Netskope NPA MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

Netskope NPA MCP Server

This MCP server provides an interface to Netskope's Network Private Access (NPA) API, allowing you to manage publishers, upgrade profiles, access policies, and publisher steering.

Installation Options

npx @johnneerdael/netskope-npa

Option 2: Manual Installation

npm install @johnneerdael/netskope-npa

MacOS/Linux Setup in Claude/Cline

{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-npa": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@johnneerdael/netskope-npa", ] "env": { "NETSKOPE_API_TOKEN": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "NETSKOPE_API_BASE": "" } } } }

WSL Setup in Claude/Cline

  1. Install WSL if not already installed:
# Run in PowerShell as Administrator wsl --install
  1. Install NVM in WSL:
curl -o- | bash source ~/.nvm/
  1. Install Node.js using NVM:
nvm install v23.6.1 nvm use v23.6.1
  1. Configure MCP in your Claude project:
{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-npa": { "command": "wsl.exe", "args": [ "bash", "-c", "source ~/.nvm/ && NETSKOPE_API_BASE= NETSKOPE_API_TOKEN=your-api-token $NVM_BIN/npx -y @johnneerdael/netskope-npa" ] } } }

Note: Replace your-wsl-username and your-windows-username with your actual usernames.

Understanding WSL Paths

  • WSL path: /home/your-wsl-username
  • Windows path mapped in WSL: /mnt/c/Users/your-windows-username

Environment Setup

  1. Create .env file:


import { NetskopeNpaClient } from '@your-org/netskope-npa-mcp'; const client = new NetskopeNpaClient( process.env.NETSKOPE_API_BASE!, process.env.NETSKOPE_API_TOKEN! ); // List all publishers const publishers = await client.listPublishers({ fields: 'publisher_id,name,status' }); // Create a new publisher const newPublisher = await client.createPublisher({ name: 'npa_publisher_1', lbrokerconnect: false, publisher_upgrade_profiles_id: 1 });



npm run build


npm test

Running in Development Mode

# Using NPX npx ts-node src/index.ts # Or using the built version npm run build && node dist/index.js




WSL Path Issues

If you encounter path mapping issues:

  1. Check your WSL installation: wsl -l -v
  2. Verify path mappings: wsl pwd
  3. Ensure NVM is properly sourced: source ~/.nvm/

Common Issues

  1. EACCES error: Run with proper permissions
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.npm
  2. Path not found: Verify WSL paths
    ls /mnt/c/Users/your-windows-username/Scripts
  3. Node version mismatch: Use correct NVM version
    nvm use v23.6.1
security - not tested
license - not tested
quality - not tested

Provides an interface to manage publishers, upgrade profiles, access policies, and steering for Netskope's Network Private Access (NPA) API.

  1. Installation Options
    1. Option 1: NPX Installation (Recommended)
      1. Option 2: Manual Installation
      2. MacOS/Linux Setup in Claude/Cline
        1. WSL Setup in Claude/Cline
          1. Understanding WSL Paths
            1. Environment Setup
            2. Usage
              1. Development
                1. Building
                  1. Testing
                    1. Running in Development Mode
                    2. License
                      1. Troubleshooting
                        1. WSL Path Issues
                          1. Common Issues

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