Strapi MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Integrates with Strapi CMS to provide access to content types and entries through the MCP protocol, allowing creation, reading, updating, and deletion of content entries, as well as media uploads

strapi-mcp MCP Server

An MCP server for your Strapi CMS

This is a TypeScript-based MCP server that integrates with Strapi CMS. It provides access to Strapi content types and entries through the MCP protocol, allowing you to:

  • Access Strapi content types as resources
  • Create, read, update, and delete content entries
  • Manage your Strapi content through MCP tools



  • List and access content types via strapi://content-type/ URIs
  • Each content type exposes its entries as JSON
  • Application/JSON mime type for structured content access


  • list_content_types - List all available content types in Strapi
  • get_entries - Get entries for a specific content type with optional filtering, pagination, sorting, and population of relations
  • get_entry - Get a specific entry by ID
  • create_entry - Create a new entry for a content type
  • update_entry - Update an existing entry
  • delete_entry - Delete an entry
  • upload_media - Upload a media file to Strapi

Advanced Features

Filtering, Pagination, and Sorting

The get_entries tool supports advanced query options:

{ "contentType": "api::article.article", "filters": { "title": { "$contains": "hello" } }, "pagination": { "page": 1, "pageSize": 10 }, "sort": ["title:asc", "createdAt:desc"], "populate": ["author", "categories"] }

Resource URIs

Resources can be accessed with various URI formats:

  • strapi://content-type/api::article.article - Get all articles
  • strapi://content-type/api::article.article/1 - Get article with ID 1
  • strapi://content-type/api::article.article?filters={"title":{"$contains":"hello"}} - Get filtered articles


Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the server:

npm run build

For development with auto-rebuild:

npm run watch


For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to deploy and test this MCP server, please see the file.

Quick setup:

  1. Build the server: npm run build
  2. Configure your Strapi instance and get an API token
  3. Add the server config to Claude Desktop:

On MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

{ "mcpServers": { "strapi-mcp": { "command": "/path/to/strapi-mcp/build/index.js", "env": { "STRAPI_URL": "http://localhost:1337", "STRAPI_API_TOKEN": "your-api-token-here", "STRAPI_DEV_MODE": "false" } } } }

Environment Variables

  • STRAPI_URL (optional): The URL of your Strapi instance (defaults to http://localhost:1337)
  • STRAPI_API_TOKEN (required): Your Strapi API token for authentication
  • STRAPI_DEV_MODE (optional): Set to "true" to enable development mode features (defaults to false)

Getting a Strapi API Token

  1. Log in to your Strapi admin panel
  2. Go to Settings > API Tokens
  3. Click "Create new API Token"
  4. Set a name, description, and token type (preferably "Full access")
  5. Copy the generated token and use it in your MCP server configuration


Since MCP servers communicate over stdio, debugging can be challenging. We recommend using the MCP Inspector, which is available as a package script:

npm run inspector

The Inspector will provide a URL to access debugging tools in your browser.

Usage Examples

Once the MCP server is configured and running, you can use it with Claude to interact with your Strapi CMS. Here are some examples:

Listing Content Types

use_mcp_tool( server_name: "strapi-mcp", tool_name: "list_content_types", arguments: {} )

Getting Entries

use_mcp_tool( server_name: "strapi-mcp", tool_name: "get_entries", arguments: { "contentType": "api::article.article", "filters": { "title": { "$contains": "hello" } }, "pagination": { "page": 1, "pageSize": 10 }, "sort": ["title:asc"] } )

Creating an Entry

use_mcp_tool( server_name: "strapi-mcp", tool_name: "create_entry", arguments: { "contentType": "api::article.article", "data": { "title": "My New Article", "content": "This is the content of my article.", "publishedAt": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } } )

Uploading Media

use_mcp_tool( server_name: "strapi-mcp", tool_name: "upload_media", arguments: { "fileData": "base64-encoded-data-here", "fileName": "image.jpg", "fileType": "image/jpeg" } )

Accessing Resources

access_mcp_resource( server_name: "strapi-mcp", uri: "strapi://content-type/api::article.article" )
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Provides access to Strapi CMS content through the MCP protocol, allowing users to create, read, update, and delete content entries via Claude.

  1. Features
    1. Resources
      1. Tools
        1. Advanced Features
          1. Filtering, Pagination, and Sorting
            1. Resource URIs
          2. Development
            1. Installation
              1. Environment Variables
                1. Getting a Strapi API Token
                  1. Debugging
                  2. Usage Examples
                    1. Listing Content Types
                      1. Getting Entries
                        1. Creating an Entry
                          1. Uploading Media
                            1. Accessing Resources