Things MCP Server

by hald

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Things MCP Server

This Model Context Protocol (MCP) server lets you use Claude Desktop to interact with your task management data in Things app. You can ask Claude to create tasks, analyze projects, help manage priorities, and more.

This server leverages the library and the Things URL Scheme.


  • Access to all major Things lists (Inbox, Today, Upcoming, etc.)
  • Project and area management
  • Tag operations
  • Advanced search capabilities
  • Recent items tracking
  • Detailed item information including checklists
  • Support for nested data (projects within areas, todos within projects)

Installation (for Claude Desktop)

  1. Prerequisites
  • Python 3.12+
  • Claude Desktop
  • Things 3 ("Enable Things URLs" must be turned on in Settings -> General)
  1. Install uv if you haven't already:
curl -LsSf | sh

Resart your terminal afterwards.

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Install the required Python packages:
cd things-mcp uv venv uv pip install -r pyproject.toml
  1. Edit the Claude Desktop configuration file:
code ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Add the Things server to the mcpServers key to the configuration file (be sure to update the path to the folder where you installed these files):

{ "mcpServers": { "things": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/PARENT/FOLDER/things-mcp", "run", "" ] } } }

Restart the Claude Desktop app.

Sample Usage with Claude Desktop

  • "What's on my todo list today?"
  • "Create a todo to pack for my beach vacation next week, include a packling checklist."
  • "Evaluate my current todos using the Eisenhower matrix."
  • "Help me conduct a GTD-style weekly review using Things."


  • Create a project in Claude with custom instructions that explains how you use Things and organize areas, projects, tags, etc. Tell Claude what information you want included when it creates a new task (eg asking it to include relevant details in the task description might be helpful).
  • Try adding another MCP server that gives Claude access to your calendar. This will let you ask Claude to block time on your calendar for specific tasks, create todos from upcoming calendar events (eg prep for a meeting), etc.

Available Tools

List Views

  • get-inbox - Get todos from Inbox
  • get-today - Get todos due today
  • get-upcoming - Get upcoming todos
  • get-anytime - Get todos from Anytime list
  • get-someday - Get todos from Someday list
  • get-logbook - Get completed todos
  • get-trash - Get trashed todos

Basic Operations

  • get-todos - Get todos, optionally filtered by project
  • get-projects - Get all projects
  • get-areas - Get all areas

Tag Operations

  • get-tags - Get all tags
  • get-tagged-items - Get items with a specific tag

Search Operations

  • search-todos - Simple search by title/notes
  • search-advanced - Advanced search with multiple filters

Time-based Operations

  • get-recent - Get recently created items

Tool Parameters


  • project_uuid (optional) - Filter todos by project
  • include_items (optional, default: true) - Include checklist items

get-projects / get-areas / get-tags

  • include_items (optional, default: false) - Include contained items


  • status - Filter by status (incomplete/completed/canceled)
  • start_date - Filter by start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • deadline - Filter by deadline (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • tag - Filter by tag
  • area - Filter by area UUID
  • type - Filter by item type (to-do/project/heading)


  • period - Time period (e.g., '3d', '1w', '2m', '1y')


The server includes error handling for:

  • Invalid UUIDs
  • Missing required parameters
  • Things database access errors
  • Data formatting errors

All errors are logged and returned with descriptive messages. To review the MCP logs from Claude Desktop, run this in the Terminal:

# Follow logs in real-time tail -n 20 -f ~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Enables interaction with the Things app through Claude Desktop, allowing task creation, project analysis, and priority management using natural language commands.

  1. Features
    1. Installation (for Claude Desktop)
      1. Sample Usage with Claude Desktop
      2. Available Tools
    2. Tool Parameters
      1. get-todos
      2. get-projects / get-areas / get-tags
      3. search-advanced
      4. get-recent
    3. Troubleshooting