JSON Resume MCP Server
by jsonresume
- src
import { Octokit } from "octokit";
import { Resume, sampleResume } from "./types.js";
export class GitHubService {
private octokit: Octokit;
private username: string;
private cachedGistId: string | null = null;
constructor(token: string, username: string) {
if (!token) {
throw new Error("GitHub token is required");
if (!username) {
throw new Error("GitHub username is required");
this.octokit = new Octokit({ auth: token });
this.username = username;
* Fetch user profile information from GitHub
async getUserProfile() {
try {
const { data } = await this.octokit.rest.users.getByUsername({
username: this.username,
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching user profile:", error);
throw error;
* Get resume.json from user's gists
async getResumeFromGists(): Promise<Resume | null> {
try {
// If we've already found the gist ID in this session, use it
if (this.cachedGistId) {
console.error(`Using cached gist ID: ${this.cachedGistId}`);
try {
const { data: gist } = await this.octokit.rest.gists.get({
gist_id: this.cachedGistId,
const files = gist.files || {};
const resumeFile = Object.values(files).find(
(file) => file?.filename === "resume.json"
if (resumeFile && resumeFile.raw_url) {
const response = await fetch(resumeFile.raw_url);
const resumeData = await response.json();
console.error("Successfully fetched resume from cached gist ID");
return {
_gistId: this.cachedGistId
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching from cached gist ID, will try listing all gists:", error);
this.cachedGistId = null;
// List all gists for the user
console.error(`Listing gists for user: ${this.username}`);
const { data: gists } = await this.octokit.rest.gists.list({
username: this.username,
per_page: 100,
console.error(`Found ${gists.length} gists, searching for resume.json`);
// Find all gists containing resume.json and sort by updated_at
const resumeGists = gists
.filter(gist => {
const files = gist.files || {};
return Object.values(files).some(
(file) => file?.filename === "resume.json"
.sort((a, b) => {
// Sort by updated_at in descending order (newest first)
return new Date(b.updated_at).getTime() - new Date(a.updated_at).getTime();
if (resumeGists.length > 0) {
// Use the most recently updated resume.json gist
const mostRecentGist = resumeGists[0];
console.error(`Found ${resumeGists.length} resume.json gists. Using most recent: ${mostRecentGist.id} (updated: ${mostRecentGist.updated_at})`);
// Cache the gist ID for future use
this.cachedGistId = mostRecentGist.id;
const files = mostRecentGist.files || {};
const resumeFile = Object.values(files).find(
(file) => file?.filename === "resume.json"
if (resumeFile && resumeFile.raw_url) {
// Fetch the content of resume.json
const response = await fetch(resumeFile.raw_url);
const resumeData = await response.json();
return {
_gistId: mostRecentGist.id // Store the gist ID for later updates
console.error("No resume.json found in any gists");
return null; // No resume.json found
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching resume from gists:", error);
throw error;
* Create a sample resume.json gist if none exists
async createSampleResume(): Promise<Resume> {
try {
// Get user profile to populate some basic fields
const userProfile = await this.getUserProfile();
// Create a copy of the sample resume and populate with GitHub profile info
const newResume = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleResume)) as Resume;
if (newResume.basics) {
newResume.basics.name = userProfile.name || this.username;
if (newResume.basics.profiles) {
const githubProfile = newResume.basics.profiles.find(p => p.network === "GitHub");
if (githubProfile) {
githubProfile.username = this.username;
githubProfile.url = `https://github.com/${this.username}`;
newResume.basics.email = userProfile.email || "";
console.error("Creating new gist with resume.json");
// Create a new gist with resume.json
const { data: gist } = await this.octokit.rest.gists.create({
files: {
"resume.json": {
content: JSON.stringify(newResume, null, 2),
description: "My JSON Resume",
public: true,
// Cache the gist ID for future use
this.cachedGistId = gist.id;
console.error(`Created new gist with ID: ${gist.id}`);
return {
_gistId: gist.id
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating sample resume:", error);
throw error;
* Update an existing resume.json gist
async updateResume(resume: Resume): Promise<Resume> {
try {
// Check if there's a _gistId in the resume
let gistId = (resume as any)._gistId;
// If not, check our cached gist ID
if (!gistId && this.cachedGistId) {
console.error(`No _gistId in resume object, using cached gistId: ${this.cachedGistId}`);
gistId = this.cachedGistId;
// If we still don't have a gist ID, try to find it
if (!gistId) {
console.error("No gist ID found, attempting to find existing resume");
const existingResume = await this.getResumeFromGists();
if (existingResume && (existingResume as any)._gistId) {
gistId = (existingResume as any)._gistId;
console.error(`Found existing resume with gist ID: ${gistId}`);
// If we still don't have a gist ID, create a new gist
if (!gistId) {
console.error("No existing resume found, creating a new one");
const newResume = await this.createSampleResume();
gistId = (newResume as any)._gistId;
// Merge the existing resume data with our new resume
resume = {
_gistId: gistId
// Create a clean copy of the resume without the _gistId property
const { _gistId, ...resumeData } = { ...resume, _gistId: undefined };
// Update the lastModified date
if (resumeData.meta) {
resumeData.meta.lastModified = new Date().toISOString();
} else {
resumeData.meta = {
lastModified: new Date().toISOString()
console.error(`Updating gist with ID: ${gistId}`);
// Update the gist
const { data: updatedGist } = await this.octokit.rest.gists.update({
gist_id: gistId as string,
files: {
"resume.json": {
content: JSON.stringify(resumeData, null, 2),
// Cache the gist ID for future use
this.cachedGistId = gistId;
return {
_gistId: gistId
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error updating resume gist:", error);
throw error;
* Get user's repositories and their contributions
async getUserRepositories() {
try {
// Get user's repositories
const { data: repos } = await this.octokit.rest.repos.listForUser({
username: this.username,
sort: "updated",
per_page: 10, // Limit to recent 10 repos
return repos;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching user repositories:", error);
throw error;
* Get user's contributions to a specific repository
async getRepoContributions(owner: string, repo: string) {
try {
// Get user's commits to the repository
const { data: commits } = await this.octokit.rest.repos.listCommits({
author: this.username,
per_page: 20,
return commits;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching contributions to ${owner}/${repo}:`, error);
return []; // Return empty array on error