- id: z-index-apocalypse-detector
- pattern: "z-index: 999;"
- pattern: "z-index: 9999;"
- pattern: "z-index: 10000;"
- pattern: "z-index: 99999;"
- pattern: "z-index: 999999;"
- pattern: "z-index: 9999999;"
message: "⚠️ Z-INDEX APOCALYPSE DETECTED! ⚠️ You're using an absurdly high z-index value. Are you trying to place elements in orbit? Consider using our z-index system with predefined constants."
languages: [css, scss, less]
severity: WARNING
category: style
impact: "Ridiculous z-index values lead to CSS chaos and maintainability nightmares"
fix: "Replace with semantic z-index constants from our design system"
- before: |
.popup {
z-index: 999999; /* Must be above EVERYTHING!!! */
- after: |
/* Import z-index system */
@import 'styles/z-index.scss';
.popup {
z-index: $z-modal;