by ezyang
- codemcp
- tools
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import logging
import os
from ..access import check_edit_permission
from ..git import commit_changes
__all__ = [
async def check_file_path_and_permissions(file_path: str) -> tuple[bool, str | None]:
"""Check if the file path is valid and has the necessary permissions.
file_path: The absolute path to the file
A tuple of (is_valid, error_message)
If is_valid is True, error_message will be None
# Check that the path is absolute
if not os.path.isabs(file_path):
return False, f"File path must be absolute, not relative: {file_path}"
# Check if we have permission to edit this file
is_permitted, permission_message = await check_edit_permission(file_path)
if not is_permitted:
return False, permission_message
return True, None
async def check_git_tracking_for_existing_file(
file_path: str,
chat_id: str,
) -> tuple[bool, str | None]:
"""Check if an existing file is tracked by git. Skips check for non-existent files.
file_path: The absolute path to the file
A tuple of (success, error_message)
If success is True, error_message will be None
# Check if the file exists
file_exists = os.path.exists(file_path)
if file_exists:
# Check if the file is tracked by git - use ls-files directly since we just need to check tracking
directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
# Check if the file is tracked by git
from import run_command
file_status = await run_command(
["git", "ls-files", "--error-unmatch", file_path],
file_is_tracked = file_status.returncode == 0
# If the file is not tracked, return an error
if not file_is_tracked:
error_msg = "File is not tracked by git. Please add the file to git tracking first using 'git add <file>'"
return False, error_msg
# If there are other uncommitted changes, commit them
commit_success, commit_message = await commit_changes(
description="Snapshot before codemcp change",
if not commit_success:
logging.debug(f"Failed to commit pending changes: {commit_message}")
logging.debug(f"Pending changes status: {commit_message}")
return True, None
def ensure_directory_exists(file_path: str) -> None:
"""Ensure the directory for the file exists, creating it if necessary.
file_path: The absolute path to the file
directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
async def write_text_content(
file_path: str,
content: str,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
line_endings: str = None,
) -> None:
"""Write text content to a file with specified encoding and line endings.
file_path: The path to the file
content: The content to write
encoding: The encoding to use
line_endings: The line endings to use ('CRLF', 'LF', '\r\n', or '\n')
# Handle different line ending formats: string constants or actual characters
if isinstance(line_endings, str):
if line_endings.upper() == "CRLF":
actual_line_endings = "\r\n"
elif line_endings.upper() == "LF":
actual_line_endings = "\n"
# Assume it's already the character sequence
actual_line_endings = line_endings
# Default to system line endings if None
actual_line_endings = os.linesep
# First normalize all line endings to \n
normalized_content = content.replace("\r\n", "\n")
# Then replace with the desired line endings if different from \n
if actual_line_endings != "\n":
final_content = normalized_content.replace("\n", actual_line_endings)
final_content = normalized_content
# Ensure directory exists
# Write the content asynchronously using run_in_executor
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
await loop.run_in_executor(
None, lambda: write_file_sync(file_path, final_content, encoding)
def write_file_sync(file_path: str, content: str, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> None:
"""Synchronous helper function to write file content.
file_path: The path to the file
content: The content to write
encoding: The encoding to use
with open(file_path, "w", encoding=encoding) as f: