Azure OpenAI

  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { ListResourcesRequestSchema, ReadResourceRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, CallToolRequestSchema, ErrorCode, McpError, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import * as k8s from "@kubernetes/client-node"; import * as child_process from "child_process"; import { ContainerTemplate, ResourceTracker, PortForwardTracker, WatchTracker, } from "./types.js"; class KubernetesManager { private resources: ResourceTracker[] = []; private portForwards: PortForwardTracker[] = []; private watches: WatchTracker[] = []; private kc: k8s.KubeConfig; private k8sApi: k8s.CoreV1Api; private k8sAppsApi: k8s.AppsV1Api; constructor() { this.kc = new k8s.KubeConfig(); this.kc.loadFromDefault(); this.k8sApi = this.kc.makeApiClient(k8s.CoreV1Api); this.k8sAppsApi = this.kc.makeApiClient(k8s.AppsV1Api); // process.on("SIGINT", () => this.cleanup()); // process.on("SIGTERM", () => this.cleanup()); } async cleanup() { console.log("Cleaning up resources..."); // Stop port forwards // for (const pf of this.portForwards) { // try { // await pf.server.stop(); // } catch (error) { // console.error(`Failed to close port-forward ${}:`, error); // } // } // Stop watches for (const watch of { watch.abort.abort(); } // Delete tracked resources in reverse order for (const resource of [...this.resources].reverse()) { try { await this.deleteResource( resource.kind,, resource.namespace ); } catch (error) { console.error( `Failed to delete ${resource.kind} ${}:`, error ); } } } trackResource(kind: string, name: string, namespace: string) { this.resources.push({ kind, name, namespace, createdAt: new Date() }); } async deleteResource(kind: string, name: string, namespace: string) { switch (kind.toLowerCase()) { case "pod": await this.k8sApi.deleteNamespacedPod(name, namespace); break; case "deployment": await this.k8sAppsApi.deleteNamespacedDeployment(name, namespace); break; case "service": await this.k8sApi.deleteNamespacedService(name, namespace); break; } this.resources = this.resources.filter( (r) => !(r.kind === kind && === name && r.namespace === namespace) ); } trackPortForward(pf: PortForwardTracker) { this.portForwards.push(pf); } getPortForward(id: string) { return this.portForwards.find((p) => === id); } removePortForward(id: string) { this.portForwards = this.portForwards.filter((p) => !== id); } trackWatch(watch: WatchTracker) {; } getKubeConfig() { return this.kc; } getCoreApi() { return this.k8sApi; } getAppsApi() { return this.k8sAppsApi; } } const k8sManager = new KubernetesManager(); // Template configurations with health checks and resource limits const containerTemplates: Record<string, k8s.V1Container> = { ubuntu: { name: "main", image: "ubuntu:latest", command: ["/bin/bash"], args: ["-c", "sleep infinity"], resources: { limits: { cpu: "200m", memory: "256Mi", }, requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "128Mi", }, }, livenessProbe: { exec: { command: ["cat", "/proc/1/status"], }, initialDelaySeconds: 5, periodSeconds: 10, }, }, nginx: { name: "main", image: "nginx:latest", ports: [{ containerPort: 80 }], resources: { limits: { cpu: "200m", memory: "256Mi", }, requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "128Mi", }, }, livenessProbe: { httpGet: { path: "/", port: 80, }, initialDelaySeconds: 5, periodSeconds: 10, }, readinessProbe: { httpGet: { path: "/", port: 80, }, initialDelaySeconds: 2, periodSeconds: 5, }, }, busybox: { name: "main", image: "busybox:latest", command: ["sh"], args: ["-c", "sleep infinity"], resources: { limits: { cpu: "100m", memory: "64Mi", }, requests: { cpu: "50m", memory: "32Mi", }, }, livenessProbe: { exec: { command: ["true"], }, periodSeconds: 10, }, }, alpine: { name: "main", image: "alpine:latest", command: ["sh"], args: ["-c", "sleep infinity"], resources: { limits: { cpu: "100m", memory: "64Mi", }, requests: { cpu: "50m", memory: "32Mi", }, }, livenessProbe: { exec: { command: ["true"], }, periodSeconds: 10, }, }, }; const server = new Server( { name: "kubernetes", version: "0.1.0", }, { capabilities: { resources: {}, tools: {}, }, } ); // Tools handlers server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => { return { tools: [ { name: "list_pods", description: "List pods in a namespace", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { namespace: { type: "string", default: "default" }, }, required: ["namespace"], }, }, { name: "list_deployments", description: "List deployments in a namespace", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { namespace: { type: "string", default: "default" }, }, required: ["namespace"], }, }, { name: "list_services", description: "List services in a namespace", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { namespace: { type: "string", default: "default" }, }, required: ["namespace"], }, }, { name: "list_namespaces", description: "List all namespaces", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, { name: "create_pod", description: "Create a new Kubernetes pod", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string" }, namespace: { type: "string" }, template: { type: "string", enum: ["ubuntu", "nginx", "busybox", "alpine"], }, command: { type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, optional: true, }, }, required: ["name", "namespace", "template"], }, }, { name: "create_deployment", description: "Create a new Kubernetes deployment", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string" }, namespace: { type: "string" }, template: { type: "string", enum: ["ubuntu", "nginx", "busybox", "alpine"], }, replicas: { type: "number", default: 1 }, ports: { type: "array", items: { type: "number" }, optional: true, }, }, required: ["name", "namespace", "template"], }, }, { name: "delete_pod", description: "Delete a Kubernetes pod", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string" }, namespace: { type: "string" }, ignoreNotFound: { type: "boolean", default: false }, }, required: ["name", "namespace"], }, }, { name: "cleanup", description: "Cleanup all managed resources", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, ], }; }); server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { try { const { name } = request.params; const input = request.params.arguments; switch (name) { case "list_pods": { const