Filesystem MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Filesystem MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides filesystem operations for Claude AI.


This MCP server provides the following filesystem operations:

  1. read_file: Read complete contents of a file
    • Input: path (string)
    • Reads complete file contents with UTF-8 encoding
  2. read_multiple_files: Read multiple files simultaneously
    • Input: paths (string[])
    • Failed reads won't stop the entire operation
  3. write_file: Create new file or overwrite existing
    • Inputs:
      • path (string): File location
      • content (string): File content
  4. create_directory: Create new directory or ensure it exists
    • Input: path (string)
    • Creates parent directories if needed
    • Succeeds silently if directory exists
  5. list_directory: List directory contents with [FILE] or [DIR] prefixes
    • Input: path (string)
  6. move_file: Move or rename files and directories
    • Inputs:
      • source (string)
      • destination (string)
    • Fails if destination exists
  7. search_files: Recursively search for files/directories
    • Inputs:
      • path (string): Starting directory
      • pattern (string): Search pattern
    • Case-insensitive matching
    • Returns full paths to matches
  8. get_file_info: Get detailed file/directory metadata
    • Input: path (string)
    • Returns:
      • Size
      • Creation time
      • Modified time
      • Access time
      • Type (file/directory)
      • Permissions
  9. list_allowed_directories: List all directories the server is allowed to access
    • No input required
    • Returns directories that this server can read/write from


The server only allows operations within directories specified via command-line arguments.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Build the project: npm run build


Run the server with one or more allowed directories:

node build/index.js /path/to/allowed/dir1 /path/to/allowed/dir2

MCP Configuration

Add the server to your MCP configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "filesystem-server": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/filesystem-server/build/index.js", "/path/to/allowed/dir1", "/path/to/allowed/dir2" ], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } }



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that allows Claude AI to perform filesystem operations including reading, writing, listing, moving files, and searching directories within specified allowed paths.

  1. Features
    1. Security
      1. Installation
        1. Usage
          1. MCP Configuration
            1. License