Memory MCP Server

  • memory_mcp_server
class KnowledgeGraphError(Exception): """Base exception for all knowledge graph errors.""" pass class EntityNotFoundError(KnowledgeGraphError): """Raised when an entity is not found in the graph.""" def __init__(self, entity_name: str): self.entity_name = entity_name super().__init__(f"Entity '{entity_name}' not found in the graph") class EntityAlreadyExistsError(KnowledgeGraphError): """Raised when trying to create an entity that already exists.""" def __init__(self, entity_name: str): self.entity_name = entity_name super().__init__(f"Entity '{entity_name}' already exists in the graph") class RelationValidationError(KnowledgeGraphError): """Raised when a relation is invalid.""" pass class FileAccessError(KnowledgeGraphError): """Raised when there are file access issues.""" pass class JsonParsingError(KnowledgeGraphError): """Raised when there are JSON parsing issues.""" def __init__(self, line_number: int, line_content: str, original_error: Exception): self.line_number = line_number self.line_content = line_content self.original_error = original_error super().__init__( f"Failed to parse JSON at line {line_number}: {str(original_error)}\n" f"Content: {line_content}" )