Canvas MCP Server
by DMontgomery40
- build
* Branded types for better type safety with IDs
export type CourseId = number & {
readonly brand: unique symbol;
export type AssignmentId = number & {
readonly brand: unique symbol;
export type UserId = number & {
readonly brand: unique symbol;
export type EnrollmentId = number & {
readonly brand: unique symbol;
* Error types
export declare class CanvasAPIError extends Error {
readonly statusCode?: number | undefined;
readonly response?: unknown | undefined;
constructor(message: string, statusCode?: number | undefined, response?: unknown | undefined);
export declare class CanvasValidationError extends Error {
constructor(message: string);
* API Response types
export interface PaginatedResponse<T> {
readonly data: ReadonlyArray<T>;
readonly hasMore: boolean;
readonly nextPage?: string;
export interface CanvasUser {
readonly id: UserId;
readonly name: string;
readonly sortable_name: string;
readonly short_name: string;
readonly sis_user_id: string | null;
readonly email: string;
readonly avatar_url: string;
export interface CanvasUserProfile {
id: number;
name: string;
sortable_name: string;
short_name: string;
sis_user_id: string | null;
login_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
primary_email: string;
locale: string;
bio: string | null;
export interface CanvasCourse {
readonly id: CourseId;
readonly name: string;
readonly course_code: string;
readonly workflow_state: CanvasCourseState;
readonly account_id: number;
readonly start_at: string | null;
readonly end_at: string | null;
readonly enrollments?: ReadonlyArray<CanvasEnrollment>;
readonly total_students?: number;
export type CanvasCourseState = 'unpublished' | 'available' | 'completed' | 'deleted';
export interface CanvasAssignment {
readonly id: AssignmentId;
readonly course_id: CourseId;
readonly name: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly due_at: string | null;
readonly points_possible: number;
readonly position: number;
readonly submission_types: ReadonlyArray<CanvasSubmissionType>;
export type CanvasSubmissionType = 'none' | 'online_text_entry' | 'online_url' | 'online_upload' | 'media_recording' | 'student_annotation';
export interface CanvasSubmission {
readonly id: number;
readonly assignment_id: AssignmentId;
readonly user_id: UserId;
readonly submitted_at: string | null;
readonly score: number | null;
readonly grade: string | null;
readonly attempt: number;
readonly workflow_state: CanvasSubmissionState;
export type CanvasSubmissionState = 'submitted' | 'unsubmitted' | 'graded' | 'pending_review';
export interface CanvasEnrollment {
readonly id: EnrollmentId;
readonly user_id: UserId;
readonly course_id: CourseId;
readonly type: CanvasEnrollmentType;
readonly role: string;
readonly enrollment_state: CanvasEnrollmentState;
readonly grades?: CanvasGrades;
export type CanvasEnrollmentType = 'StudentEnrollment' | 'TeacherEnrollment' | 'TaEnrollment' | 'DesignerEnrollment' | 'ObserverEnrollment';
export type CanvasEnrollmentState = 'active' | 'invited' | 'inactive' | 'completed' | 'rejected';
export interface CanvasGrades {
readonly current_score: number | null;
readonly final_score: number | null;
readonly current_grade: string | null;
readonly final_grade: string | null;
export interface CanvasDiscussionTopic {
id: number;
title: string;
message: string;
html_url: string;
posted_at: string;
assignment_id: number | null;
discussion_type: string;
export interface CanvasModule {
id: number;
name: string;
position: number;
unlock_at: string | null;
require_sequential_progress: boolean;
state: string;
export interface CanvasModuleItem {
id: number;
title: string;
type: string;
html_url: string;
content_id?: number;
export interface CanvasQuiz {
id: number;
title: string;
html_url: string;
quiz_type: string;
time_limit: number | null;
published: boolean;
description: string | null;
due_at: string | null;
export interface CanvasAnnouncement {
id: number;
title: string;
message: string;
posted_at: string;
html_url: string;
export interface CanvasScope {
resource: string;
resource_name: string;
controller: string;
action: string;
verb: string;
scope: string;
export interface CanvasAssignmentSubmission {
id: number;
submission_type: string;
body?: string;
submitted_at: string | null;
* Tool input types with strict validation
export interface CreateCourseArgs {
name: string;
course_code?: string;
start_at?: string;
end_at?: string;
license?: string;
is_public?: boolean;
export interface UpdateCourseArgs {
course_id: number;
name?: string;
course_code?: string;
start_at?: string;
end_at?: string;
license?: string;
is_public?: boolean;
export interface CreateAssignmentArgs {
course_id: number;
name: string;
description?: string;
due_at?: string;
points_possible?: number;
submission_types?: string[];
allowed_extensions?: string[];
export interface UpdateAssignmentArgs {
course_id: number;
assignment_id: number;
name?: string;
description?: string;
due_at?: string;
points_possible?: number;
export interface SubmitGradeArgs {
course_id: number;
assignment_id: number;
user_id: number;
grade: number | string;
comment?: string;
export interface EnrollUserArgs {
course_id: number;
user_id: number;
role?: string;
enrollment_state?: string;