MCP Python Toolbox

# MCP Python Toolbox - Development Guidelines ## Build/Test/Lint Commands - **Install dev dependencies**: `pip install -e ".[dev]"` - **Run all tests**: `pytest` - **Run single test**: `pytest tests/path/to/ -v` - **Type checking**: `mypy src/mcp_python_toolbox` - **Linting**: `pylint src/mcp_python_toolbox` - **Format code**: `black src/mcp_python_toolbox` ## Code Style Guidelines - **Line length**: 100 characters (Black configuration) - **Python version**: 3.7+ - **Formatting**: Use Black for automatic formatting - **Imports**: Standard library first, then third-party, then local modules - **Types**: All functions must have type annotations (disallow_untyped_defs=true) - **Naming**: - Classes: PascalCase - Functions/variables: snake_case - Constants: UPPER_CASE - **Error handling**: Use specific exceptions with descriptive error messages - **Documentation**: Docstrings for all modules, classes, and functions using """triple quotes"""