Tavily MCP Server
by RamXX
- tests
import pytest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, call
import asyncio
import inspect
from mcp.types import Tool, TextContent, GetPromptResult, PromptMessage
from mcp.shared.exceptions import McpError
from tavily import InvalidAPIKeyError, UsageLimitExceededError
from mcp.server import Server
# Create a custom AsyncMock that's safer for our tests
class SafeAsyncMock:
def __init__(self, return_value=None):
self._return_value = return_value if return_value is not None else None
self.call_args = None
self.call_count = 0
self.call_args_list = []
async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.call_args = call(*args, **kwargs)
self.call_count += 1
if isinstance(self._return_value, asyncio.Future):
return await self._return_value
elif asyncio.iscoroutine(self._return_value):
return await self._return_value
return self._return_value
# Import the server module directly
import mcp_server_tavily.server as server_module
# Patch the stdio_server to avoid actual I/O operations
stdio_mock = patch('mcp_server_tavily.server.stdio_server', autospec=True).start()
# Create proper SafeAsyncMock for aenter
enter_future = asyncio.Future()
enter_future.set_result((MagicMock(), MagicMock()))
enter_mock = SafeAsyncMock(return_value=enter_future)
# Create proper SafeAsyncMock for aexit
exit_future = asyncio.Future()
exit_mock = SafeAsyncMock(return_value=exit_future)
# Apply the mocks
stdio_context = MagicMock()
stdio_context.__aenter__ = enter_mock
stdio_context.__aexit__ = exit_mock
stdio_mock.return_value = stdio_context
class TestServerListTools:
async def test_list_tools(self, server_handlers):
"""Test that the list_tools handler returns the expected tools."""
# Get the registered list_tools handler
list_tools_handler = server_handlers['list_tools']
# Call the function
tools = await list_tools_handler()
# Verify that we get 3 tools as expected
assert len(tools) == 3
# Check that the tool names are correct
tool_names = [tool.name for tool in tools]
assert "tavily_web_search" in tool_names
assert "tavily_answer_search" in tool_names
assert "tavily_news_search" in tool_names
# Check that each tool has a description and schema
for tool in tools:
assert isinstance(tool, Tool)
assert tool.description
assert tool.inputSchema
class TestServerListPrompts:
async def test_list_prompts(self, mock_server):
"""Test that the list_prompts handler returns the expected prompts."""
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.list_prompts()
list_prompts_handler = mock_server.list_prompts.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function
prompts = await list_prompts_handler()
# Verify that we get 3 prompts as expected
assert len(prompts) == 3
# Check that the prompt names are correct
prompt_names = [prompt.name for prompt in prompts]
assert "tavily_web_search" in prompt_names
assert "tavily_answer_search" in prompt_names
assert "tavily_news_search" in prompt_names
# Check that each prompt has a description and required arguments
for prompt in prompts:
assert prompt.description
assert any(arg.name == "query" and arg.required for arg in prompt.arguments)
class TestServerCallTool:
async def test_call_tool_web_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, web_search_response):
"""Test that the call_tool handler correctly calls the Tavily client for web search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = web_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with web search parameters
result = await call_tool_handler(
"query": "test query",
"max_results": 5,
"search_depth": "basic",
"include_domains": ["example.com"],
"exclude_domains": ["spam.com"]
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="test query",
# Verify the result is a list of TextContent
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert len(result) == 1
assert isinstance(result[0], TextContent)
assert result[0].type == "text"
assert "Detailed Results:" in result[0].text
async def test_call_tool_answer_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, answer_search_response):
"""Test that the call_tool handler correctly calls the Tavily client for answer search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = answer_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with answer search parameters
result = await call_tool_handler(
"query": "test query",
"max_results": 5,
"search_depth": "advanced"
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="test query",
# Verify the result includes the answer
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert "Answer:" in result[0].text
async def test_call_tool_news_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, news_search_response):
"""Test that the call_tool handler correctly calls the Tavily client for news search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = news_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with news search parameters
result = await call_tool_handler(
"query": "test query",
"max_results": 5,
"days": 7
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="test query",
# Verify the result includes published dates
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert "Published:" in result[0].text
async def test_call_tool_news_search_default_days(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, news_search_response):
"""Test that the news search uses default days value when not specified."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = news_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with news search parameters, without days
result = await call_tool_handler(
"query": "test query"
# Verify days defaults to 3
query="test query",
async def test_call_tool_invalid_tool(self, mock_server):
"""Test that call_tool raises an error for an invalid tool name."""
