MCP Browser Use Server

# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - openaiApiKey - anthropicApiKey - mcpModelProvider - mcpModelName properties: openaiApiKey: type: string description: API key for OpenAI services. anthropicApiKey: type: string description: API key for Anthropic services. googleApiKey: type: string description: API key for Google services (optional). azureOpenaiEndpoint: type: string description: Azure OpenAI endpoint (optional). azureOpenaiApiKey: type: string description: Azure OpenAI API key (optional). chromePath: type: string description: Path to Chrome executable (optional). chromeUserData: type: string description: Path to Chrome user data directory (optional). chromeDebuggingPort: type: string default: "9222" description: Chrome debugging port. Default is 9222. chromeDebuggingHost: type: string default: localhost description: Chrome debugging host. Default is localhost. chromePersistentSession: type: boolean default: false description: Keep browser open between tasks. mcpModelProvider: type: string description: Model provider (e.g., anthropic, openai). mcpModelName: type: string description: Model name. mcpTemperature: type: number default: 0.3 description: Model temperature. mcpMaxSteps: type: number default: 30 description: Max steps for model. mcpUseVision: type: boolean default: true description: Use vision capabilities. mcpMaxActionsPerStep: type: number default: 5 description: Max actions per step. commandFunction: # A function that produces the CLI command to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({ command: 'uv', args: ['run', 'mcp-browser-use'], env: { OPENAI_API_KEY: config.openaiApiKey, ANTHROPIC_API_KEY: config.anthropicApiKey, GOOGLE_API_KEY: config.googleApiKey, AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT: config.azureOpenaiEndpoint, AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY: config.azureOpenaiApiKey, CHROME_PATH: config.chromePath, CHROME_USER_DATA: config.chromeUserData, CHROME_DEBUGGING_PORT: config.chromeDebuggingPort || '9222', CHROME_DEBUGGING_HOST: config.chromeDebuggingHost || 'localhost', CHROME_PERSISTENT_SESSION: config.chromePersistentSession, MCP_MODEL_PROVIDER: config.mcpModelProvider, MCP_MODEL_NAME: config.mcpModelName, MCP_TEMPERATURE: config.mcpTemperature || 0.3, MCP_MAX_STEPS: config.mcpMaxSteps || 30, MCP_USE_VISION: config.mcpUseVision, MCP_MAX_ACTIONS_PER_STEP: config.mcpMaxActionsPerStep || 5 } })