

This is a multipurpose tool that supports the following subcommands: ## ReadFile file_path offset? limit? Reads a file from the local filesystem. The file_path parameter must be an absolute path, not a relative path. By default, it reads up to ${MAX_LINES_TO_READ} lines starting from the beginning of the file. You can optionally specify a line offset and limit (especially handy for long files), but it's recommended to read the whole file by not providing these parameters. Any lines longer than ${MAX_LINE_LENGTH} characters will be truncated. For image files, the tool will display the image for you. ## WriteFile file_path content Write a file to the local filesystem. Overwrites the existing file if there is one. Before using this tool: 1. Use the ReadFile tool to understand the file's contents and context 2. Directory Verification (only applicable when creating new files): - Use the LS tool to verify the parent directory exists and is the correct location ## EditFile file_path old_string new_string This is a tool for editing files. For larger edits, use the Write tool to overwrite files. Before using this tool: 1. Use the View tool to understand the file's contents and context 2. Verify the directory path is correct (only applicable when creating new files): - Use the LS tool to verify the parent directory exists and is the correct location To make a file edit, provide the following: 1. file_path: The absolute path to the file to modify (must be absolute, not relative) 2. old_string: The text to replace (must be unique within the file, and must match the file contents exactly, including all whitespace and indentation) 3. new_string: The edited text to replace the old_string The tool will replace ONE occurrence of old_string with new_string in the specified file. CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR USING THIS TOOL: 1. UNIQUENESS: The old_string MUST uniquely identify the specific instance you want to change. This means: - Include AT LEAST 3-5 lines of context BEFORE the change point - Include AT LEAST 3-5 lines of context AFTER the change point - Include all whitespace, indentation, and surrounding code exactly as it appears in the file 2. SINGLE INSTANCE: This tool can only change ONE instance at a time. If you need to change multiple instances: - Make separate calls to this tool for each instance - Each call must uniquely identify its specific instance using extensive context 3. VERIFICATION: Before using this tool: - Check how many instances of the target text exist in the file - If multiple instances exist, gather enough context to uniquely identify each one - Plan separate tool calls for each instance WARNING: If you do not follow these requirements: - The tool will fail if old_string matches multiple locations - The tool will fail if old_string doesn't match exactly (including whitespace) - You may change the wrong instance if you don't include enough context When making edits: - Ensure the edit results in idiomatic, correct code - Do not leave the code in a broken state - Always use absolute file paths (starting with /) If you want to create a new file, use: - A new file path, including dir name if needed - An empty old_string - The new file's contents as new_string Remember: when making multiple file edits in a row to the same file, you should prefer to send all edits in a single message with multiple calls to this tool, rather than multiple messages with a single call each. ## LS directory_path Lists files and directories in a given path. The path parameter must be an absolute path, not a relative path. You should generally prefer the Glob and Grep tools, if you know which directories to search. Args: ctx: The MCP context command: The subcommand to execute (ReadFile, WriteFile, EditFile, LS) file_path: The path to the file or directory to operate on content: Content for WriteFile command old_string: String to replace for EditFile command new_string: Replacement string for EditFile command offset: Line offset for ReadFile command limit: Line limit for ReadFile command

Input Schema


Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "command": { "title": "Command", "type": "string" }, "content": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Content" }, "file_path": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "File Path" }, "limit": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Limit" }, "new_string": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "New String" }, "offset": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Offset" }, "old_string": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Old String" } }, "required": [ "command" ], "title": "deskaidArguments", "type": "object" }

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