MCP Browser Use Server

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import logging import subprocess import requests from playwright.async_api import ( Browser as PlaywrightBrowser, BrowserContext as PlaywrightBrowserContext, Playwright, async_playwright, ) from browser_use.browser.browser import Browser from browser_use.browser.context import BrowserContext, BrowserContextConfig from mcp_browser_use.browser.config import BrowserPersistenceConfig from mcp_browser_use.browser.custom_context import CustomBrowserContext logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CustomBrowser(Browser): """ CustomBrowser extends the base Browser to handle multiple scenarios: - Connect to a remote browser via WSS URL. - Reuse or start a local Chrome instance with remote debugging port (CDP). - Launch a headless/non-headless Chromium instance if no path/wss_url is specified. """ async def new_context( self, config: BrowserContextConfig = BrowserContextConfig() ) -> CustomBrowserContext: """ Create a new CustomBrowserContext using this browser instance. """ return CustomBrowserContext(config=config, browser=self) async def _setup_browser(self, playwright: Playwright) -> PlaywrightBrowser: """ Sets up and returns a Playwright Browser instance, handling the following: 1. If wss_url is configured, connect to that remote browser. 2. If chrome_instance_path is set, attempt to connect to an existing local Chrome instance on port 9222 or launch a new one if it's not running. 3. Otherwise, launch a new Chromium instance (headless or non-headless). :param playwright: The Playwright instance. :return: A connected or newly launched PlaywrightBrowser. :raises RuntimeError: If unable to connect to or launch a local Chrome instance. :raises Exception: If fails to initialize for any other reason. """ # 1) If there's a WebSocket endpoint, connect to remote browser if self.config.wss_url:"Connecting to remote browser via WSS: {self.config.wss_url}") browser = await playwright.chromium.connect(self.config.wss_url) return browser # 2) If a local Chrome binary path is set, try to connect or launch elif self.config.chrome_instance_path: return await self._connect_or_launch_local_chrome(playwright) # 3) Otherwise, launch a new Chromium instance in headless/non-headless mode try: # BECARFUL: This is a list of arguments that can be used to disable security features disable_security_args = [] if self.config.disable_security: disable_security_args = [ "--disable-web-security", "--disable-site-isolation-trials", "--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process", ] default_args = [ "--no-sandbox", "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled", "--disable-infobars", "--disable-background-timer-throttling", "--disable-popup-blocking", "--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows", "--disable-renderer-backgrounding", "--disable-window-activation", "--disable-focus-on-load", "--no-first-run", "--no-default-browser-check", "--no-startup-window", "--window-position=0,0", ] logger.debug("Launching Chromium browser with default arguments.") browser = await playwright.chromium.launch( headless=self.config.headless, args=default_args + disable_security_args + self.config.extra_chromium_args, proxy=self.config.proxy, )"Successfully launched new Chromium instance.") return browser except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to initialize Playwright browser: {str(e)}") raise async def _connect_or_launch_local_chrome( self, playwright: Playwright ) -> PlaywrightBrowser: """ Attempt to connect to an existing Chrome instance on http://localhost:9222. If no instance is found, start a new one from self.config.chrome_instance_path, then retry up to 10 times to connect via CDP. :param playwright: The active Playwright instance. :return: A PlaywrightBrowser object once connected. :raises RuntimeError: If we fail to connect or start a new Chrome instance. """ # Attempt connecting to an existing Chrome instance try: response = requests.get("http://localhost:9222/json/version", timeout=2) if response.status_code == 200:"Reusing existing Chrome instance on port 9222.") browser = await playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp( endpoint_url="http://localhost:9222", timeout=20000, ) return browser except requests.ConnectionError: logger.debug("No existing Chrome instance found on port 9222.") # Start a new Chrome instance in the background f"Starting a new Chrome instance from {self.config.chrome_instance_path}..." ) subprocess.Popen( [ self.config.chrome_instance_path, "--remote-debugging-port=9222", ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) # Retry connecting for up to 10 seconds (1s intervals) for attempt in range(10): try: response = requests.get("http://localhost:9222/json/version", timeout=2) if response.status_code == 200: logger.debug(f"Chrome instance detected on attempt {attempt+1}.") break except requests.ConnectionError: pass logger.debug(f"Waiting for Chrome to start... (attempt {attempt+1}/10)") await asyncio.sleep(1) # Attempt final connect try: browser = await playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp( endpoint_url="http://localhost:9222", # 20 second timeout timeout=20000, )"Successfully connected to the new Chrome instance via CDP.") return browser except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to start/connect to new Chrome instance: {str(e)}") raise RuntimeError( "Could not connect to local Chrome on port 9222. " "Close all existing Chrome instances or check your debugging port setup." )