MCP Svelte Docs Server

by spences10
  • src
import { stdin as input, stdout as output } from "process"; import { createInterface } from "readline"; import { NovuService } from "./novu-service"; import { NovuExecutePayload } from "./novu-types"; interface Message { type: string; payload?: any; } class MCPHandler { private rl: ReturnType<typeof createInterface>; private isReady = false; private novuService: NovuService; constructor() { const apiKey = process.env.NOVU_API_KEY; if (!apiKey) { throw new Error("NOVU_API_KEY environment variable is required"); } this.novuService = new NovuService(apiKey); this.rl = createInterface({ input, output }); this.rl.on("line", this.handleMessage.bind(this)); this.initialize(); } private initialize() { this.sendMessage({ type: "ready", }); this.isReady = true; } private async handleMessage(line: string) { try { const message: Message = JSON.parse(line); switch (message.type) { case "ping": this.sendMessage({ type: "pong" }); break; case "execute": if (!message.payload) { this.sendError("No payload provided for execute message"); return; } await this.handleExecute(message.payload); break; default: this.sendError(`Unknown message type: ${message.type}`); } } catch (error) { this.sendError(`Failed to parse message: ${error}`); } } private async handleExecute(payload: NovuExecutePayload) { try { const result = await this.novuService.execute(payload); this.sendMessage({ type: "result", payload: result, }); } catch (error) { this.sendError(`Execution failed: ${error}`); } } private sendMessage(message: Message) { console.log(JSON.stringify(message)); } private sendError(error: string) { this.sendMessage({ type: "error", payload: { message: error }, }); } } // Start the MCP handler new MCPHandler();