Thought Space - MCP Advanced Branch-Thinking Tool

  • src
import chalk from 'chalk'; import { ThoughtBranch, ThoughtData, Insight, CrossReference, InsightType, CrossRefType, BranchingThoughtInput, EnhancedBranch, SemanticNode, TemporalEvolution, MultiHopReasoning, VisualizationConfig, AnalyticsData, BiasAnalysis } from './types.js'; import { SemanticProcessor } from './semanticProcessor.js'; import { BiasDetector } from './biasDetector.js'; import { AnalyticsEngine } from './analytics.js'; export class BranchManager { private branches: Map<string, ThoughtBranch> = new Map(); private insightCounter = 0; private thoughtCounter = 0; private crossRefCounter = 0; private activeBranchId: string | null = null; private semanticProcessor: SemanticProcessor; private temporalEvolutionMap: Map<string, TemporalEvolution>; private readonly analyticsEngine: AnalyticsEngine; private readonly biasDetector: BiasDetector; private reinforcementLearning: { learningRate: number; decayFactor: number; explorationRate: number; } = { learningRate: 0.1, decayFactor: 0.95, explorationRate: 0.2 }; constructor() { this.semanticProcessor = new SemanticProcessor(); this.temporalEvolutionMap = new Map(); this.analyticsEngine = new AnalyticsEngine(); this.biasDetector = new BiasDetector(); } generateId(prefix: string): string { const timestamp =; const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); return `${prefix}-${timestamp}-${random}`; } createBranch(branchId: string, parentBranchId?: string): ThoughtBranch { const branch: ThoughtBranch = { id: branchId, parentBranchId, state: 'active', priority: 1.0, confidence: 1.0, thoughts: [], insights: [], crossRefs: [] }; this.branches.set(branchId, branch); // Set as active if it's the first branch if (!this.activeBranchId) { this.activeBranchId = branchId; } return branch; } private createInsight( type: InsightType, content: string, context: string[], parentInsights?: string[] ): Insight { return { id: `insight-${++this.insightCounter}`, type, content, context, parentInsights, applicabilityScore: 1.0, supportingEvidence: {} }; } private createCrossReference( fromBranch: string, toBranch: string, type: CrossRefType, reason: string, strength: number ): CrossReference { return { id: `xref-${++this.crossRefCounter}`, fromBranch, toBranch, type, reason, strength, touchpoints: [] }; } addThought(input: BranchingThoughtInput): ThoughtData { // Use active branch if no branchId provided const branchId = input.branchId || this.activeBranchId || this.generateId('branch'); let branch = this.branches.get(branchId); if (!branch) { branch = this.createBranch(branchId, input.parentBranchId); } const thought: ThoughtData = { id: `thought-${++this.thoughtCounter}`, content: input.content, branchId:, timestamp: new Date(), metadata: { type: input.type, confidence: input.confidence || 1.0, keyPoints: input.keyPoints || [] } }; branch.thoughts.push(thought); // Create insights if key points are provided if (input.keyPoints) { const insight = this.createInsight( 'observation', `Identified key points: ${input.keyPoints.join(', ')}`, [input.type], input.relatedInsights ); branch.insights.push(insight); } // Create cross references if specified if (input.crossRefs) { input.crossRefs.forEach(ref => { const crossRef = this.createCrossReference( branch!.id, ref.toBranch, ref.type, ref.reason, ref.strength ); branch!.crossRefs.push(crossRef); }); } this.updateBranchMetrics(branch); return thought; } private updateBranchMetrics(branch: ThoughtBranch): void { const avgConfidence = branch.thoughts.reduce((sum, t) => sum + t.metadata.confidence, 0) / branch.thoughts.length; const insightScore = branch.insights.length * 0.1; const crossRefScore = branch.crossRefs.reduce((sum, ref) => sum + ref.strength, 0) * 0.1; branch.priority = avgConfidence + insightScore + crossRefScore; branch.confidence = avgConfidence; } getBranch(branchId: string): ThoughtBranch | undefined { return this.branches.get(branchId); } getAllBranches(): ThoughtBranch[] { return Array.from(this.branches.values()); } getActiveBranch(): ThoughtBranch | undefined { return this.activeBranchId ? this.branches.get(this.activeBranchId) : undefined; } setActiveBranch(branchId: string): void { if (!this.branches.has(branchId)) { throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); } this.activeBranchId = branchId; } getBranchHistory(branchId: string): string { const branch = this.branches.get(branchId); if (!branch) { throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); } const header =`History for branch: ${branchId} (${branch.state})`); const timeline =, i) => { const timestamp = t.timestamp.toLocaleTimeString(); const number = chalk.gray(`${i + 1}.