
import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, cast from llm_context.file_selector import FileSelector from llm_context.profile import IGNORE_NOTHING, INCLUDE_ALL, MEDIA_EXTENSIONS @dataclass(frozen=True) class FolderStructureDiagram: root_dir: str full_files: Optional[set[str]] = None outline_files: Optional[set[str]] = None no_media: bool = False @property def is_enhanced(self) -> bool: return self.full_files is not None and self.outline_files is not None @staticmethod def create_simple(root_dir: str) -> "FolderStructureDiagram": return FolderStructureDiagram(root_dir) @staticmethod def create_enhanced( root_dir: str, full_files: set[str], outline_files: set[str], no_media ) -> "FolderStructureDiagram": return FolderStructureDiagram(root_dir, full_files, outline_files, no_media) def generate_tree(self, in_abs_paths: list[str]) -> str: abs_paths = ( [path for path in in_abs_paths if not self.is_excluded_file(path)] if self.no_media else in_abs_paths ) sorted_paths = sorted(self._make_relative(path) for path in abs_paths) tree_dict = self._build_tree_structure(sorted_paths) diagram = self._format_tree({os.path.basename(self.root_dir): tree_dict}) with_key = ( "Key: ✓ Full content, ○ Outline only, ✗ Excluded\n\n" + diagram if self.is_enhanced else diagram ) return ( with_key + "\n\n*Non-text files have been excluded from this diagram.*" if self.no_media else with_key ) def is_excluded_file(self, path: str) -> bool: return os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower() in MEDIA_EXTENSIONS def _make_relative(self, path: str) -> str: return os.path.relpath(path, self.root_dir) def _build_tree_structure(self, paths: list[str]) -> dict: root: dict = {} for path in paths: current = root for part in path.split(os.sep): if part not in current: current[part] = {"__status__": self._get_file_status(path)} current = current[part] return root def _get_file_status(self, path: str) -> str: if not self.is_enhanced: return "" full_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, path) if full_path in cast(set[str], self.full_files): return "✓" elif full_path in cast(set[str], self.outline_files): return "○" else: return "✗" def _format_tree(self, tree: dict, prefix: str = "") -> str: lines = [] items = list(tree.items()) for i, (name, subtree) in enumerate(items): is_last = i == len(items) - 1 status = subtree.pop("__status__", "") lines.append( f"{prefix}{'└── ' if is_last else '├── '}{name}{' ' + status if status else ''}" ) if subtree: extension = " " if is_last else "│ " lines.append(self._format_tree(subtree, prefix + extension)) return "\n".join(lines) def get_annotated_fsd( project_root: Path, full_files: list[str], outline_files: list[str], no_media: bool ) -> str: abs_paths = FileSelector.create(project_root, IGNORE_NOTHING, INCLUDE_ALL).get_files() diagram = FolderStructureDiagram.create_enhanced( str(project_root), set(full_files), set(outline_files), no_media ) return diagram.generate_tree(abs_paths) def get_fsd() -> str: project_root = Path.cwd() abs_paths = FileSelector.create(project_root, IGNORE_NOTHING, INCLUDE_ALL).get_files() diagram = FolderStructureDiagram.create_simple(str(project_root)) return diagram.generate_tree(abs_paths)