Things MCP Server

by hald

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.


No arguments



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

get-todosGet todos from Things, optionally filtered by project
get-projectsGet all projects from Things
get-areasGet all areas from Things
get-inboxGet todos from Inbox
get-todayGet todos due today
get-upcomingGet upcoming todos
get-anytimeGet todos from Anytime list
get-somedayGet todos from Someday list
get-logbookGet completed todos from Logbook
get-trashGet trashed todos
get-tagsGet all tags
get-tagged-itemsGet items with a specific tag
search-todosSearch todos by title or notes
search-advancedAdvanced todo search with multiple filters
get-recentGet recently created items
add-todoCreate a new todo in Things
add-projectCreate a new project in Things
update-todoUpdate an existing todo in Things
update-projectUpdate an existing project in Things
show-itemShow a specific item or list in Things
search-itemsSearch for items in Things