listPodsInput = input as { namespace?: string }; const namespace = listPodsInput.namespace || "default"; const { body } = await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .listNamespacedPod(namespace); const pods = => ({ name: pod.metadata?.name || "", namespace: pod.metadata?.namespace || "", status: pod.status?.phase, createdAt: pod.metadata?.creationTimestamp, })); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ pods }, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_deployments": { const listDeploymentsInput = input as { namespace?: string }; const namespace = listDeploymentsInput.namespace || "default"; const { body } = await k8sManager .getAppsApi() .listNamespacedDeployment(namespace); const deployments = => ({ name: deployment.metadata?.name || "", namespace: deployment.metadata?.namespace || "", replicas: deployment.spec?.replicas || 0, availableReplicas: deployment.status?.availableReplicas || 0, createdAt: deployment.metadata?.creationTimestamp, })); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ deployments }, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_services": { const listServicesInput = input as { namespace?: string }; const namespace = listServicesInput.namespace || "default"; const { body } = await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .listNamespacedService(namespace); const services = => ({ name: service.metadata?.name || "", namespace: service.metadata?.namespace || "", type: service.spec?.type, clusterIP: service.spec?.clusterIP, ports: service.spec?.ports || [], createdAt: service.metadata?.creationTimestamp, })); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ services }, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_namespaces": { const { body } = await k8sManager.getCoreApi().listNamespace(); const namespaces = => ({ name: ns.metadata?.name || "", status: ns.status?.phase || "", createdAt: ns.metadata?.creationTimestamp, })); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ namespaces }, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "create_pod": { console.error("calling create_pod"); console.error(input); console.error(request); const createPodInput = input as { name: string; namespace: string; template: string; command?: string[]; }; const templateConfig = containerTemplates[createPodInput.template]; const pod: k8s.V1Pod = { apiVersion: "v1", kind: "Pod", metadata: { name:, namespace: createPodInput.namespace, labels: { "mcp-managed": "true", app:, }, }, spec: { containers: [ { ...templateConfig, ...(createPodInput.command && { command: createPodInput.command, }), }, ], }, }; const { body } = await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .createNamespacedPod(createPodInput.namespace, pod); k8sManager.trackResource( "Pod",, createPodInput.namespace ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { podName: body.metadata!.name!, status: "created", }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } case "delete_pod": { const deletePodInput = input as { name: string; namespace: string; ignoreNotFound?: boolean; }; try { await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .deleteNamespacedPod(, deletePodInput.namespace); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { success: true, status: "deleted", }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { if ( deletePodInput.ignoreNotFound && error.response?.statusCode === 404 ) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { success: true, status: "not_found", }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } throw error; } } case "cleanup": { await k8sManager.cleanup(); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify( { success: true, }, null, 2 ), }, ], }; } default: throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Unknown tool: ${name}`); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof McpError) throw error; throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Tool execution failed: ${error}` ); } }); // Resources handlers server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => { return { resources: [ { uri: "k8s://default/pods", name: "Kubernetes Pods", mimeType: "application/json", description: "List of pods in the default namespace", }, { uri: "k8s://default/deployments", name: "Kubernetes Deployments", mimeType: "application/json", description: "List of deployments in the default namespace", }, { uri: "k8s://default/services", name: "Kubernetes Services", mimeType: "application/json", description: "List of services in the default namespace", }, { uri: "k8s://namespaces", name: "Kubernetes Namespaces", mimeType: "application/json", description: "List of all namespaces", }, ], }; }); server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => { try { const uri = request.params.uri; const parts = uri.replace("k8s://", "").split("/"); if (parts[0] === "namespaces" && parts.length === 1) { const { body } = await k8sManager.getCoreApi().listNamespace(); return { contents: [ { uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(body.items, null, 2), }, ], }; } const [namespace, resourceType] = parts; switch (resourceType) { case "pods": { const { body } = await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .listNamespacedPod(namespace); return { contents: [ { uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(body.items, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "deployments": { const { body } = await k8sManager .getAppsApi() .listNamespacedDeployment(namespace); return { contents: [ { uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(body.items, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "services": { const { body } = await k8sManager .getCoreApi() .listNamespacedService(namespace); return { contents: [ { uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(body.items, null, 2), }, ], }; } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Unsupported resource type: ${resourceType}` ); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof McpError) throw error; throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to read resource: ${error}` ); } }); const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"].forEach((signal) => { process.on(signal, async () => { console.log(`Received ${signal}, shutting down...`); await server.close(); process.exit(0); }); });