`); const content = t.content; const type = chalk.yellow(`[${t.metadata.type}]`); const points = t.metadata.keyPoints.length > 0 ?`\n Key Points: ${t.metadata.keyPoints.join(', ')}`) : ''; return `${number} ${timestamp} ${type}\n ${content}${points}`; }).join('\n\n'); const insights = => chalk.yellow(`→ ${i.content}`) ).join('\n'); return ` ┌───────────────────────────────────────────── │ ${header} ├───────────────────────────────────────────── ${timeline} ${insights ? ` ├───────────────────────────────────────────── │ Insights: ${insights}` : ''} └─────────────────────────────────────────────`; } formatBranchStatus(branch: ThoughtBranch): string { const isActive = === this.activeBranchId; const header = `${'Branch:')} ${} (${branch.state})${isActive ?' [ACTIVE]') : ''}`; const stats = `Priority: ${branch.priority.toFixed(2)} | Confidence: ${branch.confidence.toFixed(2)}`; const thoughts = => ` ${'•')} ${t.content} (${t.metadata.type})` ).join('\n'); const insights = => ` ${chalk.yellow('→')} ${i.content}` ).join('\n'); const crossRefs = => ` ${chalk.magenta('↔')} ${r.toBranch}: ${r.reason} (${r.strength.toFixed(2)})` ).join('\n'); return ` ┌───────────────────────────────────────────── │ ${header} │ ${stats} ├───────────────────────────────────────────── │ Thoughts: ${thoughts} │ Insights: ${insights} │ Cross References: ${crossRefs} └─────────────────────────────────────────────`; } async visualizeBranch( branchId: string, config: Partial<VisualizationConfig> = {} ): Promise<void> { const branch = this.getBranch(branchId) as EnhancedBranch; if (!branch) throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); const defaultConfig: VisualizationConfig = { layout: 'force', style: { nodeSize: 10, edgeWidth: 1, colorScheme: ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c'], highlightColor: '#d62728' }, filters: { minConfidence: 0.5 }, interactions: { zoom: true, drag: true, highlight: true, details: true } }; const finalConfig = { ...defaultConfig, ...config }; branch.visualizationData = { layout: finalConfig.layout, positions: new Map() }; // Calculate positions based on layout algorithm switch (finalConfig.layout) { case 'force': await this.calculateForceLayout(branch); break; case 'hierarchical': await this.calculateHierarchicalLayout(branch); break; case 'radial': await this.calculateRadialLayout(branch); break; case 'temporal': await this.calculateTemporalLayout(branch); break; } } private async calculateForceLayout(branch: EnhancedBranch): Promise<void> { // Implement force-directed layout algorithm // This would use something like d3-force in a real implementation } private async calculateHierarchicalLayout(branch: EnhancedBranch): Promise<void> { // Implement hierarchical layout algorithm } private async calculateRadialLayout(branch: EnhancedBranch): Promise<void> { // Implement radial layout algorithm } private async calculateTemporalLayout(branch: EnhancedBranch): Promise<void> { // Implement temporal layout algorithm } async detectContradictions(branchId: string): Promise<Array<{ nodeId: string; contradictsWith: string[]; score: number; }>> { const branch = this.getBranch(branchId) as EnhancedBranch; if (!branch) throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); const contradictions: Array<{ nodeId: string; contradictsWith: string[]; score: number; }> = []; // Implement contradiction detection logic // This would analyze semantic relationships and logical consistency return contradictions; } async applyReinforcement(branchId: string, feedback: { nodeId: string; reward: number; }[]): Promise<void> { const branch = this.getBranch(branchId) as EnhancedBranch; if (!branch) throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); if (!branch.reinforcementData) { branch.reinforcementData = { learningRate: this.reinforcementLearning.learningRate, rewardHistory: [], modelParameters: new Map() }; } // Apply reinforcement learning updates for (const { nodeId, reward } of feedback) { const node = branch.nodes.find(n => === nodeId); if (node) { // Update confidence based on reward node.confidence = this.updateConfidence( node.confidence, reward, branch.reinforcementData.learningRate ); // Record reward history branch.reinforcementData.rewardHistory.push({ timestamp: new Date(), reward }); } } } private updateConfidence(currentConfidence: number, reward: number, learningRate: number): number { const newConfidence = currentConfidence + learningRate * (reward - currentConfidence); return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, newConfidence)); } async semanticSearch(query: string, options: { threshold?: number; maxResults?: number; branchId?: string; } = {}): Promise<Array<{node: SemanticNode; similarity: number}>> { const threshold = options.threshold ?? 