Iaptic MCP Server



List purchases with pagination and date filtering

Input Schema

customerIdNoFilter by customer ID
enddateNoFilter purchases before this date (ISO format, e.g. 2024-12-31)
limitNoMaximum number of purchases to return (default: 100, max: 1000)
offsetNoNumber of purchases to skip for pagination
startdateNoFilter purchases after this date (ISO format, e.g. 2024-01-01)

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "customerId": { "description": "Filter by customer ID", "type": "string" }, "enddate": { "description": "Filter purchases before this date (ISO format, e.g. 2024-12-31)", "type": "string" }, "limit": { "description": "Maximum number of purchases to return (default: 100, max: 1000)", "type": "number" }, "offset": { "description": "Number of purchases to skip for pagination", "type": "number" }, "startdate": { "description": "Filter purchases after this date (ISO format, e.g. 2024-01-01)", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }