Multi-service MCP Server
by AdamPippert
#!/usr/bin/env python
Example of integrating the MCP Server with a language model.
This example shows how to use the MCP server as a tool provider for an LLM.
import os
import json
import requests
import argparse
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional
# Load environment variables
# Configure API keys
MCP_SERVER_URL = os.getenv("MCP_SERVER_URL", "http://localhost:5000")
class MCPToolProvider:
Tool provider for language models using the MCP server.
def __init__(self, base_url: str):
Initialize the MCP tool provider.
base_url: The base URL of the MCP server
self.base_url = base_url
self.gateway_url = f"{base_url}/mcp/gateway"
self.manifest_url = f"{base_url}/mcp/manifest"
self.manifest = None
self.tools_schema = []
def load_tools(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Load tool definitions from the MCP server manifest and convert to OpenAI tools format.
A list of tools in OpenAI format
response = requests.get(self.manifest_url)
self.manifest = response.json()
tools_schema = []
for tool_name, tool_info in self.manifest["tools"].items():
for action_name, action_info in tool_info["actions"].items():
# Create OpenAI function calling format
function_def = {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": f"{tool_name}_{action_name}",
"description": action_info["description"],
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {},
"required": []
# Add parameters
for param_name, param_info in action_info.get("parameters", {}).items():
function_def["function"]["parameters"]["properties"][param_name] = {
"type": param_info.get("type", "string"),
"description": param_info.get("description", "")
# Add to required list if no default value
if "default" not in param_info:
self.tools_schema = tools_schema
return tools_schema
def execute_tool(self, function_name: str, arguments: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Execute a tool function via the MCP gateway.
function_name: The name of the function to execute (in format "tool_action")
arguments: The arguments for the function
The result of the function execution
# Split function name into tool and action
parts = function_name.split("_", 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid function name format: {function_name}")
tool, action = parts
# Call the MCP gateway
payload = {
"tool": tool,
"action": action,
"parameters": arguments
response =, json=payload)
result = response.json()
if result["status"] != "success":
raise Exception(f"Tool execution failed: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}")
return result["result"]
class OpenAIClient:
OpenAI API client with MCP tool integration.
def __init__(self, api_key: str, model: str = "gpt-4-0125-preview"):
Initialize the OpenAI client.
api_key: The OpenAI API key
model: The model to use
self.api_key = api_key
self.model = model
self.headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"
self.endpoint = ""
def chat(self,
messages: List[Dict[str, Any]],
tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
tool_provider: Optional[MCPToolProvider] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Chat with the OpenAI model using tools.
messages: The conversation messages
tools: The tools to make available to the model
tool_provider: The tool provider for executing tool calls
The model's response
payload = {
"model": self.model,
"messages": messages,
"temperature": 0.7,
if tools:
payload["tools"] = tools
payload["tool_choice"] = "auto"
# Make the initial API call
response =, headers=self.headers, json=payload)
result = response.json()
# Handle tool calls if present
while tool_provider and result["choices"][0]["message"].get("tool_calls"):
tool_message = result["choices"][0]["message"]
# Process each tool call
for tool_call in tool_message["tool_calls"]:
function_name = tool_call["function"]["name"]
arguments = json.loads(tool_call["function"]["arguments"])
# Execute the tool
function_response = tool_provider.execute_tool(function_name, arguments)
# Add the tool response to messages
"role": "tool",
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"],
"name": function_name,
"content": json.dumps(function_response)
except Exception as e:
# Handle tool execution errors
"role": "tool",
"tool_call_id": tool_call["id"],
"name": function_name,
"content": json.dumps({"error": str(e)})
# Make another API call with the tool responses
payload["messages"] = messages
response =, headers=self.headers, json=payload)
result = response.json()
return result
class AnthropicClient:
Anthropic API client with MCP tool integration.
def __init__(self, api_key: str, model: str = "claude-3-opus-20240229"):
Initialize the Anthropic client.
