
return await this.handleGetChunkCount(request.params.arguments);
case 'set_profile':
return await this.handleSetProfile(request.params.arguments);
case 'get_profile_context':
return await this.handleGetProfileContext(request.params.arguments);
case 'generate_outline':
return await this.handleGenerateOutline(request.params.arguments);
throw new McpError(
`Unknown tool: ${}`
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof FileOperationError) {
return {
content: [{
type: 'text',
text: `File operation error: ${error.message} (${error.code})`
isError: true
throw error;
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await this.server.connect(transport);
console.error('File Context MCP server running on stdio');
// Start the server
const server = new FileContextServer();;