# Clients
## The Client Object
### Attributes:
- id (integer): Unique ID for the client
- name (string): Client description
- is_active (boolean): Active or archived status
- address (string): Physical address
- statement_key (string): Used for invoice dashboard URL
- currency (string): Associated currency code
- created_at (datetime): Creation timestamp
- updated_at (datetime): Last update timestamp
## Required Permissions
Administrator or Manager with client creation/editing permissions required.
## Endpoints
### List All Clients
GET /v2/clients
- is_active (boolean): Filter active/inactive clients
- updated_since (datetime): Filter by update date
- per_page (integer): Records per page (1-2000)
### Retrieve a Client
GET /v2/clients/{CLIENT_ID}
### Create a Client
POST /v2/clients
Required Parameters:
- name (string)
Optional Parameters:
- is_active (boolean)
- address (string)
- currency (string)
### Update a Client
PATCH /v2/clients/{CLIENT_ID}
Updateable Parameters:
- name
- is_active
- address
- currency
### Delete a Client
DELETE /v2/clients/{CLIENT_ID}
Only possible if client has no associated projects, invoices, or estimates.
## Example Response
"id": 5735776,
"name": "123 Industries",
"is_active": true,
"address": "123 Main St.\r\nAnytown, LA 71223",
"statement_key": "0a39d3e33c8058cf7c3f8097d854c64e",
"created_at": "2017-06-26T21:02:12Z",
"updated_at": "2017-06-26T21:34:11Z",
"currency": "EUR"