Dart MCP Server

import { exec } from 'child_process'; import { promisify } from 'util'; const execPromise = promisify(exec); /** * Executes a Dart command with the provided arguments * @param command The dart subcommand to execute (e.g., 'analyze', 'format') * @param args Arguments to pass to the dart command * @param cwd Optional working directory for the command * @returns Promise with the result of the command execution */ export async function executeDartCommand( command: string, args: string[] = [], cwd?: string ): Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string }> { const dartCommand = `dart ${command} ${args.join(' ')}`; // Log command execution details for debugging console.log(`Executing command: ${dartCommand}`); console.log(`Working directory: ${cwd || process.cwd()}`); console.log(`Arguments: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`); try { const { stdout, stderr } = await execPromise(dartCommand, { cwd }); return { stdout, stderr }; } catch (error) { // If the command fails, we still want to return the output if (error instanceof Error && 'stdout' in error && 'stderr' in error) { const execError = error as unknown as { stdout: string; stderr: string }; return { stdout: execError.stdout || '', stderr: execError.stderr || error.message }; } // For any other errors, just return the error message return { stdout: '', stderr: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }; } }