# Harvest API v2 Documentation
This repository contains the complete documentation for the Harvest API v2. Below is the structure of the documentation:
## Directory Structure
├── 01_introduction/
│ ├── 01_overview.md
│ ├── 02_postman_collection.md
│ ├── 03_code_samples.md
│ ├── 04_supported_timezones.md
│ ├── 05_supported_currencies.md
│ └── 06_pagination.md
├── 02_authentication/
│ └── 01_authentication.md
├── 03_clients_api/
│ ├── 01_clients.md
│ └── 02_client_contacts.md
├── 04_company/
│ └── 01_company.md
├── 05_invoices/
│ ├── 01_invoice_item_categories.md
│ ├── 02_invoice_messages.md
│ ├── 03_invoice_payments.md
│ └── 04_invoices.md
├── 06_estimates/
│ ├── 01_estimate_item_categories.md
│ ├── 02_estimate_messages.md
│ └── 03_estimates.md
├── 07_expenses/
│ ├── expense_categories.md
│ └── expenses.md
├── 08_tasks/
│ └── tasks.md
├── 09_timesheets/
│ └── time_entries.md
├── 10_projects/
│ ├── projects.md
│ ├── project_user_assignments.md
│ └── project_task_assignments.md
├── 11_roles/
│ └── roles.md
├── 12_users/
│ ├── users.md
│ ├── billable_rates.md
│ ├── cost_rates.md
│ ├── project_assignments.md
│ └── teammates.md
└── 13_reports/
├── time.md
├── uninvoiced.md
├── expenses.md
└── project_budget.md
## Documentation Sections
1. **Introduction**
- Overview of the API
- Postman Collection
- Code Samples
- Supported Timezones
- Supported Currencies
- Pagination
2. **Authentication**
- Authentication methods and security
3. **Clients API**
- Client management
- Client contacts
4. **Company API**
- Company information and settings
5. **Invoices API**
- Invoice management
- Invoice item categories
- Invoice messages
- Invoice payments
6. **Estimates API**
- Estimate management
- Estimate item categories
- Estimate messages
7. **Expenses API**
- Expense management
- Expense categories
8. **Tasks API**
- Task management
9. **Timesheets API**
- Time entry management
10. **Projects API**
- Project management
- Project user assignments
- Project task assignments
11. **Roles API**
- Role management
12. **Users API**
- User management
- Billable rates
- Cost rates
- Project assignments
- Team management
13. **Reports API**
- Time reports
- Uninvoiced reports
- Expense reports
- Project budget reports
Each markdown file contains detailed documentation about its respective endpoint, including available methods, parameters, example requests and responses.