Dart MCP Server
by egyleader
- test
- utils
// Mock the exec function before importing the module
const mockExecPromise = jest.fn();
// Mock the util module properly
jest.mock('util', () => ({
promisify: jest.fn(() => mockExecPromise)
// Import module under test after mocking
import { executeDartCommand } from '../../src/utils/dart-executor.js';
// Define interface for exec error with stdout and stderr
interface ExecError extends Error {
stdout?: string;
stderr?: string;
describe('dart-executor', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Reset mocks
// Reset console.log mock
jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => {});
afterEach(() => {
// Restore console.log
it('should execute dart commands with proper arguments', async () => {
const mockStdout = 'command executed successfully';
const mockStderr = '';
// Setup the mock to resolve with stdout and stderr
mockExecPromise.mockResolvedValue({ stdout: mockStdout, stderr: mockStderr });
const command = 'analyze';
const args = ['lib/main.dart', '--fatal-infos'];
const cwd = '/project/root';
const result = await executeDartCommand(command, args, cwd);
// Verify command was executed correctly
'dart analyze lib/main.dart --fatal-infos',
{ cwd }
// Verify returned values
expect(result).toEqual({ stdout: mockStdout, stderr: mockStderr });
it('should handle commands with no arguments', async () => {
const mockStdout = 'info output';
mockExecPromise.mockResolvedValue({ stdout: mockStdout, stderr: '' });
await executeDartCommand('info');
// Verify command was called with just the base command
expect(mockExecPromise).toHaveBeenCalledWith('dart info ', expect.anything());
it('should handle command execution errors', async () => {
const mockError: ExecError = new Error('Command failed');
mockError.stdout = 'Some stdout output';
mockError.stderr = 'Error: File not found';
const result = await executeDartCommand('analyze', ['nonexistent.dart']);
// Should return stdout and stderr from the error object
stdout: mockError.stdout,
stderr: mockError.stderr
it('should handle generic errors without stdout/stderr', async () => {
const mockError = new Error('Generic error');
const result = await executeDartCommand('analyze');
stdout: '',
stderr: mockError.message
it('should handle non-Error objects thrown', async () => {
const mockError = 'String error message';
const result = await executeDartCommand('analyze');
stdout: '',
stderr: String(mockError)
it('should log command execution details', async () => {
const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
mockExecPromise.mockResolvedValue({ stdout: '', stderr: '' });
const command = 'format';
const args = ['lib'];
const cwd = '/custom/dir';
await executeDartCommand(command, args, cwd);
// Should log command details
expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Executing command: dart format lib');
expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Working directory: ${cwd}`);
expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Arguments: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);