VRChat MCP Server

by sawa-zen
  • src
import axios from 'axios' import { Configuration, AuthenticationApi, FriendsApi } from 'vrchat' import { authenticator } from 'otplib' interface Arguments { username: string; password: string; potpSecret: string; email: string; } export class VRChatClient { constructor({ username, password, potpSecret, email }: Arguments) { this._axiosConfiguration = axios.create({ headers: { 'User-Agent': `vrc-mcp/0.10 ${email}` }, }) this._vrchatConfiguration = new Configuration({ username, password }) this._vrchatAuthApi = new AuthenticationApi( this._vrchatConfiguration, undefined, this._axiosConfiguration ) this._totpSecret = potpSecret } async auth() { // Log in using ID and password try { await this.getCurrentUser() } catch (error) { throw new Error('Failed to get current user: ' + error) } // 2FA authentication try { await this._verify2FA() } catch (error) { throw new Error('2FA verification failed: ' + error) } } async getCurrentUser() { const response = await this._vrchatAuthApi.getCurrentUser() return response.data } async getFriends() { const friendApi = new FriendsApi(this._vrchatConfiguration, undefined, this._axiosConfiguration) const response = await friendApi.getFriends(0, undefined, true) return response.data } // Private private _totpSecret: string private _axiosConfiguration private _vrchatConfiguration private _vrchatAuthApi private async _verify2FA() { const totpCode = authenticator.generate(this._totpSecret) const response = await this._vrchatAuthApi.verify2FA({ code: totpCode }); if (!response.data.verified) { throw new Error('2FA verification failed') } return response.data; } }