Harvest Natural Language Time Entry MCP Server

# Company Admin permissions required for all company endpoints. ## The Company Object ### Attributes: - base_uri (string): The Harvest URL for the company - full_domain (string): The Harvest domain - name (string): Company name - is_active (boolean): Active/archived status - week_start_day (string): Start of week (Saturday/Sunday/Monday) - wants_timestamp_timers (boolean): Time tracking method - time_format (string): decimal or hours_minutes - date_format (string): Date display format - plan_type (string): trial, free, or plan name - clock (string): 12h or 24h - currency_code_display (string): Currency code display setting - currency_symbol_display (string): Currency symbol display setting - decimal_symbol (string): Decimal formatting symbol - thousands_separator (string): Number formatting separator - color_scheme (string): Web client color scheme - weekly_capacity (integer): Weekly capacity in seconds - expense_feature (boolean): Expense module status - invoice_feature (boolean): Invoice module status - estimate_feature (boolean): Estimate module status - approval_feature (boolean): Approval module status - team_feature (boolean): Team module status ## Available Endpoints ### Retrieve Company Info ``` GET /v2/company ``` Returns company object for authenticated user. ### Update Company Settings ``` PATCH /v2/company ``` #### Updateable Parameters: - wants_timestamp_timers (boolean) - weekly_capacity (integer) ## Example Response ```json { "base_uri": "https://{ACCOUNT_SUBDOMAIN}.harvestapp.com", "full_domain": "{ACCOUNT_SUBDOMAIN}.harvestapp.com", "name": "API Examples", "is_active": true, "week_start_day": "Monday", "wants_timestamp_timers": true, "time_format": "hours_minutes", "date_format": "%Y-%m-%d", "plan_type": "sponsored", "expense_feature": true, "invoice_feature": true, "estimate_feature": true, "approval_feature": true, "clock": "12h", "currency_code_display": "iso_code_none", "currency_symbol_display": "symbol_before", "decimal_symbol": ".", "thousands_separator": ",", "color_scheme": "orange", "weekly_capacity": 126000 }