Code MCP

#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import os import subprocess from typing import List, Optional import tomli from ..common import normalize_file_path from ..git import commit_changes, is_git_repository from import run_command __all__ = [ "get_command_from_config", "check_for_changes", "run_code_command", ] def get_command_from_config(project_dir: str, command_name: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Get a command from the codemcp.toml file. Args: project_dir: The directory path containing the codemcp.toml file command_name: The name of the command to retrieve (e.g., "lint", "format") Returns: A list of command parts if configured, None otherwise """ try: full_dir_path = normalize_file_path(project_dir) config_path = os.path.join(full_dir_path, "codemcp.toml") if not os.path.exists(config_path): logging.warning(f"Config file not found: {config_path}") return None with open(config_path, "rb") as f: config = tomli.load(f) if "commands" in config and command_name in config["commands"]: cmd_config = config["commands"][command_name] # Handle both direct command lists and dictionaries with 'command' field if isinstance(cmd_config, list): return cmd_config elif isinstance(cmd_config, dict) and "command" in cmd_config: return cmd_config["command"] return None except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error loading {command_name} command: {e}") return None async def check_for_changes(project_dir: str) -> bool: """Check if an operation made any changes to the code. Args: project_dir: The directory path to check Returns: True if changes were detected, False otherwise """ try: # Get the git repository root for reliable status checking try: repo_root = ( await run_command( ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], cwd=project_dir, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True, ) ).stdout.strip() # Use the repo root as working directory for git commands git_cwd = repo_root except (subprocess.SubprocessError, OSError) as e: logging.error(f"Error getting git repository root: {e}") # Fall back to the project directory git_cwd = project_dir # Check if working directory has uncommitted changes status_result = await run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=git_cwd, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True, ) # If status output is not empty, there are changes return bool(status_result.stdout.strip()) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error checking for git changes: {e}") return False async def run_code_command( project_dir: str, command_name: str, command: List[str], commit_message: str ) -> str: """Run a code command (lint, format, etc.) and handle git operations. Args: project_dir: The directory path containing the code to process command_name: The name of the command for logging and messages (e.g., "lint", "format") command: The command to run commit_message: The commit message to use if changes are made Returns: A string containing the result of the operation """ try: full_dir_path = normalize_file_path(project_dir) if not os.path.exists(full_dir_path): return f"Error: Directory does not exist: {project_dir}" if not os.path.isdir(full_dir_path): return f"Error: Path is not a directory: {project_dir}" if not command: # Map the command_name to keep backward compatibility with existing tests command_key = command_name if command_name == "linting": command_key = "lint" elif command_name == "formatting": command_key = "format" return f"Error: No {command_key} command configured in codemcp.toml" # Check if directory is in a git repository is_git_repo = await is_git_repository(full_dir_path) # If it's a git repo, commit any pending changes before running the command if is_git_repo:"Committing any pending changes before {command_name}") commit_result = await commit_changes( full_dir_path, f"Snapshot before auto-{command_name}" ) if not commit_result[0]: logging.warning(f"Failed to commit pending changes: {commit_result[1]}") # Run the command try: result = await run_command( command, cwd=full_dir_path, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True, ) # Additional logging is already done by run_command # If it's a git repo, commit any changes made by the command if is_git_repo: has_changes = await check_for_changes(full_dir_path) if has_changes:"Changes detected after {command_name}, committing") success, commit_result_message = await commit_changes( full_dir_path, commit_message ) if success: return f"Code {command_name} successful and changes committed:\n{result.stdout}" else: logging.warning( f"Failed to commit {command_name} changes: {commit_result_message}" ) return f"Code {command_name} successful but failed to commit changes:\n{result.stdout}\nCommit error: {commit_result_message}" return f"Code {command_name} successful:\n{result.stdout}" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # Map the command_name to keep backward compatibility with existing tests command_key = command_name.title() if command_name == "linting": command_key = "Lint" elif command_name == "formatting": command_key = "Format" # Include both stdout and stderr in the error message stdout_info = f"STDOUT:\n{e.output}" if e.output else "STDOUT: <empty>" stderr_info = f"STDERR:\n{e.stderr}" if e.stderr else "STDERR: <empty>" error_msg = f"{command_key} command failed with exit code {e.returncode}:\n{stdout_info}\n{stderr_info}" # Note: run_command already logs the command and stderr at debug level # We just need to log the error summary at error level logging.error( f"{command_name.title()} command failed with exit code {e.returncode}" ) return f"Error: {error_msg}" except Exception as e: error_msg = f"Error during {command_name}: {e}" logging.error(error_msg) return f"Error: {error_msg}"