Astra DB MCP Server

import { build } from "esbuild"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { dirname, resolve } from "path"; import fs from "fs"; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); // Check if watch mode is enabled const isWatch = process.argv.includes("--watch"); // Check if production mode is enabled const isProd = process.argv.includes("--prod"); const buildOptions = { entryPoints: ["index.ts"], bundle: true, platform: "node", target: "node18", format: "esm", outfile: "build/index.js", banner: { js: "#!/usr/bin/env node", }, external: [ // External packages that should not be bundled "@datastax/astra-db-ts", "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk", "jsonschema", "dotenv", ], minify: isProd, sourcemap: !isProd, logLevel: "info", }; async function runBuild() { try { if (isWatch) { // Watch mode const ctx = await build({ ...buildOptions, watch: { onRebuild(error, result) { if (error) { console.error("Watch build failed:", error); } else { // Make the output file executable fs.chmodSync("build/index.js", "755"); console.log( "Watch build succeeded:", new Date().toLocaleTimeString() ); } }, }, }); // Make the output file executable after initial build fs.chmodSync("build/index.js", "755"); console.log("Watch mode started, waiting for changes..."); // Keep the process running process.stdin.on("close", () => { ctx.stop(); process.exit(0); }); } else { // One-time build await build(buildOptions); // Make the output file executable fs.chmodSync("build/index.js", "755"); console.log( `Build completed successfully in ${ isProd ? "production" : "development" } mode!` ); } } catch (error) { console.error("Build failed:", error); process.exit(1); } } runBuild();