Nuanced MCP Server

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.


No arguments



Interactive templates invoked by user choice

analyze_functionCreate a prompt to analyze a function with its call graph.
impact_analysisCreate a prompt to analyze the impact of changing a function.
analyze_dependencies_promptCreate a prompt to analyze dependencies of a file or module.


Contextual data attached and managed by the client



Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


Initialize a code graph for the given repository path.

Args: repo_path: Path to the repository to analyze

Returns: Success message with information about the initialized graph


Switch to a different initialized repository.

Args: repo_path: Path to the repository to switch to

Returns: Success message or error


List all initialized repositories.

Returns: List of initialized repositories


Get the call graph for a specific function.

Args: file_path: Path to the file containing the function function_name: Name of the function to analyze repo_path: Optional repository path (uses active repository if not specified)

Returns: Information about the function's call graph


Find all module or file dependencies in the codebase.

Identifies all function dependencies for a file or module in the active repository. This identifies all modules that depend on the specified module or file.

Args: file_path: Path to a specific file to analyze dependencies for module_name: Name of a module to analyze dependencies for (e.g., 'auth' will match 'app.auth', 'auth.users', etc.)

Returns: A list of all functions and files that depend on the specified module


Analyze the impact of changing a specific function.

This tool performs a comprehensive impact analysis to help understand what would be affected if you modify the specified function.

Args: file_path: Path to the file containing the function function_name: Name of the function to analyze

Returns: A detailed analysis of the potential impact of changing the function