api_key: The Anthropic API key
model: The model to use
self.api_key = api_key
self.model = model
self.headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-API-Key": api_key,
"anthropic-version": "2023-06-01"
self.endpoint = ""
def chat(self,
messages: List[Dict[str, Any]],
tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
tool_provider: Optional[MCPToolProvider] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Chat with the Anthropic model using tools.
messages: The conversation messages
tools: The tools to make available to the model
tool_provider: The tool provider for executing tool calls
The model's response
# Convert OpenAI message format to Anthropic format
anthropic_messages = []
for msg in messages:
if msg["role"] == "user":
anthropic_messages.append({"role": "user", "content": msg["content"]})
elif msg["role"] == "assistant":
anthropic_messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": msg["content"]})
elif msg["role"] == "system":
# System messages are handled differently in Anthropic API
system_content = msg["content"]
payload = {
"model": self.model,
"messages": anthropic_messages,
"temperature": 0.7,
"system": system_content if "system_content" in locals() else "",
"max_tokens": 1024
if tools:
# Convert OpenAI tools format to Anthropic tools format
anthropic_tools = []
for tool in tools:
if tool["type"] == "function":
"name": tool["function"]["name"],
"description": tool["function"]["description"],
"input_schema": tool["function"]["parameters"]
payload["tools"] = anthropic_tools
# Make the initial API call
response =, headers=self.headers, json=payload)
result = response.json()
# Handle tool calls if present
# Note: This is simplified and would need to be expanded for actual Anthropic tool use
# as the formats between OpenAI and Anthropic differ
return result
def run_github_example():
Run an example of GitHub tool integration with an LLM.
# Initialize the MCP tool provider
tool_provider = MCPToolProvider(MCP_SERVER_URL)
tools = tool_provider.load_tools()
# Filter to just GitHub tools for this example
github_tools = [tool for tool in tools if tool["function"]["name"].startswith("github_")]
# Initialize the OpenAI client
openai_client = OpenAIClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
# Set up the conversation
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant that can use GitHub tools to retrieve information."},
{"role": "user", "content": "What repositories does the user 'octocat' have on GitHub?"}
# Chat with the model using GitHub tools
print("Sending query to the language model with GitHub tools...")
result =, github_tools, tool_provider)
# Print the result
assistant_message = result["choices"][0]["message"]
print("\nAssistant response:")
def run_maps_memory_example():
Run an example combining Google Maps and Memory tools with an LLM.
# Initialize the MCP tool provider
tool_provider = MCPToolProvider(MCP_SERVER_URL)
tools = tool_provider.load_tools()
# Filter to just Google Maps and Memory tools for this example
selected_tools = [
tool for tool in tools
if tool["function"]["name"].startswith("gmaps_") or tool["function"]["name"].startswith("memory_")
# Initialize the OpenAI client
openai_client = OpenAIClient(OPENAI_API_KEY)
# Set up the conversation
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant that can look up locations and store information in memory."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Find the coordinates for the Empire State Building, then save that information in memory with the key 'empire_state_building'."}
# Chat with the model using the selected tools
print("Sending query to the language model with Google Maps and Memory tools...")
result =, selected_tools, tool_provider)
# Print the result
assistant_message = result["choices"][0]["message"]
print("\nAssistant response:")
# Continue the conversation
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "Now retrieve the information you stored about the Empire State Building and use Google Maps to find a nearby coffee shop."})
# Chat with the model again
print("\nSending follow-up query...")
result =, selected_tools, tool_provider)
# Print the result
assistant_message = result["choices"][0]["message"]
print("\nAssistant response:")
def main():
"""Run the example integrations"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MCP Integration with LLMs")
parser.add_argument("--example", choices=["github", "maps_memory"], default="github",
help="Example to run (default: github)")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Error: OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is not set")
if args.example == "github":
elif args.example == "maps_memory":
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error connecting to server: {str(e)}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":