Tesla MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Connects to the Tesla Fleet API to retrieve vehicle information and control Tesla vehicles, providing functionality to wake up vehicles from sleep mode and get detailed vehicle information

Tesla MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that connects to the Tesla Fleet API, allowing you to control your Tesla vehicle using Claude and other AI assistants that support MCP.


  • Wake up vehicles: Wake up your Tesla from sleep mode
  • Vehicle information: Get detailed information about your Tesla vehicles
  • Real-time updates: Refresh vehicle data on demand
  • Debugging tools: Access detailed vehicle information to help with troubleshooting


  • Node.js 18+
  • pnpm (preferred) or npm
  • Tesla account with at least one vehicle
  • Tesla API credentials (Client ID and Client Secret)
  • Ngrok (for development and registration)

Security Best Practices

This project handles sensitive Tesla API credentials. Please follow these security practices:

  • Never commit credentials: The .gitignore file excludes .env and keys/ but always double-check
  • Use the security checker: Run ./check-secrets.sh before committing to detect potentially leaked credentials
  • Protect your private keys: Keep the contents of the keys/ directory secure
  • Review code before sharing: Make sure no credentials are hardcoded in any source files

When forking or sharing this project:

  1. Make sure the .env file is not included
  2. Check that no private keys are committed
  3. Verify the .gitignore file is properly set up

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/tesla-mcp.git cd tesla-mcp
  2. Install dependencies
    pnpm install
  3. Set up environment variables Create a .env file in the root directory:
    TESLA_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id TESLA_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret TESLA_REFRESH_TOKEN=your_refresh_token
  4. Get a refresh token (if you don't have one)
    pnpm get-token
  5. Register your application with Tesla's API
    pnpm register
    Follow the instructions provided by the script
  6. Build the server
    pnpm build
  7. Run the server
    pnpm start

Authentication & Registration

This project uses the official Tesla Fleet API OAuth 2.0 authentication flow to securely connect to your Tesla account. The full process involves two steps:

  1. Authentication: Obtaining a refresh token through the OAuth 2.0 flow
  2. Registration: Registering your application with Tesla via the Partner Accounts API


Authentication requires:

  • Client ID and Client Secret from the Tesla Developer Portal
  • A refresh token obtained through the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow

The included pnpm get-token utility simplifies this process by:

  • Opening a browser for you to log in with your Tesla account credentials
  • Performing the OAuth PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) flow
  • Exchanging the authorization code for refresh and access tokens
  • Storing the refresh token in your .env file


The Tesla Fleet API requires applications to be registered before they can access vehicle data. The registration server (pnpm register) automates this process:

  • Generates the required EC key pair
  • Uses ngrok to create a temporary public URL for development
  • Hosts the public key at the required path
  • Handles the registration API call with Tesla

Ngrok Setup (Required for Registration)

  1. Install ngrok from ngrok.com/download
  2. Create a free account at ngrok.com
  3. Get your auth token from the ngrok dashboard
  4. Authenticate ngrok:
    ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN

Available MCP Tools

The server provides the following tools that Claude can use:

  • wake_up: Wakes up a Tesla vehicle from sleep mode
    • Takes vehicle_id as a required parameter
    • Returns the current state of the vehicle
  • refresh_vehicles: Refreshes the list of Tesla vehicles
    • No parameters required
    • Updates the internal cache of vehicles
  • debug_vehicles: Shows detailed information about available vehicles
    • No parameters required
    • Returns ID, vehicle_id, VIN, and state information

Setting Up Claude to Use the MCP Server

  1. Create the Claude configuration directory:
    mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude
  2. Create or edit the configuration file:
    nano ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  3. Add the following configuration (adjust the path as needed):
    { "mcpServers": { "tesla-mcp-server": { "command": "/absolute/path/to/tesla-mcp/run-mcp.js" } } }
  4. Make the run-mcp.js script executable:
    chmod +x run-mcp.js
  5. Restart Claude completely

Using the MCP Server with Claude

Once the server is running and Claude is configured, you can ask Claude to:

  • "What Tesla vehicles do I have?"
  • "Can you wake up my Tesla?"
  • "Show me debug information about my Tesla vehicles"


If you encounter issues:

Environment Variables

  • Ensure your .env file contains valid credentials
  • Run pnpm get-token to refresh your token if needed

Server Connection

  • Check that the server is running (pnpm start)
  • Verify Claude's configuration points to the correct file path

Vehicle Connectivity

  • Vehicle might be offline or asleep
  • Try waking up the vehicle first with the wake_up command

Debug Mode

  • Use the debug_vehicles command to get detailed information about your vehicles
  • Check the server logs in the terminal where you're running the MCP server

Command Line Tools

The server includes several helpful scripts:

  • pnpm build: Compile the TypeScript code
  • pnpm start: Run the server using the run-mcp.js script
  • pnpm register: Register your app with Tesla's API
  • pnpm get-token: Get a refresh token from Tesla
  • pnpm test-api: Test your connection to the Tesla API
  • pnpm inspector: Run the server with the MCP Inspector for debugging

API Limitations

As of 2023-10-09, Tesla has deprecated many vehicle command endpoints in their REST API. Commands like honking the horn now require the Tesla Vehicle Command Protocol instead of the REST API. This MCP server currently supports only REST API endpoints that remain functional.

Future Enhancements

Possible future improvements include:

  • Integration with Tesla's Vehicle Command Protocol for additional commands
  • Support for more vehicle information endpoints
  • User interface for configuration and monitoring


MIT License

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

A Model Context Protocol server that connects to the Tesla Fleet API, allowing AI assistants like Claude to control Tesla vehicles and access vehicle information through natural language commands.

  1. Features
    1. Requirements
      1. Security Best Practices
        1. Quick Start
          1. Authentication & Registration
            1. Authentication
              1. Registration
                1. Ngrok Setup (Required for Registration)
              2. Available MCP Tools
                1. Setting Up Claude to Use the MCP Server
                  1. Using the MCP Server with Claude
                    1. Troubleshooting
                      1. Environment Variables
                        1. Server Connection
                          1. Vehicle Connectivity
                            1. Debug Mode
                            2. Command Line Tools
                              1. API Limitations
                                1. Future Enhancements
                                  1. License