
# [0.9.0]( (2024-12-11) ### Features * add Claude config file handling for Windows and macOS ([65b3ac3]( # [0.8.0]( (2024-12-04) ### Features * **playwright:** add text-based interaction tools ([75ab511]( ## [0.7.2]( (2024-12-04) ### Bug Fixes * **handleToolCall:** make handleToolCall functions that interact with elements retry in the case that strict mode violations are encountered ([579744b]( ## [0.7.1]( (2024-12-04) ### Bug Fixes * update ensureBrowser function to be more resilient in case browser/page is closed during chat ([1886924]( # [0.7.0]( (2024-12-04) ### Features * **server:** make tool call result spec compatible ([13141ba](