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call with an invalid tool name
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown tool"):
await call_tool_handler(name="invalid_tool", arguments={"query": "test"})
async def test_call_tool_api_key_error(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server):
"""Test that call_tool handles API key errors correctly."""
# Set up the mock client to raise an error
# Using a generic Exception with the InvalidAPIKeyError name to avoid init signature issues
mock_error = Exception("Invalid API key")
mock_error.__class__.__name__ = "InvalidAPIKeyError"
mock_tavily_client.search.side_effect = mock_error
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function and expect an McpError
with pytest.raises(McpError) as exc_info:
await call_tool_handler(name="tavily_web_search", arguments={"query": "test"})
# Verify the error details
assert "Invalid API key" in str(exc_info.value)
async def test_call_tool_usage_limit_error(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server):
"""Test that call_tool handles usage limit errors correctly."""
# Set up the mock client to raise an error
# Using a generic Exception with the UsageLimitExceededError name to avoid init signature issues
mock_error = Exception("Usage limit exceeded")
mock_error.__class__.__name__ = "UsageLimitExceededError"
mock_tavily_client.search.side_effect = mock_error
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function and expect an McpError
with pytest.raises(McpError) as exc_info:
await call_tool_handler(name="tavily_web_search", arguments={"query": "test"})
# Verify the error details
assert "Usage limit exceeded" in str(exc_info.value)
async def test_call_tool_validation_error(self, mock_server):
"""Test that call_tool properly validates input parameters."""
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Test with invalid max_results
with pytest.raises(McpError) as exc_info:
await call_tool_handler(
arguments={"query": "test", "max_results": 25} # Too large
assert "max_results" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
# Test with invalid search_depth
with pytest.raises(McpError) as exc_info:
await call_tool_handler(
arguments={"query": "test", "search_depth": "ultra"} # Invalid option
assert "search_depth" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
# Test with invalid days for news search
with pytest.raises(McpError) as exc_info:
await call_tool_handler(
arguments={"query": "test", "days": 400} # Too large
assert "days" in str(exc_info.value).lower()
async def test_call_tool_json_domain_input(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, web_search_response):
"""Test that call_tool properly handles JSON format for domain lists."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = web_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.call_tool()
call_tool_handler = mock_server.call_tool.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with JSON formatted domain lists
await call_tool_handler(
"query": "test query",
"include_domains": '["example.com", "test.org"]',
"exclude_domains": '["spam.com"]'
# Verify the client was called with correct parsed parameters
query="test query",
include_domains=["example.com", "test.org"],
class TestServerGetPrompt:
async def test_get_prompt_web_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, web_search_response):
"""Test that the get_prompt handler correctly calls the Tavily client for web search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = web_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with web search parameters
result = await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "test query",
"include_domains": "example.com",
"exclude_domains": "spam.com"
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="test query",
# Verify the result is a GetPromptResult
assert isinstance(result, GetPromptResult)
assert "test query" in result.description
assert len(result.messages) == 1
assert result.messages[0].role == "user"
assert isinstance(result.messages[0].content, TextContent)
assert result.messages[0].content.type == "text"
async def test_get_prompt_answer_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, answer_search_response):
"""Test that the get_prompt handler correctly calls the Tavily client for answer search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = answer_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with answer search parameters
result = await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "test question",
"include_domains": "example.com,test.org",
"exclude_domains": "spam.com"
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="test question",
include_domains=["example.com", "test.org"],
# Verify the result is a GetPromptResult with answer content
assert isinstance(result, GetPromptResult)
assert "test question" in result.description
assert "This is a sample answer" in result.messages[0].content.text
async def test_get_prompt_news_search(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, news_search_response):
"""Test that the get_prompt handler correctly calls the Tavily client for news search."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = news_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with news search parameters including days
result = await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "breaking news",
"days": "5",
"include_domains": "reuters.com,bbc.com"
# Verify the client was called with correct parameters
query="breaking news",
include_domains=["reuters.com", "bbc.com"],
# Verify the result contains news-specific elements
assert isinstance(result, GetPromptResult)
assert "breaking news" in result.description
assert "Published:" in result.messages[0].content.text
async def test_get_prompt_news_search_default_days(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, news_search_response):
"""Test that the news search uses default days value when not specified in get_prompt."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = news_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function without days parameter
result = await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "breaking news"
# Verify days defaults to 3
query="breaking news",
async def test_get_prompt_missing_query(self, mock_server):
"""Test that get_prompt raises an error when query is missing."""