0.7; const maxResults = options.maxResults ?? 10; const queryEmbedding = await this.semanticProcessor.embedText(query); const results: Array<{node: SemanticNode; similarity: number}> = []; const branches = options.branchId ? [this.getBranch(options.branchId)] : this.getAllBranches(); for (const branch of branches) { if (!branch) continue; for (const node of (branch as EnhancedBranch).nodes) { if (!node.embedding) { node.embedding = await this.semanticProcessor.embedText(node.label); } const similarity = this.semanticProcessor.calculateSimilarity( queryEmbedding, node.embedding ); if (similarity >= threshold) { results.push({ node: node as SemanticNode, similarity }); } } } return results .sort((a, b) => b.similarity - a.similarity) .slice(0, maxResults); } async findMultiHopPath( startNodeId: string, endNodeId: string, maxDepth: number = 5 ): Promise<MultiHopReasoning[]> { const paths: MultiHopReasoning[] = []; const visited = new Set<string>(); const dfs = async ( currentId: string, path: string[], reasoning: Array<{from: string; to: string; reasoning: string; confidence: number}>, depth: number ) => { if (depth > maxDepth) return; if (currentId === endNodeId) { paths.push({ path, confidence: reasoning.reduce((acc, step) => acc * step.confidence, 1), evidence: [], intermediateSteps: reasoning }); return; } visited.add(currentId); const currentNode = this.findNodeById(currentId) as SemanticNode; if (!currentNode) return; for (const link of currentNode.semanticLinks) { if (!visited.has(link.targetId)) { const nextNode = this.findNodeById(link.targetId) as SemanticNode; if (!nextNode) continue; const stepReasoning = { from: currentId, to: link.targetId, reasoning: `Connected via ${link.relationship} relationship`, confidence: link.similarity }; await dfs( link.targetId, [...path, link.targetId], [...reasoning, stepReasoning], depth + 1 ); } } visited.delete(currentId); }; await dfs(startNodeId, [startNodeId], [], 0); return paths.sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence); } trackTemporalEvolution(nodeId: string): void { const node = this.findNodeById(nodeId) as SemanticNode; if (!node) throw new Error(`Node ${nodeId} not found`); let evolution = this.temporalEvolutionMap.get(nodeId); if (!evolution) { evolution = { nodeId, timestamps: [], confidenceHistory: [], stateTransitions: [] }; this.temporalEvolutionMap.set(nodeId, evolution); } // Record current state evolution.timestamps.push(new Date()); evolution.confidenceHistory.push(node.confidence); // Check for state transitions const currentState = node.evolutionState; const lastTransition = evolution.stateTransitions[evolution.stateTransitions.length - 1]; if (!lastTransition || !== currentState) { evolution.stateTransitions.push({ from: lastTransition?.to || 'initial', to: currentState, timestamp: new Date(), reason: this.determineTransitionReason(node) }); } // Update temporal score based on evolution history node.temporalScore = this.calculateTemporalScore(evolution); } private findNodeById(nodeId: string): SemanticNode | undefined { for (const branch of this.getAllBranches()) { const enhancedBranch = branch as EnhancedBranch; const node = enhancedBranch.nodes.find(n => === nodeId); if (node) return node as SemanticNode; } return undefined; } private determineTransitionReason(node: SemanticNode): string { // Implement logic to determine why a state transition occurred // This could be based on confidence changes, contradictions, etc. return "State transition based on updated evidence and confidence"; } private calculateTemporalScore(evolution: TemporalEvolution): number { const recentConfidence = evolution.confidenceHistory.slice(-5); const trend = recentConfidence.reduce((acc, conf, i) => { return acc + conf * Math.exp(-0.2 * (recentConfidence.length - i - 1)); }, 0) / recentConfidence.length; const stateStability = 1 - (evolution.stateTransitions.length / evolution.timestamps.length); return (trend * 0.7 + stateStability * 0.3); } async analyzeBranch(branchId: string): Promise<AnalyticsData> { const branch = this.getBranch(branchId); if (!branch) { throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); } return this.analyticsEngine.generateBranchAnalytics(branch); } public async detectBranchBias(branchId: string): Promise<BiasAnalysis[]> { const branch = this.getBranch(branchId) as EnhancedBranch; if (!branch) throw new Error(`Branch ${branchId} not found`); return [...(await this.biasDetector.detectBias(branch.nodes))]; } }