MCP Atlassian

import { z } from 'zod'; import { McpServer } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js'; import { JiraService } from '../services/jira'; import { formatResponse, formatErrorResponse } from './utils'; /** * Register the get-jira-issue tool with the MCP server * @param server The MCP server instance * @param jiraService The Jira service instance */ export function registerGetJiraIssueTool( server: McpServer, jiraService: JiraService, ) { server.tool( 'get_jira_issue', { issueKey: z .string() .describe('The key of the Jira issue to retrieve (e.g., PROJECT-123)'), }, async ({ issueKey }) => { try { const issue = await jiraService.getIssue(issueKey); return formatResponse(issue); } catch (err) { return formatErrorResponse(err); } }, ); }