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call with missing query
with pytest.raises(McpError, match="Query is required"):
await get_prompt_handler(name="tavily_web_search", arguments={})
# Call with None arguments
with pytest.raises(McpError, match="Query is required"):
await get_prompt_handler(name="tavily_web_search", arguments=None)
async def test_get_prompt_invalid_prompt(self, mock_server):
"""Test that get_prompt raises an error for an invalid prompt name."""
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call with an invalid prompt name
with pytest.raises(McpError, match="Unknown prompt"):
await get_prompt_handler(name="invalid_prompt", arguments={"query": "test"})
async def test_get_prompt_api_error(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server):
"""Test that get_prompt handles API errors gracefully."""
# Set up the mock client to raise an error
# Using a generic Exception with the InvalidAPIKeyError name to avoid init signature issues
mock_error = Exception("Invalid API key")
mock_error.__class__.__name__ = "InvalidAPIKeyError"
mock_tavily_client.search.side_effect = mock_error
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function - should return an error message instead of raising
result = await get_prompt_handler(
arguments={"query": "test query"}
# Verify the result contains the error message
assert "Failed to search" in result.description
assert len(result.messages) == 1
assert "Invalid API key" in result.messages[0].content.text
async def test_get_prompt_usage_limit_error(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server):
"""Test that get_prompt handles usage limit errors gracefully."""
# Set up the mock client to raise a usage limit error
mock_error = Exception("Usage limit exceeded")
mock_error.__class__.__name__ = "UsageLimitExceededError"
mock_tavily_client.search.side_effect = mock_error
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function - should return an error message instead of raising
result = await get_prompt_handler(
arguments={"query": "test query"}
# Verify the result contains the error message
assert "Failed to search" in result.description
assert "Usage limit exceeded" in result.messages[0].content.text
async def test_get_prompt_json_domain_input(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, web_search_response):
"""Test that get_prompt correctly handles JSON domain input."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = web_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with JSON formatted domain lists
result = await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "test query",
"include_domains": '["example.com", "test.org"]',
"exclude_domains": '["spam.com"]'
# Verify the client was called with correct parsed parameters
query="test query",
include_domains=["example.com", "test.org"],
async def test_get_prompt_string_to_int_conversion(self, mock_tavily_client, mock_server, news_search_response):
"""Test that get_prompt correctly converts string days parameter to int."""
# Set up the mock client to return our test response
mock_tavily_client.search.return_value = news_search_response
# Create a server instance to get the decorated function
await server_module.serve("fake_api_key")
# Get the function that was registered with @server.get_prompt()
get_prompt_handler = mock_server.get_prompt.call_args[0][0]
# Call the function with days as string
await get_prompt_handler(
"query": "news",
"days": "7" # String instead of int
# Verify the client was called with days converted to int
days=7, # Should be converted to int