Code MCP

BIGGEST PROBLEMS - Git structure seems good, maybe want a way to make the LLM generate the commit message - Audit the tests to make sure they actually do the right thing CODE QUAL - Setup types - General logging to repro problems (CLI logging helps, but some signpost logging would be good too) - An attempt was done at e6b49ee but I think it's overlogging, and the logging format is not right - Stop using catch all exceptions TOOLS: - Typecheck/build integration - Scrape webpage and add to context - Explicitly add file to context - Make file executable tool - A few more of Claude Code's tools: glob, memory, notebook FEATURES - Diff review mode - Rage SHARPEN THE SAW - Use the Anthropic export data to do some token counting / analysis LLM AFFORDANCE - Support this style of grep { `command`: `Grep`, `pattern`: `self\\.assertIn.*normalized_result`, `path`: `/Users/ezyang/Dev/codemcp/test/` } - Regex search replace for refactor-y stuff (need to prompt this well, cuz LLM needs to review changes) - Make system prompt work (let's be compat with claude code) - Infer my codemcp.toml ~~~~ HARD TO FIX - Deal with output length limit from Claude Desktop (cannot do an edit longer than the limit) UNCLEAR PAYOFF - More faithfully copy claude code's line numbering algorithm - Figure out if "compact output" is a good idea - Figure out how to make Claude stop trying to do things I don't want it to do (like running tests)