MCP JinaAI Search Server
by spences10
Search the web and get clean, LLM-friendly content using Reader. Returns top 5 results with URLs and clean content.
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
browser_locale | No | Browser locale for rendering content | |
enable_iframe | No | Extract content from iframes | |
enable_shadow_dom | No | Extract content from shadow DOM | |
format | No | Response format (json or text) | text |
gather_images | No | Gather all images at the end of the response | |
gather_links | No | Gather all links at the end of the response | |
image_caption | No | Caption images in the content | |
no_cache | No | Bypass cache for fresh results | |
query | Yes | Search query | |
resolve_redirects | No | Follow redirect chains to final URL | |
stream | No | Enable stream mode for large pages | |
token_budget | No | Maximum number of tokens for this request |